Farming killer...

I'm not quite sure why some survivors hate farming killers. I personally love playing as and against a farming killer. I enjoy it because if I'm playing as a survivor, and I'm getting back to back face campers and tunnelers all night, it's nice to have an easy break to help me reset my mindset.
Same thing with playing as a farming killer. I like strapping on my bloody party streamers, and letting survivors just chill and farm me, help them get their challenges done, maybe get some pips in. Plus I get to hit them a lot and watch their blood go splat.
The craziest thing is I actually get hate mail from some people for letting them sit there and flashlight me all game or stun me with pallets. I get more endgame messages from that rather than if I just camped all game lol. It's crazy to me the mindset of some people in this community.
I prefer to the play the game properly and not to farm as do many others. Farming is a grey area - it's not something we're particularly keen on, as we want players to actually play the game and you cannot force players to farm with you.
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I'd rather play a real game than a farming sim tbh.
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I used to farm a lot but nowadays I just try and end the game quickly with a hatch escape regardless of which side I'm playing, I don't really have much need for bp anymore.
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I don't always do it, but it's a nice break from the norm. And I'm completely okay with people not wanting to farm, that's fine with me I'll play like normal. What I don't get is the participating in said farming and then sending end game messages afterwards.
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I don't even bother killing survivors anymore myself. I'm not sure if this is considered farming behavior or not, but I only go for 8 hooks and then afterwards just maximize my points for 29.6k
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I do this a lot, too.
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I like to go half and half. If I can get solid BP while also doing well, that's great.
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I don't really have much need for bp anymore.
What about the need for BP for others?
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Yeah, gaining/losing MMR seems to matter so little I'd rather just not go for the headache. And usually survivors chill out once they realize you aren't going for kills.
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It's so boring to farm. I want to actually play the game.
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I also find it pretty boring.
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This aint KillVille 3000 and the only animals around here is Mrs Piggy
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I'm just asking.
For a game that everyone complains about the grind you would think a farming killer once in awhile wouldn't be that big of a deal.
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Farming sucks.
If I wanted to farm, I'd play Farming Simulator.
I have played this game for over 4 years, Farming is a waste of my time.
I want to get better and enjoy the challenge, Farming robs me of both of these
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Survivor mentality right here
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I like the occasional friendly game to break up the ruthless ones and give me a chance to earn some BP as survivor. They're more fun on maps with fun props like Chapel, Saloon, or Gas Heaven, though.
Too much farming is boring, though, and I understand why people don't like it. My modus operandi is to 8-hook everyone and then farm if I managed to beat the survivors with time to spare. That way everyone gets to play the game and can't complain that I wasn't engaging (though I have still had a few complaints about this, it's much less than when I would try to farm outright.)
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I guess lower the grind then.
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I agree, I feel like if I ever got to the point where I couldn't stand farming I would just quit playing. With as many horrible matches that can happy I will gladly take a max points match. Most people seem to think farming takes forever too thats because they don't know how to do it.
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Then maybe fix the hacking issue? Or the grind? Or the SoloQ/Killer problems? Or SBMM?
Besides, hasn't it been stated that this is supposed to be a 'casual' game? What is 'play the game properly' when anything goes?
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That's actually a good point. I don't think farming is any less 'playing the game properly' than Bubba sitting at a hook facecamping a survivor to death, or mass slugging before hooking anyone, or being AFK all game and then springing to life with NOED. All of these things deny multiple aspects of 'normal' gameplay to the survivors for some kind of benefit. Farming just happens to benefit all parties evenly.
The game is whatever the five players that load in make of it. If I load into the game and I find all four survivors dancing around a ring of items in the basement, I'm going to make my own fun. Another person would down them all and hook them, and that's equally valid.
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I'm not crazy about farming too often, but the periodic farm is a welcome change from this game's rampant camping and tunneling.
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Farming is so boring.
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I love farming sometime but that just it trusting the other side,some act like they are farming but they aren't.
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I know we've talked about your killer build and stuff like that.. Do you have a similar philosophy on survivor I almost always run wglf.
Also mind telling me ur psn so I can play with you sometime or msg xD no biggie if u don't want to... pretty busy with work in general so I'll probably won't have time to anyways.
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Cause it’s mind numbingly boring. I don’t give a crap if 5 Anniversary Cakes were burned, I refuse to farm.
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I get farming can be boring sometimes but getting hate messages for letting survivors escape is hilarious. Literally absolutely NOTHING the killer does will make survivors happy.
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It’s super hard to trust the killer, that’s another reason why I don’t like doing it.
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true not easy trust survivors either.
in this game hard trust anyone.
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I remember that I farmed a few times during the last 2x blood hunt and had a few really funny instances during that time, mainly with a big yellow bottle rave with the Clown as the DJ.
