Dev Update January 2022 Summary

Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Greetings. Thought I'd try my hand at this.

First up, we have a Patch Optimization plan. I have noticed that patches have been getting a bit bigger (30-40 GB on Series X) so, hopefully this will help tone that down a bit in the future. Overall, good change. (would like to see the words Console Optimization tho.)

Secondly, we have SBMM Improvements.

I don't like SBMM, but if we are stuck with it, we might as well make it better, right?

So, firstly, they are planning to adjust how Backfill is calculated. Currently, it weights speed of finding a new player over fairness of match. They are planning to strike a better balance between the two in the future.

Next, they are planning to adjust how Disconnect Penalties are handled with regards to MMR. I'm honestly not sure what this part means, whether it applies to the person DC'ing or to their teammates who are unfairly screwed out of a potential win.

Additionally, they are planning on adjusting how Extended Breaks affect your MMR. Currently, your MMR is not adjusted after taking an extended leave of absence from the Fog. Now, they are planning to ease you in a little more gently, I'm sure many returning players will appreciate that.

Finally, in regards to SBMM at least, we have General Improvements.

I'll admit, not quite what I was hoping for, but it's alright. Right now, the game detects what server you have the best connection to and will only match you with players who are also connected to that server. They'd like to expand that so if you have a good connection to multiple servers, you can play with people from across those different servers, instead of being limited to only one.

In regards to the SBMM changes, they note that these are difficult to develop and as such, they may take some time to implement.

Now, for a change that is on the radar, but not coming with the next PTB.

Solo Survivor Improvements. The Devs acknowledge that Solo Q is inferior to premade groups and can have significant impact on the quality of the match. They would like to remedy this and are very aware of the issue. The Devs gave a very brief example of something they are looking into (which may not come to the game, it seemed to just be an example of the sort of changes they are hoping to make, they specified everything was in the very early stages) which would be giving Survivors an icon to represent what action they are currently doing, ie, getting chased, healing, unhooking, doing a gen, ect ect.

I think that's a great first step, but I would also advise against changing Solo Survivor before Killer. They need to receive changes at the same time. Else one side will be left out in the rain for however many months and honestly, despite the fact that it would be justified, I don't wanna see the Forums if that happens.

Next up, we have the new Beta feature.

This one is actually pretty exciting. You get extra BP for testing out new features that the Devs want feedback on. Great idea, solid implementation and the best part? It's on Console too!

Additionally, the Wiggle Update arrives.

Now, instead of wiggling your controller stick, or mashing a button on PC, you can simply hit Skill Checks to wiggle. This is definitely a good accessibility feature and definitely something I'll enjoy!

Finally, the Toggle Interactions mode arrives as well.

This is another great and simple accessibility feature that I am sure a lot of people will appreciate. If you decide to toggle it on, you no longer need to hold a button to sprint or do gens.

Lastly, the PTB will be arriving on Wednesday, January 5th.

Part II to this Dev Update will release tomorrow Tuesday, January 4th.

In my opinion, solid update. Not precisely what I wanted to see, but certainly nothing I have any issue with and nothing that gives me any bad indications for the future.

Post edited by Mandy on
