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How is this fair for Killers? Look at this BS!

Not my video. No wonder Killers are taking a long break or quitting the game entirely.
This video has been posted already multiple times, it's 5 gens, the survivor basically used all the snowmen in the map (keep in mind they do not respawn if you get hit while inside them) and the real issue there is the Huntress missing most shots, Steve would've reached the loops no matter the snowmen.
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If anything, the animation of entering the snowman shows how much distance he was sacrificing - and for nothing. IF he had looped normally he'd have likely made much more distance. This isnt showing the snowmen as some OP boogeymen. Its showing a bad killer (no offence) playing against a survivor thats outplaying them.
This clip might prove more regarding matchmaking than snowmen...
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They respawn no matter what. If not, then they're currently bugged like most of the features in the game.
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So does the huntress hatchets ignore the snowmen if no one's in them? Or do they still absorb the hatchet even if they're empty? Because if they still take the hit, then it doesn't matter if she was "missing shots." He's still clearly capable of playing around them.
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Can you do it? I mean you're already a mod and you're taking a feedback so
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Actual question btw. Does the hatchet still get eaten even if she throws it at an empty snowman? Or if Steve hides behind it instead of inside it, will he still get hit if she throws through it?
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She also made the mistake of hitting them in the back. The survivor always jumps out of the front so if you hit the front they jump into you and lose a lot of the distance they gain.
A huntress hitting the snowman with a hatchet in the face is going to get the folow up hit pretty much instantly unless a pallet is right there to dead hard to.
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She was legit whiffing m1 hits when the snowman wasn't moving and missing Hatchet throws while Steve was running around. Steve would've lost the Huntress earlier if he didn't keep coming to full stops hopping into snowmen waiting for the Huntress to catch up. This is more so a video of poor killer play than it is snowmen being OP.
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So it would protect Steve if he just used it as a hatchet block? That's actually worse than hopping into it, because now it'll respawn.
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I agree it's worse than using a structure, but it's still kind of cheese to randomly put these on the map that can be used as terrain, as well as get out of jail free cards. Let's imagine that the Steve in that video just used them like corners/trees instead of hopping into them. Can we really fault the Huntress at that point for missing all her shots? Or did Steve outplay her at that point by using the snowmen? Because if survivors play that way instead of hopping into them, it's just an RNG shield that the devs added and called an event. It's just shaped like a snowman and can be used as a free hit state.
And frankly isn't fun to deal with as killer.
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I'm sorry and I don't want to turn this thread into a "bash on random huntress player" but I really wouldn't use this specific example to prove your point, the player missed very open shots even before Steve reached any snowmen.
I understand you don't like the mechanic, and it's fair, it's basically impossible to please everyone, but at this point it seems like you are reaching to find issues with the snowmen.
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I wasn't attempting to bash the huntress, sorry. That wasn't the direction I wanted to go. It's just a direct example of how the snowmen can be used in a clearly not intended way that also does put killers at a disadvantage.
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Oh, I didn't mean you were bashing them, I didn't want to bash them myself.
I'm very bad at Huntress myself so I feel them for missing open shots, I just didn't want to keep using them as an example, because that clip doesn't really show the issues you are describing, but just a player who is not too versed in playing Huntress.
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Oh, ok. lol. misunderstanding then.
My point then I was attempting to push was they're now extra random terrain that didn't exist before that you can interact with. Survivors can either hop into them and use them as a get out of jail free card against some killers, and heavily frustrate others.
Like, it completely undermines T3 Myers, Ghostieboy, and Twins. It also causes headaches for Nurse. It's just frustrating that I'm already seeing survivors use them to push playing the game in not chill ways.
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That's right, killer mains! Just idk................ get better at the game???????????????? Just hit the shots???
Never mind snowmen shutting down Twins and removing save the best for last stacks, just git gud! It's supposed to be a very fun event!!! Don't try so hard killer mains!!!!
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Glad I'm playing artist these days. The crow destroys the snowman if they are inside and pass through if empty. meaning whether they inside or hiding behind they got hit.....unless of course one inside and one outside but they screwed either way if that happens.
