Sbmm influenced your way to play/see the game?

Since sbmm came out did u change approach to the game? Do you like it more? Or don't play at all?
My personal experience is that i don't take the game seriously anymore, it effects my mental sanity especially when it comes to sweaty games over and over again. I was used to play a lot before it came out, around 90h in the last 2 weeks according to steam, now i have 10h the last 2 weeks which is a huge difference and says a lot of it.
How's your experience with it? Share your thoughts.
Another thing I see is that they are slowly losing players and hopefully something will be done about it.
It's not changed my playstyle as killer or survivor either way tbh. I play the same way as I always have done, I've always played the game casually and don't play for kills as such but for chases...I essentially don't really care about kills in a match if I've had some good chases...and the same for survivor, I don't care if I die as long as I've had a good chase or two.
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Besides I now play Spirit lots and that was thanks to Gann, not SBMM
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Yeah, I don’t run slowdown anymore and throw games for clips, if the game wants me to be bad to have fun, then so be it
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My decision to relax, let go of my anger, and focus on taking enjoyment from the game rather than working towards any kind of ephemeral "victory" is only tangentially related to SBMM, so I'll say no.
Actually, I tend to be very "whatever" about the last survivor now (unless I have a challenge), while for a good while before I would work towards getting everyone dead.
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Yes, I take fewer regression perks.
Taking those lead to me having a simple issue: Sometimes the perk would carry me and not my skill with the Killer. Survivors on "low MMR" are not able to work their way around "Hex: Ruin" as an example. This lead to me facing tougher opponents until I hit a brick wall where my skill as a Killer was just not enough and perks where no longer able to carry me.
Once I noticed this I discarded most regression perks. I then played normally and lost quit a few matches until everything was adjusted. Now I think I slowly work my way up while polishing my Skill with certain Killers and I am having a blast.
As a survivor I notice an increase in Ruin/Undying/Pop/Tinkerer on Killers. Also NoeD appeared more often. However I never cared about going "full mambo" as a survivor anyway (Dead Hard/Decisive Strik/Iron Will/Cycle of Healing or Borrow Time). And as such this only has increase the knowledge about countering those perks (read: Gwinty now knows more totem spawns).
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Yes I dont really care about anything but BP anymore since game doesnt care how good or bad I am either
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I stopped using gen regression builds and play super nice so that as many survivors can escape as possible without me deliberately throwing the match and being reportable. I usually go up against a sweaty seal team six that absolutely annihilates me with 1 or 2 hooks and then get 2-3 chill matches afterward.
As a soloq survivor I leave much more frequently. As much as I want to help the Nea getting facecamped on the hook after running the killer for 5 gens, I don't want to lower my MMR and be stuck in potato hell again.
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I have retired almost all my killers, I have retired any sort of fun builds for the meta, and I camp/tunnel habitually even when I don't really need to.
It's the game they want me to play, so Ill play it. Otherwise they can give me other viable options to win, because i'm not playing a game i'm designed to lose.
Whenever they actually get around to nerfing everything good that is left, and making sure I never get anything more than a 2k. That is when I am done with the game entirely.
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I care only about boops now. New Pig main here, someone had to replace Deathslinger...
There is never enough Boops for my snoot!
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Well I have been playing Vommy Mommy more now hehe. I tend to run a nasty addon that most don't use or I don't see used.....can't remember the name but the one that reduces the amount of pools in play. It's so fun seeing them scramble for the tiny amount of Pools to try and cleanse only to give me my Red Vommy mid chase muwhahahahaha.
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This is pretty similar to how I feel about SBMM as well. SBMM plus the litany of recent changes that have made the game more challenging for killers force me to play a very limited list of killers, play as sweaty as possible and camp/tunnel if I want to have a chance to secure kills.
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Not really, I'm glad I don't match with self care clauds anymore though. Feel bad killing them.
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I’m playing the game exactly the same as I always have. I think I even get better matchups now.
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Same here, it isn't a game to take seriously anymore as killer. The MMR pits you against much higher level survivor teams even as an average skilled killer. The maps have so many safe loops you need to play anti-loop killers if you want to actually get kills. It's not a good sign for a game when so much of the roster isn't viable.
Personally I just play killer casually and try to get bps. i won't go for kills unless there is a challenge or if it's by accident. so it isn't really a kill it's more like manslaughter.
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I've started playing a lot more sweaty ever since SBMM was released
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I camp and tunnel a lot more so there's that
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considering that SBMM (alias MMR) is the primary reason why i quit this game, yes you could indeed say that.
