What is your SOLO-QUE experience?

acharliet Member Posts: 155

Why there is not talk how bad and frustrating can be playing SOLO-QUE survivors? What your experiences lately and how Do you enjoy playing solo-que survivors?

I think theres couple issues.

1. DC/Suicide on first hook - golden rule of some survivors who are first downed in game- lets DC or lets suicide on hook because I dont wanna time penalty so i can enter another game where I can do same.

2. Camping/Tunneling - this game is based on camping and tunneling, its in most of games, its so strong against solo survivors no doubt. I hope they dont wanna nerf DS again. 

3. Matchmaking? - Its weird to use word matchmaking since sometimes I feel its not matchmaking but its RNG. Are You playing against Nurse with thousands of hours and your teamates has less than 200-300 hours? It does happen.

4. Perks- new chapters are usually about good killer perks, not best ones for survivors, well the boon circle of healing was issue tho. When some survivors perk being reworked those r usually abused by swf survivors so those being quickly nerfed.

Killers being buffed lately. Killer players crying about survivors using some working perk well. I do play killers, its fun and most games you can win since you are playing against solo survivors. Of course its frustrating and sweaty playing against swf survivors. When i m playing against solo survivors and they use perks like DS DH BT its fine for me. Of course i m not gonna win every game. Playing killers for me is fun well, if i m not playing against sweaty swf.


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I only play solo and its mostly fine for me. But yea DCs and suicide at 5 gens is something very frustrating and I wish we werent punished by depip on top of that because of actions out of our control.

    Other than that I do fine most of the time, focusing on challenges. And matchmaking is the same random bs as it always were so dont bother mentioning it

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    3 people crawling around while I distract the killer for 5 gen. It's ain't easy and it ain't fun, but when I do get decent teammates, it's most likely in a match against the Nurse, who most likely camps and tunnels for no damn reason, just because they're too lazy to leave the hook and pressure the gen. What BS.

    My last game was against The Trickster and it ended with 1 gen left just as soon as I got camped and sacrificed for 2 minutes because I needed to save an ungrateful Nea who was close to dying but never bothered to unhook me. Tragically, they all died with 1 gen left, and I was the one who popped the 2nd to the last gen before I sacrificed myself.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Yeah I'll nuance my opinion bc this ^ made me realise I sound like saying solo q is always miserable for everyone, which isn't true (otherwise I simply would not be playing it lol). I have my fun in solo q because I'm a chill player who doesn't care about escaping. The only times i get frustrated is when I'm trying to do a challenge and just can't do it bc the killer thinks they needs to facecamp & tunnel me to secure the bag, which gets me to my conclusion:

    Solo q isn't terrible most of the time if you're a chill player who doesn't expect anything from it; but solo q is a pain if you're playing to win or have an objective in mind (getting to high ranks, challenges or whatever)

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    I thought the consensus was that soloQ is miserable if you play for escapes and/or pips. If I play for WGLF stacks, challenges rituals or to test a funny little build it's usually nkt nearly as miserable simply because the goal if the game is a different one.

    Most frustrating aspect of soloQ is the de-pipping that often is entirely out of your hands though. - And being forced to watch the auras of your teamies when you're on hook and the age old question of "what've they been up to anyway?" is answered. Sometimes it really hurts to watch. And sometimes it's very clear: there is zero point in sticking around.

    That being said, outside of peak hours soloQ is still an alright experience in about half the cases - but it comes in streaks. I also think it's the hardest for new-ish Players who dont yet have a very grood grasp of everything thats going on.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Endgame. I'm on hook, killer leaves and is chasing a survivor at the exit gate, the survivor is stalling for someone to save me.... The other two, one with BT at the other exit gate just standing there... Can see the obsession is getting chased and even got hit and then escaped but didn't move a muscle. Gates were equal distances away from hook. I died..... Cherry on top? I had kindred 😭

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    SoloQ's weaknesses are way overblown imo.

