Let's say two survivors are injured and they're right in front of a gen with zero progress. It's the last gen, so they're desperate to get it done as quickly as possible. They're both affected with thanatophobia.

Survivor A wants both to start working on the gen.

Survivor B, who can heal with a brown medkit, would rather they both heal each other and then work on the gen together.

Numerically, which option would get the gen done the soonest?


Survivor A works on the gen. Survivor B heals in front of Survivor A and then immediately gets on the gen to help Survivor A finish it.


Survivors A and B get on the gen and work on it, while afflicted with thanatophobia.


Survivor A heals Survivor B and vice versa. Then both get on the gen immediately and work on it until completion.

Other variables: There are no toolboxes. There won't be any missed skill checks. No Survivor has any perks that would make healing/gen repair faster.


  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    So... this question is a little more complicated if you are asking what would be the best option for escaping, but the option that gets the gen done soonest (assuming the killer doesn't run you off) would be just committing to the gen both injured.

    Thana would only had 3.6 seconds (if my DBD math is correct) to the gen, meaning it is negligible pretty much. The only thing you have to consider is that since both of you are injured, you are going to be downed much easier, so the killer can push you both off the gen really easily. It's highly unlikely that you'll be able to complete the gen if it has 0 progress and you're both injured. So resetting is probably the better option for escape unless you are confident in looping.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516
    edited August 2022

    Without doing math, just do the gen. With math:

    90 c / (1 - 0.04) c/s = 93.75 s --- 2 Stack Than

    90 c / (2 - 0.04 - 0.16) c/s = 50 s --- 2 Stack Than and 2 man gen

    90 c / (1 - 0.02) c/s = 91.84 s --- 1 Stack Than 90

    90 c / (2 - 0.02 - 0.16) c/s = 49.45 s --- 1 Stack Than and 2 man gen

    OPTION 1:

    Survivor A works on the gen. Survivor B heals in front of Survivor A and then immediately gets on the gen to help Survivor A finish it.

    93.75 s - 16 s = 77.75 s

    77.75 / 93.75 = x / 49.45

    x = 41.05

    41.05 + 16 = 57.05 s

    OPTION 2:

    Survivors A and B get on the gen and work on it, while afflicted with thanatophobia.

    90 c / (2 - 0.04 - 0.16) c/s = 50 s

    OPTION 3:

    Survivor A heals Survivor B and vice versa. Then both get on the gen immediately and work on it until completion.

    32 s

    90 c / (2 - 0.16) c/s = 48.91 s --- 2 Man gen

    32 + 47.91 = 79.91 s

    With math, just do the gen.

    Edit: Ohhh, I see where I messed up now with that post below. I'll edit it after the Wesker games haha

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516
  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    No, you didn't waste your time at all! I asked the question because I've recently gotten interested in math and I want to understand how to calculate equations like that. It's interesting that your math is different from Peanits's math, though. I just skimmed your answer quickly, so I'll look it over carefully.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    I probably made a mistake somewhere but I'm not seeing it. Something will pop out eventually haha

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Wow, thanks Peanits! I really appreciate your answer! If you have the time, please share how you calculated. Thanks again :)

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523
    edited August 2022

    To shed some light: Positive modifiers are additive (added together and then applied to your charges per second), while negative modifiers are multiplicative (multiplied together and then applied to your charges per second.

    So to use the example where both Survivors immediately work on generator, for example, they would have a 15% penalty for working on the same generator and a 4% penalty from Thanatophobia. You multiple these together (0.85 * 0.96) to get the final charges per second (0.816). Multiple by 2 since there's 2 Survivors working on the generator, and you get 1.632. Divide the generator charges by the total charges per second you end up with 90 / 1.632 = 55.15 seconds.

    The others can be calculated the same way, but obviously there's more steps involved since the charges per second change every time someone is healed or starts working on the generator. But once you add up the time spent healing and repairing separately & together, you get the final time.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
    edited August 2022

    Assuming the other survivors are dead or healthy in a bush somewhere

    Option 1:

    Survivor A works on the gen for 16 seconds with 4% slowdown while B heals

    Then they both work on the gen with 2% slowdown

    So A works at 0.96 charges per second for 16 seconds for 15.36 charges done

    Then B joins and they both work at a combined 1.666 charger per second for the remaining 74.6 charges to finish in 44.8 seconds

    So in total they spend 60.8 seconds

    Option 2:

    Thanatophobia slows them down by (a whopping) 4%

    So if they both work on the gen ignoring their wounds at 1,63 charges per second. they finish it in ~55 seconds

    Option 3

    Survivor A heals B for a total of 16 seconds

    B heals A in 12.8 seconds thanks to the medkit

    They both work on the gen without being affected by thana at a combined 1.7 charges per second and finish it in ~53 seconds

    In total 81.7 seconds passed

    So option 2 is obviously the fasted but there is an argument that 6ish seconds is not a bad trade for having a healthy survivor that can bodyblock

    Edit: Frick i'm slow T-T

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    You're right. In a real game, different variables can suddenly come into play and that would affect the end result. In an isolated setting like this, if all goes to plan, it's best to "just do gens" lol

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Thank you for adding more detail. I truly appreciate it 😊

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Even though everyone is getting slightly different math, the one constant is that Option 2 is the quickest route. Thanks for taking the time to answer and show how you calculated!

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    For being slow i'm going to add the interresting scenario when there are injured survivor C and D so thana is in full effect

    Option 1:

    Survivor A works on the gen for 16 seconds with 20% slowdown while B heals

    Then they both work on the gen with 6% slowdown

    So A works at 0.8 charges per second for 16 seconds for 12.8 charges done

    Then B joins and they both work at a combined 1.598 charger per second for the remaining 77.2 charges to finish in 48.3 seconds

    So in total they spend 64.3 seconds

    Option 2:

    Thanatophobia slows them down by 20%

    So if they both work on the gen ignoring their wounds at 1.36 charges per second. they finish it in ~66 seconds

    Option 3

    Survivor A heals B for a total of 16 seconds

    B heals A in 12.8 seconds thanks to the medkit

    They both work on the gen at 4% slowdown for a combined 1.632 charges per second and finish it in ~55 seconds

    In total ~84 seconds passed

    So in that scenario Option 1 is faster but ever so slightly

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Ha! That's cool! 😂 The difference is slight, but maybe if you have adrenaline, it's worth it. Sometimes, a Killer comes right when you're about to finish the gen, and having just that slight extra amount of time can make the difference.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    That's what I personally love about math, no matter what, there is only one answer

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    Yep! And it's the same in every language. If you wrote a math problem, people worldwide could understand the meaning of the symbols and solve it. Written word? Spoken? Nope.

    Do you have a conclusion on which math is truly accurate?

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277

    Thank you for clarifying things Peanits, in fact for negative modifiers I had a doubt, because there was a case where the gen time alone was super high, and I was doubtful.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,670

    I agree. I didn't expect Peanits to be one of the responders, let alone take the time explain how he calculated it.