I sometimes approach survivors and show them that I am no harm when I have do to a rather unfun tome challenge, like grabbing two survivors of gens or damaging 5 different gens in one game. Yikes.
These kind of challenges I will happily employ the help of some friendly survivors. Like the one I am tackling now: sacrificing four survivors in the basement in one game. I am sure I will find some helpful survivors for that one :D
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I'm all in for farming. I'll play the game normally but if I see the killer acting wierd, I'll throw my self into their arms, they'll either farm or hook me and whichever is ok to me. If they decide to farm I'll get a chill game and some nice bp, if they decide to play normally I'll follow then and play the game too.
Same as killer. I'll try and get my hooks or kills unless someome makes me know he/she wants to farm.
I don't mind throwing the game to relax and chill with the other team.
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If I am farming, I am farming. They can do gens or DC if they want out. It is not any of my business.
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I have two different main builds I run on survivor: either Windows of Opportunity, Borrowed Time, Empathy, and WGLF; or, Windows of Opportunity, Borrowed Time, Circle of Healing, and Shadow Step. I wish getting stacks on WGLF were more consistent. Some matches are full of daring hook rescues and taking protection hits and then other matches I'm the gen jockey and I stare wistfully at WGLF wishing for even a single stack. Not to ignore the faster pick-up speed, which doesn't get enough credit for how incredibly handy it can be.
As much as I'd love to have another competent teammate to play with, I wouldn't be able to. Between social anxiety and life in general, I'm that person who always says "maybe tomorrow." 😬 But here, I'll be funny about it and say I'm just too lazy to re-enable friend requests on my PSN account. (Salty players can't contact me at all, it must drive them nuts. lol)
I like keeping my MMR low, so letting survivors escape is my preferred way to end a match. Not that it necessarily matters, the skill of the survivors in my lobbies is often extremely random.
Sometimes survivors will realize I'm friendly, but most either don't notice or don't trust it. I can't really blame them.
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Honestly, despite many accusations, its because I don't want to 'smurf' I feel like I should get baby players as a last resort if I can help it.
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Oh man, I'd so prefer not to get absolute babies. Babies are difficult to play with because they're too afraid to touch gens or be useful, they spend most of their time hiding, those matches are boring. Survivors who aren't so good that they're untouchable but are skilled enough that they get the gens done in a timely manner, that's what I want. Being able to play nice without totally holding back. Before SBMM, with visible rankings, there was a sweet spot where you could figure out your skill level and where you'd have the most fun and stay there. I miss that.
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How original 😀 copycat
Get better material you're saying the same ######### 500,000 others have said before.
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You say this, but low-key Farming Simulator has no right to be as fun as it is. Cursed game, 10/10
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I do not like farming that much. I rather play a chilled round where the Killer does their best and does not camp or tunnel. Most times they yield a much better BP result either way.
The only time I do not mind is when I have a quest that sucks. Then I take the farming to finish that quest.
As a Killer it is the same: I dislike farming. I slap one the cake and then go into the match. As long as survivors do not play the 4-minutes-game and just run away the results are quit good for me.
To cut it short: I dislike farming. Normal games without camping, tunneling and without finishing the game to quickly are much better.
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@MandyTalk If i report someone in my PS4 for farming is that punishful ?! And if is punishful do you guys really do something about it ? Because i lost count how many times i reported players for bodyblocking, farming and taking game hostage... And seems nothing happens... Its like the report system is there just for view nothing more...
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I still wondering if the " Report System " on consoles really work... 🤨
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I like to earn BP through a normal game, where everyone has a chance to play, instead of tunneled out or gen rushed.
If I faced a Killer who wants to farm, I would cleanse all totems I found, had myself hooked for other to unhook, then I make 1-2 unhook and escape. I rather earn 20.000 in ~12min then go for another game, than 32.000 in 30min.
Beside, let me sneaky put in Killer farmer art here.
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Farming is not a valid reason to report someone unless they hold you hostage and prevent you from exiting the match (such as slugging you and having the other survivors heal you ad infinitum, or the other survivors sandbagging you whenever you try to run away.) If the killer kills you because you don't want to farm, or you do gens and leave, those are acceptable outcomes.
Bodyblocking isn't a reason to report someone either unless they've trapped you into a corner and won't let you leave in a situation where the game cannot end naturally. Bodyblocking to get an easy M2 hit, bodyblocking the killer at a hook, the killer bodyblocking someone until the end of endgame collapse (though if a survivor is doing this to another survivor, it's sandbagging and can be reported that way), or bodyblocking someone for a funny moment that lasts 10 seconds aren't report-worthy circumstances.
Though I do agree the report system isn't very effective.
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Agreed! 😆