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STBFL removes the stacks if you hit the obsession just like it gives stacks if you hit someone who is not the obsession.
Please don't make it a Us VS Them discussion, no one here is bashing this or that side, I'm just pointing out that this specific clip doesn't prove the issue.
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For what I've seen so far, people goof around most of the time (not saying there may be some people who specifically sweat to get the perfect snowman to tank a hit and keep going), and a lot of survivors get hit while entering the snowman, injuring or downing them, since the animation is pretty slow.
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I'm pretty sure it actually gives you extra stbfl stacks if you hit a non obsession
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I’ve played the event and it’s really not that crazy. Survivors barely get distance and the snowmen are funny.
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Can you please give your opinion on this ?
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There's nothing in this event for killers. Certainly, nothing like snowmen which give an extra life. An extra chance to survive. Of course they don't like it. They have legitimate gripes daily on here and it seems to me you guys don't care at all and go out of your way to piss them off further. Seems like it's fun and games for one side and the other side be damned.
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What's the point? Before they will fix it, the event will be already over. Hope they're never gonna introduce that mess. I like the concept of snowmans, but it's completely unfair for the killers as every mechanic in the game. Balance before events.
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"it's basically impossible to please everyone"
My personal belief is that this is not a case of "welp, can't please everyone." I very much believe there was a way to incorporate the goofy snowmen for people to enjoy without causing a number of Killers to get upset.
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Why not just make a snowmans good stealth objects and remove completely that hit protection system? Everyone would be happy
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Killers can get into them too: Just do the Hatch close animation, turn the character model invisible (and position indisde the snowman once the animation is finished), give the Killer a UI Overlay, increase Killer snowman movement speed and give the Snowman a Red Stain (But the Killer Undetectable), and have the Exit interaction take a few seconds (Followed of course by the Killer movement sting sound).
This would bring Survivors such joy such as a Killer getting into a Snowman at the start of the Match and Survivors not knowing who the Killer is until they pop out of the Snowman! Surprise Piggy! or Surprise Bubba...
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Good thing i dont take this game seriously
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Tbh that Huntress wasnt doing so hot; I would have aimed at the snowperson instead of at steve, he was clearly faking.
It was likely her first time encountering the snowpeople, and that Steve looked like hes played a few matches already.
This video doesntreally prove anything tbh
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I've never seen a Huntress miss that much. That can't be a real video.
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The event isn't meant to be fun for killers.
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While I do agree that the snowmen benefit survivors too much if they "abuse" them against some killers (particularly Twins), there are killers that can actually benefit from them. Huntress being one of them. If instead of M1-ing the snowmen with the survivor inside she would have M2'd them, the survivor would have made almost no distance, as can be seen with the last snowman where she did use a hatchet. A survivor jumping into a snowman is basically a guaranteed hit in that case. I think Slinger, Artist, Clown, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Trickster, Doc and Leatherface can also more or less guarantee hits from snowmen with their abilities.
On top of that, the idea of having fun with it because it's an event also stems from the fact that survivors do too. Survivors get into snowmen and creep around the map doing silly stuff not progressing the game frequently. And survivors of course want to get hit while inside a snowman in order to get rewards, and they regularly will try to achieve that by creeping around in them seeking out the killer, again wasting tons of time. And killers can even refuse to hit them to bank on them staying in the snowmen wasting more time. Of course, just because it is a minority of survivors that will only use snowmen if they can get an actual advantage from them and only use them to do so doesn't mean that's not a problem. I suggest that a survivor that got hit while inside a snowman should not be able to get into a snowman for the rest of the round, not least because they'd be taking away snowmen from other survivors who might still need them.
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She should've been throwing hatchets. If you hit them while they jump in, it injures + eliminates snowman.
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That's why you play Nemesis, during this time. He can whip survivors inside the snowmen.
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You get infected as well, Nemesis benefits a lot from it.
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One of the many reasons, he's the most Chad killer. You also get STBFL stacks when you hit a snowman, that a survivor hopped in. People are just complaining about the event, instead of learning how to play around the new mechanic, and using it to your advantage.