What keeps you coming back to the forum?
I haven't been here in almost 4 years yet I have returned.
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to see if the devs are actually doing something with the cheaters.
because with the current state of the game, looks like not.
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Been lots of glitching lately too.
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I don't even know why I keep coming back if nobody is helping me :)
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Honestly, the hope that under the Feedback/Suggestion forum that you guys are actually looking at our suggestions and getting ideas from them. Every now and then I see some really good ideas from the community about problems or issues in game play. The last DBD developer stream one of you guys mentioned how you guys DO read them and want more. Honestly this was a really good form of validation knowing that our posts, our ideas and suggestions don't fall into an abyss of nothingness never to be seen.
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Pain, hope and laughter.
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Definitely NOT the fact it told me I had to wait 4 minutes for post or that a post was closed with a racist response and not addressed for the response but because the topic of the post advocated against an action taken by developers and was placed in feedback. (because enough has been said) though it's my first post in years.
I have always said Leatherface needed more faces since only the first four survivors really limited me (and variety was limited)
But now I found out I cannot block people who seemed to me to be baiting in a topic about feedback.
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Can confirm they definitely get read, that's part of my job to do - and the reason we have that section on the forum.
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your post was closed because the question was answered.
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Idea! how about you guys introduce Survivor and Killer NPCS! that would really cut down on wait time.
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You should 100% post this in Feedback and Suggestions. I'm sure the community would love to chat about ideas like that!
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I love reading ideas and feedback! The community has such fun ideas for the game, and they are all fun to think about.
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Do you think that it's possible for people outside of the mod and dev team to have custom profiles? I wanna be able to use this so badly.
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I'm sure you can understand why it's not a possibility but I do REALLY like it. 🤗
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My hopeless faith in this community says otherwise but alright.
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I love it and I hope you never lose it!
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I came here when they offered twenty dollars or so in Auric cells to move from the Steam Forums to this one. I did not win the contest.
Since then for the last three going on four years I've just been trolling so I picked 'Social Aspect' though I do give out game tips to people when I'm bored and browsing.
You guys really like me for some reason but I should have been banned years ago.
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'*=~ Hope ~=*'
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As a Star Wars fan, I read this in Leia's voice.
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Talking about sexy David what one does that go under?
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I came here to report a bug with the Botanist Extroadinaire challenge where if you do everything right, it still doesn't count
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The hot takes here could keep you warm through winter. I enjoy reading some of the most absolutely insane and out of touch opinions I've ever seen regarding Dead by Daylight.
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I'm going to be open and honest about this... I sometimes just need a vent in my life to let things out.
It's usually video games - but when those frustrate me (frustration in DBD whaaaat?), I let it out here in the forums (so yeah, basically just rant).
It used to be way worse and I'm not proud of what I did back when Steam forum still existed cough ... but I'm glad I found other ways to deal with bad things in life than video games and online forums.
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Hope…hope for improvements keep me coming back because I really love this game but solo queue is just so horrible it makes me feel miserable even tho I am a competent player 💀💀 The feeling of not being able to win even tho you literally gave it your all because YOUR TEAM KILLS YOU…not even the killer
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⬜️ Just to Rant (yes it happens to us all)
I oft have to come back here to tell the devs how to balance the game while I wait for my disconnect penalty to go away.
(10% sattire, 90% shameful truth)
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One of the few ways to reach the devs...
I'd really like to know if someone in the dev team is streaming so the community can interact with each other. ( Almo is already known )
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I wish I could select more than one, but I went with "Just to rant" as I think that is probably what I do here the most in the feedback forum. I do like coming here from time to time to see what people are saying about different things too.
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I will say, if a developer streams they are doing it on their own channels and in their own time - it's really not appropriate to go to their channels then to discuss things.
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I check the forums to see if Deathslinger's awful nerf is going to be reverted or not :D
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im coming back to find a solution for DBD giving me error code 30005 Createfile failed with 32.
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You forgot "Watching People Argue Over Perks"
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The pipe dream that BHVR will actually fix this game
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To offer ideas and suggestions.
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Curiosity about what's new and if this community changed in better. I'm disappointed about the last part tho.
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Usually to complain, but also to see what people are up to
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Because I want to find where to submit my entrees for the killer/survivor costume contest.
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Not much time left
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To fight with my social anxiety
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Discussion is fun!
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My Question brought me back:
What is the most iridescent that you can earn in a single match as survivor and killer?
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I have filled in the form for the cosmetics design competition on Twitter. When will the result of the voting be announced?
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I haven't played in almost a year now, but I check to see what y'all are up to. I don't really post, though, because conversation always revolves around the same tired arguments spurred on by issues that BHVR refuses to fix - it's been this way since ghostface was released. Some of the changes you've made recently have been interesting, but the fact that things like Dead Hard remain in the game is telling. Honestly, I think BHVR will be much happier working on a dating sim than a PvP game because BHVR has a passion for PvP about as much as a kid interested in Art has a passion for Computer Science. BHVR loves horror and design, but not PvP. It's a shame, because DBD was an excellent PvP game at one point.
I digress... I don't know if there's anything that will keep me checking in, but I imagine BHVR would see that as a good thing for anyone that shares my sentiments.
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I am just super obsessed with the game right now honestly lol. I also wanted to see how people were running perks, or how people were handling in game things.
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The dbd forum is kind of like a train wreck. It’s a disaster but you can’t look away.
There is no boredom category to vote for. I have a lot of downtime waiting for sterilisers/irradiators to run cycles.
It’s one of the things I check between workloads.
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My reason on any forum is kinda selfish: I learn english. Trying to put my thoughts into words and write without dictionary help.
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To get a good laugh.
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I had a couple of good laughs, today.
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For me it’s the info more than anything- and by that, I mean the information and feelings shared by the players. It’s good to know what the latest trends/new meta approaching, as well as ways to counter certain perks and builds. I’m a better player for it. I think we all can agree to that.