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I used to play like 15 killers, now I only play 6. I haven't played a M1 killer in months. Also I stopped caring about defending gens and just go for chases. The only slowdown I run is Corrupt and sometimes add No Way Out if I see a stronger team.
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Before SBMM, I used to play killer until my rank went up to a certain level where I would get beat every game. Then I would have to stop playing until the next rank reset. Now with SBMM all my games are around the same level so I play a lot more.
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Before SBMM, I had to play really sweaty a lot of the time as I'd be routinely matched up against smurfs or people with 10x my hours.
Now, while I do get the occasional kafka matchup, it's a lot better.
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So you have Baby Dweets and Megans? And Blendettes ofcourse.
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I've been playing a LOT less killer and more survivor but that's it.
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I still play exactly the same. Chill, no BM, and if I get Kills or an Escape, that's fine. Those are not my "win" conditions though. BP, some fun interactions, maybe make a good clutch play or completely ######### up and die on the hook in embarassment, and on to the next.
SBMM has left me about the same for matches, but I get the extreme end of things more often than before. I see more camping/tunneling on the Survivor side, at least I notice it more often. I also get matched against new/weaker Killers more often. The engaging, thrilling games aren't as common as they were pre-SBMM.
Playing as a Killer, I see a lot more newer players. The games aren't quite as much fun, but Kills aren't my priority. If they happen, fine. If not, oh well. I'm sure that will change since I am now getting more Kills, and my MMR will increase no doubt, but for now it's more of a new player herding simulator rather than a slasher flick simulator.
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Nope. Hasn't changed a thing. The gameplay is still the same as it was before sbmm was introduced. Haven't seen a change in anyone's playstyles on either side.
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Sbmm made me acknowledge that I always have played and will continue to play sweaty as killer. I bring my favorite load out every game (including moris when possible). I strategically camp/tunnel when necessary. And I do not care about the survivor rulebook at all. I play to win.
In truth, I don't think sbmm really changed anything. It just exposed who we already were as players and the impact that the core game design has on the player base. Map design, fast gens, camping/tunneling, 2nd chance perks being stacked, boons (COH specifically) have ALWAYS been complained about. You could remove sbmm today and all of those issues would still exist because it's not like people will magically start "playing nice". We never really played nice other than the nonsense notion of "giving" hatch - which I never did or do lmao.
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Only makes it worse.
I left the game prior to this abomination's introduction, and its existence is one more reason to stay away from this carcass of a game.
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Yes before i could play for fun kller now its sweat over sweat solo Q unplayable at all
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I play like always as i can´t change my style.
My last played games were ok. I seem to get better survs when i play killer and get strong killers when i play surv. So it does feel a little off.
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I like it more, it is flawed and needs to be tweaked but i like it way more than rank based matchmaking.
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Personally, no. I now know it is THERE but it doesn't effect how I play, the MMR barely works from the looks of it anyways. If I want to win or get 4k, I try to play hard and win. If I want to play casually and just go for points and hooks, I do. Honestly, if they never told us that it was added, I wouldn't have noticed a difference.
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No, I just play the way I've always played. Which is a way where while I try to win, I find a lot of the """sweaty tactics""" unfun to do myself, and as I want to have fun I don't do it. I'm sure I'd do better if I changed, but I do fine and I honestly think I'd have less fun if I did change how I play.
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Farming simulator.
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Sadly i still get oracle members in my Blight lobbies, as well as bully squads, strong SWFs, fog whisperers, and your occasional friendly neighborhood Dweets, Megans and Blendettes but these matches usually are quick
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I did quit too for some months but after years of efforts into it(grind done) and nostalgia ive decided to play again, yes not like before, 2-3 games a day max. I miss old DBD..
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1. I rarely play anymore. Why? The game is too sweaty now.
2. When I do play, I found the easiest way to gain MMR as killer is to camp and tunnel. I have never been one to do either in my 5 years of playing, but it is now the way skill is measured.
That's right. Hooks don't count anymore. Just deaths. I was always a hook/slow the game down kind of player. That seemed to take more skill. That was clearly wrong. I can now 4k and zero pip, but gain MMR.
Yeah, bot the game I want to play. When I try to play relaxed, I face 4 man sweat groups and have to avoid any mistakes to hold my own.
No thanks
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Nope, nothings changed in how I play. I'm having burnout from the game in general so I'm not really playing as much as I used to, but it has nothing to do with MMR and more to due with the game being stale and the devs not trying to shake it up with new chapters.
