Question about exposed

This is a quick thread about the status effects but. Would Exposed be OP if it applied to all attacks that being
Huntress hatchet
pigs ambush
legion feral frenzy
plague corrupt purge
demogorgon shred
Pyramid heads punishment of the dammed
blights lethal rush
victors pounce
Tricksters blades
nemesis tentacles
artist crows
it sounds op and strong as ######### but with the way the game is now with COH and the high MMR with killers would it hurt to make exposed work on all attacks or would it not fix anything?
Are you asking if making all of those attacks one-hits would be OP?
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Yeah it’s not a joke yes it sounds overpowered and it is but with the way everyone is talking about the killer side right now this would kind of fix it a little. Probably not it’s probably a terrible idea but I wanted to hear what would everyone think of it
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Trickster’s Blades is the only one that stands out as blatantly OP. I’d be ok with the others, provided a NOED nerf or rework.
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Basically an example let’s say I’m nemesis someone is infected by T Virus and there exposed if you hit them with tentacle strike they go down in one hit.
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I would also change some killer powers to work with the new exposed like trickster I wouldn’t make him a tunneling machine I would make him a spread pressure killer
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Then the answer is yes.
It would be very OP.
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Yes (imo)
Depends on the map
Absolutely yes
Victory doesn't work like that
Can't say for sure, but most likely yes.
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Victor actually does activate perks I ran blood favor on twins and when I downed a survivor with Victor the pallets were blocked
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I think this would be really overpowered tbh and definitely not necessary. The Exposed status effect already gives an insta down with an M1 attack to be able to us it on something like Tricksters knives would be awful from both sides - too easy as a killer and very dull as a survivor.
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Not sure
Uhh... maybe?
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I’m thinking all of those would be kind of overpowered if they could instant down people when an Exposed perk procs. There’s a reason they made it basic attacks.
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Huntress hatchet?
Why do you think everyone complained about iri head?
Pigs ambush
It's a maybe on this one.
Legion feral frenzy
Why do you think it cannot down people without an add-on? It has literally zero counterplay
Plague corrupt purge
Literally the best ranged power in the game????
Demogorgon shred
Most likely.
Pyramid Heads POTD
Blights lethal rush
Victors pounce
Tricksters blades
Please tell me this is satire.
Nemesis tentacles
Almost certainly.
Artist crows
There's a reason they don't trigger exposed. There's a reason iri head has such a drawback to it.
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Yeah on the nemesis thing i remember seeing suggestions if hes already in tier 3 for the tentacle to injure as well as infect. Id go for that over allowing it to work on exposed lol. He needs a buff but not that much.
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I mean honestly if I was on survivor in any of those matches the only one that looks broken to me would be Trickster blades. Everything else seems reasonable. Exposed as a status effect is already pretty limited and with certain specifications that need to be met. Almost all those have decent counter play as well.
We already don't really see any of the Exposed perks ran in the meta anyway.
The only outlier I would mention here that is an issue for sure is this interaction with NOED, there would need to be some kind of change here.
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thats just the broken status effect.
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Imagine instakilling daggers on Trickster. But i think they could consider it on an individual situation. On Pig and Pyramid Head i think it would be great because the m2s are hard to hit, maybe even on demogorgon.
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With trickster im hoping you mean you need to take one health state and not one knife to instadown
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hell no I mean if a survivor is exposed you have to hit them 6 times to down them. One would be way to strong
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i was about to say lmao
flashbacks to when blood favor counted as one knife hit
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I’m not that mean. I should clarify some stuff real quick
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For people confused on some of the killers here’s how it would trigger
vile purge doesn’t work on exposed only corrupt purge
trickster needs to hit a exposed survivor 6 times with his blades to down them
nemesis needs to infect someone first then if there exposed one tentacle strike will down them only if there infected
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1 knife instant down, he would be one the best killers in the game
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I think its probably fair imo. It would certainly make the twins more viable.
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And it would increase the meta people would run starstruck, make your choice and more exposed perks cause now they work on any attack
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Well, it'd be interesting if exposed sped up debuff buildup on survivors.