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Exhaustion Perks Need Rebalancing As A Whole

Member Posts: 1,470

I think we need to break the tradition that all exhaustion perks have a 40/50/60 second cooldown. All exhaustion perks aren’t created equally and some have more restrictions and are more situational than others. Perks like Smash Hit, Head On, and Balance Landing are very situational and in some cases can’t even be used. I feel like these perks in particular would see more use if they didn’t share the same cooldowns as Exhaustion perks like Dead Hard & Sprint Burst.

Why not make their cooldowns 30/45/60 and/or increase the cooldown on DH?

Personally I’d love to see some perk diversity, I kinda miss when BL was strong because it offered something different at high lvs of play. Nowadays You either run Dead Hard or your just Hard Dead on the ground.


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  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited April 2022

    What boggles me is the survivor running and running and running, and then using Dead Hard, and then becoming exhausted.

    Sure, there's the whole "is that really air you're breathing" Matrix-esque lack of physiology of the Entity's realm, but balance wise, a survivor, who already looped the killer for 2 minutes, using an exhaustion perk to extend the chase for another 1 or 2 minutes is troubling.

    I suggested a fatigue mechanic that gives the survivor a window to use their exhaustion perk before they become fatigued and the exhaustion perk becomes disabled. Something like a 60-second window, which is 75% of a generator.

    Survivor mains cried because they must've misread it as 6 seconds and said it would kill exhaustion perks. When all it would do is stop the survivor from looping the killer for a marathon, using an exhaustion perk, and looping the killer for an additional marathon.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    Part of the issue that I can see with having different levels of exhaustion for survivors is that it would be very confusing for newer players. The perk states "causes the exhaustion effect" or words to that effect, so it's the "exhaustion" itself that would need to be changed not the perks. That would make it very convoluted imo.

  • Member Posts: 276

    My though:

    Balanced Landing

    I don't think the cooldown of balanced landing is the reason it is underwhelming. I think the issue is the inconsistency of how much value you can get from balanced landing from map to map. This perk is amazing on Gideon meat plant, but absolutely useless on Shelter Woods. On most maps, there are not a lot of places to activate balanced landing, making it powerful early on, but weaker and weaker as the trial goes on because you will have to go away from areas where you can get value out of balanced landing.

    Head On

    I wish this perk could get some love, but lowering its cooldown is dangerous: squads with 4 head on and 4 vigil could abuse that and stun lock a killer.

    Smash Hit

    I wouldn't mind since Smash Hit is hard to get value from. Killers can always respect pallets,, without mentioning anti-loop killers. I wouldn't even mind if this perk simply increased the stun duration instead of giving a sprint boost.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I always thought the exhaustion status should get some additional effect besides limiting the usage of exhaustion perks.

    something like louder breathing, slower speed (running/vaulting). Just some kind of draw back for using these arguable very strong perks, without being too extreme (so the numbers should be very small)

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Good take on Balanced Landing. It's great on maps with useful elevation. But it loses value quickly if I only have hills to work with or, worst case scenario, I get Shelter Woods. It's up there with DH and SB on maps like Dead Dawg, Gideons, RPD, etc.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I'm very confused on your point about Head On.

    On what map and in what area could 4 survivors stun lock a killer? Vigil doesn't even lower the timer by that much to begin with but even if 4 survivors decided to run Head On AND Vigil.... then they're throwing the match for a meme and so what if they do. they're not going to win by doing that XD

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats just as boggeling as the overweight killer slowly walking as fast as the athelete runner is running, isnt it? Sure, he doesnt get exhausted because he is only walking, but again, faster than other people run?

  • Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2022

    I saw some people trying it just before hawkin's got removed. If I remember correctly, you can find locker tiles with 5 lockers on Mother's Dwelling, this could be abused there, and I'm pretty sure Midwich also have 3 lockers in a row on some spot.

    The purpose of this is a meme, but making it potentially an infinite stun lock is dangerous. This is for this reason that Soul Guard has a cooldown, even before CoH appeared, it was possible to heal a survivor faster than an m1 killer without Save the Best for Last could chain 2 hits.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    4 Survivors could throw on Calm Spirit, Distortion, and several other stealth perks to not get found by the killer and avoid touching any gens.

    Will they win? No.

    Will they grief the killer? Yes.

  • Member Posts: 107

    I’m just scared of when the “Exhaustion recovery bonus” Boon comes out, you know it’s coming.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Probably it will give recover 1 sec faster. And killers will say it would be broken and meta

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Even with a 30s cooldown you cant stunlock a killer with actual headon (3s stun) even with 4 times vigil. So the issue is basically non-existent.

    I dont see an issue here as long as you see a timer. It already should be the case to see an actual timer and not just a circular bar. This is kind of outdated for several years. Still most perks just need some tweaks on numbers not even on exhaustion, cause -to be honest- it doesnt matter if the timer is 20s or 40s, you wont be able to get your perk to work twice in a single chase. Otherwise that would mean you had soo much time to walk that the killer doesnt know what hes even doing. Like give headon a 4 or 5s stun. Theres by far too much animation lock for just 3s. And decrease the activation time to 2s to make it viable in an actual chase, and not just with a whole locker build. Devs just need to start tweaking numbers every patch and see how it goes.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I don't think changing the cooldowns would change a lot unless they were increased significantly. Like, whether DH's is 40 seconds or 60 seconds, a lot of the time that's going to decay while you're working on a gen anyways and isn't going to make a difference + exhaustion resets on hook regardless. It'd be mostly the same with SB, or it may even help it in some cases since you could do a gen for a longer period of time before having to worry about 99ing it or losing it.

    I would support smash hit having a slightly shorter cooldown though. BL, lithe, and head on are fine as they are imo. SB, DH, and possibly overcome should be looked at.

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