New Prestige system

I was wondering what will happen to the perks u already have on your killers and survivors once the new prestige system hits. I have 1.3k hours in this game and every killer and survivor on level 50 with everyone having alsmost every perk. Does the new prestige system mean that all the grind was basically pointless since i never bothered to prestige anyone and I have to start from the beginning with 0 perks?
Not at all.
You will find more information in the full blogpost here, but for the part that you are interested in:
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Ahhh okay thank you very much for clearing that up. I was very worried that I have to start from the beginning again!
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Can completely understand the worry!
It is something we considered as we are aware not every player prestiges their characters and prefers to get all perks instead (me for example!).
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Will this update be released before September? Knowing that summer starts mid June and ends in September?
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As we've stated it's tentative for this summer - that's quite a few months as I think summer ends towards the end of September.
We've not given a confirmed ETA.
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Interesting. I have 4000+ hours in the game and not a single character prestiged so 😀
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Why is this link broken, can't get it to work
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That's actually very strange It's the direct website link to the correct section on our Website but for some reason on the previous links it's putting the language in, I will have a look into that later today.
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I prestiged Doctor at first by accident. Once I lost all my perks I was so upset. Yeah I got a bloody weapon, but it cost me 1M BP lol
Right now I'm making sure all killers are level 50 so once new system goes live, I can pop a level and unlock at least the basics on the killers.
@MandyTalk I know there's going to be a catch up for prestige, but how will it work when only 1-2 characters have a lot unlocked. For example, I unlocked and have most tier 3 perks on Mikaela for all characters (I used shrine of secrets a lot) , but my Kate is Level 1 still. Mikaela shouldn't lose her tier 3 perks, but what will happen to Kate? Will the catch up on her bring her to a similar level as Mikaela?