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It clearly didn't if you read what killers people believe are strong or weak. They are playing pre mmr during mmr. Lol.
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killer main here i use to use barbecue and chill now i swapped it for NOE because of back to back swifts
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I am very careful what time of day I play killer and survivor respectively. Peak time is not good for optimal matching as killer.
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I “entered the fog” after kbmm (kill-based matchmaking) was introduced, so I have nothing the compare it to. But from what I’ve played (about 200 hrs as killer) I think there’s now a disconnect between grade (what’s visible) and MMR (what’s invisible). The game gives you no way to know if you’re progressing in skill or just facing more potatoes. You don’t even know which killer you’re best with. When you get a 0k/4k, you don’t know whether you played that trial particularly poorly/well or whether matchmaking was widening a survivor’s MMR window due to queue times. I like the game, but would love to see MMR be more transparent.
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Before was way better, you never knew what to expect, it was a mix between chill games and sweaty 50/50. Now with MMR it's a sweaty game after sweaty game, when a game becomes a job and is no longer fun people stop to play it.
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Yeah, im having much less fun
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Yes. It influenced me to quit.
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My biggest issue with SBMM that I am a self-proclaimed good player on both sides. I am very good at buying time for teammates as survivor, and I am quite efficient at killing people. Both in a manner that I would consider "fair". I play "fair" untill I feel my teammates don't. As an example: I had a game as T1 myers on The Game for example, as soon as the team found out they camped every pallet and tried getting flashlight blinds while 3 of them were on gens and pre-dropping everything. I ended up catching one in the basement(later a second one) and because I know Myers mechanics well, I kept the pressure above the staircase where there were no pallets left. They tried to bodyblock me(can't block Myers) to protect their injured survivors. So I blocked back. They ended up calling me toxic because I camped and bodyblocked basement after all gens were done within 4 minutes, all 4 had Adrenaline and DS and called me unfair. Well, ofcourse I'm gonna play "unfair" if you are playing "unfair".
Anyway, back to the prior thing. Because I am quite efficient at killing, that means that even if I play completely "fair" and only play "unfair" in response to "unfair" gameplay, I can still climb quite high. Even though my playstyle is not as competitive as high MMR players. Where as a survivor, even if I carry 10 games in a row, I could still be dropping MMR every single game because my teammates leave me to die.
I am still heavily of the opinion, that MMR is a shitstorm as long as survivor MMR is escape based. You don't really need to do anything major to escape. You just need 1-2 teammates that are good at being chased and then decide to sacrifice those teammates for your own good. I am facing killers that are worse and worse at chase, purely because being chased so long often leads to a kill.
I have no clue why survivor MMR has to be escape based. It simply doesn't make sense. Survivor skill mainly lays in chasing, where killer skill mainly lays in getting hooks and kills(yes, both matter. Kills being primary, hooks secondary. Being able to get 12 hooks means you basically steamrolled your opponents the entire game, where 4 hooks still is difficult, but you'd still win).
Effectively, being able to loop the killer for 5 gens and then dying on hook because teammates leave you to die without even attempting a rescue, should result in those teammates losing MMR and gaining the killed survivor MMR. It would be an incentive for players to play more altruistic if they want to gain MMR.
And yeah, there would be cases where both the entire survivor team and the killer gain MMR. But I'd argue that such a scenario is far more rare than 1 teammate being left on hook to die after carrying a team.
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No change. I tunneled and camped at my leisure before SBMM.
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As killer no.
As survivor yes. Thanks to SBMM matchmaking more often than not my swf teammate and I get players that hide the whole match so it feels like 2v1 while we carry the team trying to escape. Since only escapes matter now I just leave the first chance I get, I no longer stick around to try and help teammates once the last gen is finished. It's definitely made me less altruistic at end game and focus more on getting gens done as quickly as possible during the match. It's just not fun anymore with the 2v1 feel and having to carry team for any chance of escape so I play way less than I did before.
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SBMM just simply made me uninstall. My idea of fun isn't getting stomped on by survivors, being clickity clicked at, teabagged and body blocked into oblivion. My killer matches are nothing but sweatfests and trying to play casually just inflates survivors egos more, causing them to double down on their toxic behaviour. I made the decision to not subject myself to it any longer and quit playing.
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I switched to survivor. When im getting tired of ruin undying tunneling Blights i play around 3 killer games max or take a break.
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Now that games are sweatier, I play nurse and I always give hatch to the last survivor to stunt my MMR growth