The Tests Are over but what happened with Matchmaking?

I know there been several tests. But what happened with matchmaking ? Playing Solo-que survivors but my teamates seems to be pretty new.
I have over 3k hours but my teamates are usually 300 hours and way lass... Some has less than 50 hours tho.
If that happenes sometimes, few times, but i have this every lobby like that now.
Do they forgot to turn off test matchmaking ? or what happened ?
They definitely didn't change it back. Hoping it's a bug or oversight
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I thought I was the only one who felt like matchmaking wasn’t back to normal. Hopefully it’s something they fix
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Not , Its not back. Definitely not.
I mean sometimes the games r fun but... Killer is chasing me and my teamates do 3 gens what is great and one minute later my 3 teamates r on the ground :D Playing against nurse and teamates hiding behing hook or gen on open field just crouching and hoping they are invisible :D
I mean few games was fun but sometimes its pain, i understand some are new but...
Anyway at least some killers was not best as well tho, at least some wasnt best so some games was fun.
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I saw a post this morning and I thought it was simply nighttime matchmaking that did a number on them.
But I hopped in a couple of games and it's definitely not working as usual. Either a bug or they didn't switch it back.
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Well, in forum i found that Test is over.
I m definitely not best survivor even i have so many hours. But my teamates playing so very very poor.
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Can you give me an example of why it's not working for you?
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It seems like there's no matchmaking at all. Exactly like the tests on the 11th and 12th.
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Example ? I m in lobby, i m solo survivor, i check profiles and my teamates has less than 100 hours. Like right now i checked survivor profile, he had 83 hours and two other survivors console or epic players with basic skins. I left lobby, another lobby the survivor teamates has 24 hours. And its like this last 4 hours since i turned on the game. Something is wrong i think... Or my MMR was reseted ?
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Something is wrong i think... Or my MMR was reseted ?
I genuinely think this is a possibility. I have 700h+ and I got paired with beginners all this morning.
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I got no matchmaking at all. I went against 3 survivors who didn't know what a pallet or a loop was, one tried to stealth in chase by walking when I was literally 2m behind them. Another one of this group had 64 hours in the game vs my 3000.
As survivor, I went against a Huntress with 2 of her teachables and 2 general perks. She didn't play around BT (even when she knew this was in play) or DS and tunneled out two people out who had 10-20 sec chases. Then 2v1 we completed the last two gens and we both escaped, me in particular because she literally managed to mindgame herself when she had bitter murmur proc'd and I was in a deadzone where she could just hold W and kill me.
Then I closed the client because this was the same stuff I experienced yesterday.
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Thank you, I'll check into this.
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Np. Thank you.
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Ok, it looks like it's now working as intended, please let me know if you are still getting some strange matches throughout the rest of the afternoon.
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Keep in mind that during the MMR tests (especially the last whackadoo days) you've been facing all sorts, meaning that if you won or lost a bit against people you shouldn't have been facing, you might have krangled your MMR somewhat and it'll take a bit to re-align with where you should be.
Unless (and Mandy will have to confirm) you didn't gain or lose MMR on testing days.
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Oh okay so this wasn’t just me. I played some matches last night and the matchmaking definitely felt off. I had several easy games and ragequitting killers who definitely weren’t on our skill level last night after they couldn’t catch me or my teammates.