    Sure, it's no SWF, but it's no pushover either

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Solo queue is okayish for me. I get a little bit of everything. Usually 3-4 man escapes (might be that one that dies) unless someone disconnects/suicides. Which brings us to the first point:

    1. Its annoying but until the devs don´t want to treat suicides like disconnects, there´s probably little we can do.
    2. i think we should come to a consensus here. Some people struggle, when the killer is camping. Others struggle, when the killer isn´t camping. Until people have decided which is which, i will always assume that a basement hook = camp.
    3. matchmaking prioritizes short queues over fair matches. Nothing to complain about, if you don´t want to wait 20 minutes for a match.
    4. CoH is still meta and extremely strong. Residual Manifest could be strong. But lets see how the community reacts to guaranteed flashlights. Darkness revealed sounds strong, but then again. Its just a information perk. Which aren´t meta right now.
  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited May 2022

    Survivor gets hooked- killer chases another survivor- that survivors runs directly at the hook for no reason- killer now has a survivor hooked and a slug who refuses to crawl away from under the hook.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    It's either 3 people walking around doing their best impression of a child lost in a Walmart while I try to loop or do gens or absolutely cracked team and we get accused of being a SWF.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Solo queue is the only way I play dbd, friends that have dbd haven't played in 2 years and have like a few hours on it soooo it is pAiN. Getting left on hook too long when there is 3 others still in the match, being camped but there's still 3 other unhooked people who can save but even though it's not a bubba, will not even attempt to save, sometimes gens go so slow that everyone dies at 5-4 gens because everyone's to busy hiding in the corner of the map.

    I mean this isn't every game, but like 2 out of 10 games I get this bad solo queue experience.

  • Ronaldo
    Ronaldo Member Posts: 68

    Brain dead teammates (solo q is ass) literally hiding while the killer slugging.

    Leaves me die on hook even tho I carried the game.

    Hide in the corner of the map/locker while someone is getting chase

    Teabagging the killer at the gate even tho they only lasted 5 sec in chase

    LoL typed ggez in the endgame chat

    I think that summarize it.

    Oh I almost forgot dced because they got downed

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I play a decent amount of solo survivor, though I play more in a SWF usually. I'd kept survivor stats until just recently over 275+ games, and my escape rate, somewhat surprisingly, was about the same whether solo or as part of a SWF (around the 55% number).

    I can attest that some solo matches can definitely be miserable, but all in all, I don't mind playing solo, and I'm pleasantly surprised by my teammates more often than not. My biggest concern is when I'm the "random" with what looks to be a 3-person SWF, as I'm worried about being the sacrificial lamb in those cases.

    I had two recent matches where playing with a SWF showed both extremes of how being a "solo" can go. One match against an Oni, everyone else on death hook, I go down for my first hook after some decent chases with 1 gen remaining. Was worried about being left to die (I think the Oni had gotten their power), but I can see one person on the last gen and the other two sprinting for each of the other doors right before it popped. One served as a distraction while the other got a gate open, and the one that finished the gen pulled me down -- perfect teamwork, and we got a four-out.

    That's the great result. A yesterday was almost an example of the pain solo can give you. Up against a GF, and the 2-person SWF (matching names) are an Adam (first hooked by the exit as Jill and I were working on the last gen) and Dwight (on death hook). The Jill I suspected was a solo like myself. We pop the last gen, I head to rescue the Adam off of the hook while GF chases Jill. I get to the Adam to see the Dwight popping the exit gate and Adam pulling himself off the hook with Deliverance. Just as Jill goes down -- the Adam and Dwight leave (in their defense, they were both doing Adepts, so in retrospect, I understand the call), leaving me alone. Thankfully, I got close to where the Jill was being hooked (within BBQ, which I suspected they had -- and did, and they also had MYC, so I got the unhook quickly, so it wouldn't activate). I wasn't running BBQ, but I was able to take the protection hit and we both narrowly got out. I can only imagine that the Jill was thinking she was going to get abandoned, but I've been in her shoes and was ready to sacrifice myself so they could get out. Not always what you see in solo.

