Unintended nerf for killers?

- Wiggle progress will no longer regress when not actively wiggling, with both the new and old wiggle interactions
Just checked out, if you drop suvivor, then pick him up again after some time, wiggle time is saved, so this means that if for example you are carrying a survivor, then deciding to drop him because, well, for example, your hook being broken by another survivor, and you decide to chase him, even after long chase if you come back to this survivor, his wiggle proggres will be saved, which means he will most likely escape easily because you dropped him and gave him extra 30% wiggle
I don't think that was intentional, because the only thing you can do in this situation is slug that survivor to death
I think wiggle only regressed when you weren’t wiggling while actively being carried, but I could be wrong
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What the change means is that the wiggle bar won't go down if you're not actively wiggling, which I even didn't know was a bug
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This has always been a thing. Wiggle progress never regressed when not wiggling or when dropped. Sure it's a nerf to the 1% of players who even knew this was a thing.
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No, i stated this in post, i've checked it and it doesn't regress while you are on ground
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Wiggle progress has always been saved in this way. The only time it gets reset is when the downed survivor gets picked up by a teammate and then gets downed again. Plus you get 25% progress from being dropped and not 30%.
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That was never a thing, sorry but you are wrong, wiggle proggres always regresses if you are not wiggling
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It's not bug, it's change, you even said that, sure it's won't go down now, but it's also not going down even if you are laying on the ground
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That has never been the case (unless it was added in a very recent update) progress remained the same while on the shoulder if you stopped wiggling. So sorry you are the one wrong in this situation. Ive had plenty of times where I played as the killers backpack (you know when you get a good meme agi mad grit gamer) where I wiggle up to a certain amount and stop. Not once did the progress regress.
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It's never was saved this way, it was slowly decaying after some time if you are not wiggling, and while you are laying on the ground, guess what, you are not wiggling so the game slowly decreased your wiggle while you are on the ground, now that is not a thing
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I'm pretty sure it used to decay while you're on the ground. Not sure about what'd happen while you're on the shoulders, I think that never regressed, but while down on the ground, I think it regressed.
Which didn't make sense, and I don't think this is going to hurt killers all that much, if at all.
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There was never for as long as I've played this game a situation where you lost progress while on the killers shoulder. Sure if you didn't wiggle it wouldn't fill up the wiggle bar but for no reason would/should it have taken away progress. If it became something in a recent patch it was most likely a bug, especially with the introduction of the new wiggle mechanic. The only time you lost wiggle progress was if you went from the "downed" to "injured" then back to "downed" state.
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It's interesting how players doesn't even know about this mechanic, i've spen't some time but couldn't find anything better than this sadly, however it's still proves my point, at the end of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt7ZpH_rISM progress bar moved back 2 times while survivor is on shoulder, well, dbd forum moment i guess
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This is interesting how players doesn't even knew about this mechanic, I've tried to find a video with it, but only found this sadly, however, this is still proves my point, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt7ZpH_rISM , at the end of this video, wiggle timer moves back 2 times, while david is on the shoulder, it was always a thing, it's stated in patch notes that this is no longer a thing
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Umm so you decide to show a clip of the game from 2018,which might as well be a different game at this point, that shows the wiggle bar regressing. Putting aside the various bugged interactions that were happening I don't think this shows you being right about the wiggle mechanic. Think you could show a much more recent case of the wiggle bar regressing, if so then maybe I could take your point but atm you didn't really show proof of anything.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq4tu4RPLwM another one
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This was always a thing as far back as 2016 from my memory.
If you filled up your wiggle bar at least a small bit and were dropped, you'd gain the drop bonus but then as you were slugged (so not actively wiggling) your wiggle progress was gradually decreasing.
We've even had discussions last year on this on the forum, it was quite a surprise when I saw that many people didn't know it was a thing.
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This video is so scuffed. There are so many bugs going on in the video it's hard to tell what is meant to happen. Also I didn't see the wiggle bar decrease at all.
Edit: sorry using mobile and couldn't really see the small ticks until further re watch of the jank mess
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Oh god, my lord and savior, yes, it's interesting how many people doesn't know that was a thing, and it's so hard to find any clips that prove it
Why did I even start this discussion is because a lot of killers might start slug last survivor to death, if they dropped them previously, and I don't think that devs made progress bar on the ground not decreasing on the ground was intentional, but turns out a lot of players doesn't even know about it so I guess it will be fine
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So its an INTENDED nerf. Cool.
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Hmm guess I don't know anything. It just seems like a weird interaction that didn't happen frequently enough to be of note. Makes me wonder why the progress would decrease in the first place...
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The regress was slower than BK Myers though.
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Will BHVR devs ever stop blatantly hand-holding survivors?
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Interesting. I guess I'm wrong I wonder what the numbers actually were?
You are being sarcastic right?
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I know……I’m saying that I don’t think it EVER regressed while you were in the ground. Only while being carried and not wiggling
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The numbers were pretty small, I'm afraid I don't know them exactly...it was such a strange thing to happen really as wiggle progress had no reason to regress when you were slugged for example as the two bars are independent of each other.
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Oh well, I guess only the players from the dark times of perma sabo remember this feature. Back then it was definetly helpful in many situations. Not so much now.
But really, do so little people know wiggle regresses while downed? Wow –l I feel old lol.
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Can you please clarify if this change is only while being carried by the killer, or also while slugged?
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it's both - so when you're not wiggling your wiggle bar will not decrease.
This does not affect your recovery bar whilst slugged which is separate anyway.
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I think because it's such a small regression that a lot of people didn't even know about it
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Thank you!
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I knew about it because it actually affected me once - teammates were bodyblocking an Oni, who dropped me right before the threshold I would have wiggled off. I crawled away from the hook and stayed on the ground for about a minute, but I didn't go too far because I figured I was going to wiggle off as soon as he picked me up. By the time I did get picked up, enough regression had occurred that he made it to the hook.
This is a killer nerf, albeit not one I think will affect me because I always treated survivors I had to drop as lost causes. I'm still much more concerned about the bonus wiggle from the new wiggle system than I am a loss of passive regression.
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Nah, it's also affected while slugged, i've tested it with my friend
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Wiggle progress regressing while not wiggling has always been a thing, but the regression rate is so low that hardly anyone knew about it I guess (I don’t even know the exact number but it’s tiny I promise).
Over time though it does add up. If you get your hook sabotaged and make the correct decision to drop, before the change if survivors were negligent to pick that person up, eventually their wiggle would regress enough that you could pick back up and hook, which I think is a good thing. Now you have to just leave them a lot of the time which I feel rewards bad play.
I know this change won’t have any impact on most matches but I just don’t see the point of removing it, especially when the drop bonus exists. Sabotage and wiggling mechanics don’t need to be buffed, at all.
I already had a game since the change where someone was left slugged for two minutes after sabotage and even though they were near a hook while slugged I knew I couldn’t do anything with them.
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Very interesting, it never crossed my mind that this mechanic would be changed. Is this nerf live?
This mechanic pre-nerf helped in very niche situations such as helping to dribble survivors further from the exit so that they die to EGC, but still.
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Yup, same thing happened with me today, that's why I am against this change, or at least it should be finished first
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Yes, this change went live in 5.5.1.
It was listed at the top of the patch notes under “beta features”.