    TL:DR -- solo can be occasionaly miserable, but overall, I enjoy it, and matches like the two examples above are why,

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,092

    I escape about 60% of my matches. If I die it’s usually due to me being bad (over 3k hours and I still can’t properly look behind myself while running).

    Yea, I can get selfish teammates but it isn’t the norm. Maybe 1 out of 10 matches (on weekdays) will I get someone who suicides or DCs. It goes up on the weekends though.

    Most killers I face are pretty much at a decent level for me. Not too good but not terrible. I get the occasional camper and tunneled but it’s no where near as bad as some whiners on here claim.

    I just wish the devs would balance the game and killers better so I can see more of a variety of killers.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,269

    Choosing not to bring Kindred

    Loading into the match

    Immediately regret not bringing kindred

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    It's garbage and anyone who disagrees clearly doesnt play enough.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,197

    I almost always play SoloQ. Because of different time zones, I play SWF once in a blue moon. Overall SoloQ is enjoyable, but there are some games that can be very frustrating.

    Killers face-camping/hard-tunneling because u had the audacity to loop them is one thing.

    But farming survivors or the damn bunny Feng's that work with the killer to get everyone else killed/pull you on/off the hook until you die... yeah I have nothing nice to say about those players. That has happened often enough that I dodge lobbies with Feng players.

    Nea's on the other hand are some of the best teammates! <3

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    My solo q experience is similar to yours. That's why I stopped playing survivor and only do it for rift challenges.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096
    edited May 2022

    Absolutely miserable. I play to win and can't get teammates that fit my playstyle. I constantly have teammates throw games for Rift challenges, refuse to play at all, or just goof off. That's not how I want to play. No, it's not my MMR. Let's just say I have it on good authority that it's above the cap. Raising your MMR on survivor will not improve your experience at all. SBMM does an absolutely terrible job of matching survivors of similar skill and playstyle.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,250

    Solo queue is fun. I escape about 50% of the time so I'm assuming MMR is working for me. The only downside is that my teammates can be more dangerous than the killer at times but that is slowly getting better (I'm presuming my MMR is slowly increasing so I'm getting better teammates).

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    It depends. Hard to say. But I can say the more relaxed the killer is the more fun it is. That does not mean I have to escape.

    Very frutrating for me is a match against a killer with strong perks and addons and then I got hooked and see that nobody is doing a generator. It feels immediatly like a match without a chance.

    The best games are the games where you die and still able to enjoy or laugh about the game. Really rare, but happens 🙂.

  • Jocelynbee
    Jocelynbee Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,262

    I enjoy solo queue a lot, I find it really relaxing. I call it my solo queue zen time! I ALWAYS bring Empathy, I'll bring Guardian, I get to meme with things like Head-On, or Blast Mine, try out silly combos. Escaping is really not a priority for me anyway, so it's easy for me to enjoy the solo queue. 😍

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    My Solo games are awful. Usually one or all of these scenarios happen:

    - Teammates sacrificing themselves of first hook.

    - Teammates DCing on their first down or because it's a killer they don't like.

    - Teammates bringing the killer to me while I'm on gens or healing.

    - Teammates body blocking me while I'm a chase.

    - Dying on first hook because teammates decide to do gens and crouch around the map instead of helping.

    - Camping Bubba's

    - Basement campers

    So yeah, solo survivor is not a fun experience for me and that's why I often play selfishly, unless my team has proved they will be of help. I very rarely get compitent or good teammates.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    Most of my matches end up with me dying on first hook, getting teammates who either go down in 4 seconds or getting teammates who refuse to be useful during the match. Playing solo queue is almost as frustrating as playing killer, so I don't even bother. I got back on to the VHS beta, so I'm ditching DBD until either killer or solo queue is made less frustrating to play.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130


    Game is horribly balanced for solo play. You have zero chance to win unless the killer is a potato.

    Even if the gens are miraculously completed, killers have second chance perks like NOED, No Way Out, or Blood Warden to seal the deal.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I hope this encapsulates my Solo Q experience