Matchmaking Incentives should be awarded differently
So, I really like the Matchmaking Incentives, they reward you for playing the wanted role.
One big problem I have is that they are rewarded after the match, based on the current need.
So, for example, I queue up with an advertised bonus of 100%, but once the match is over the 100% wouldn't apply anymore because the role isn't in a high demand, so I get no bonus after the match. Effectively, the incentives lure me into a role I possibly wouldn't even have played without those incentives, and there's the risk I don't even get rewarded for that.
If this is a bug, then I hope it's going to be fixed soon, and I apologize for opening this thread in the wrong category, otherwise I really would ask to re-think that decision. I think it's fair to have the % set in stone once the match started and get the bonus blood points in the advertised amount.
Didn’t know this was a thing. Bogus.
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Yes, Matchmaking incentives should be locked once the player is in the queue and only be removed when the Match is over or the player left the queue/dodged the Lobby.
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If this is true then this is a bug.
It was explained that you should get the incentive that's displayed when you queue.
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They could make it 500% and I still wouldn't touch solo q.
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This shouldn't be a thing...if you start the match at 100% then you should still get the 100% even if the bonus has expired during the course of the match.
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Hm, then it's a bug and I will report it properly the next time I experience it..
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Unless it changed in 6.2.1, can definitely confirm that this IS a thing.
One time I even got a BP bonus for killer…when there wasn’t a bonus at all when I queued up.
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I’ve experienced this too but didn’t realize what was causing it. I only noticed after the match there wasn’t a matchmaking bonus when I definitely remember there being one when loading in.
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So you're saying you've played survivor that had 100% incentive to play, finished match and the incentive was no longer on the survivor role?
In 8 days, I've only seen the incentive on killer very briefly. I was playing with 100% incentive on survivor last night where we'd wait probably about 2 mins at most. At fastest, queue time was 30 seconds or less. Not once did it move. Haven't seen killer incentive since last Wednesday and that was for two matches. So I'd say that judging by queue times, it's working as intended. But I agree that if you enter into a match with the incentive on the role you're playing, you should be awarded that incentive when match is finished.
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Glad someone else noticed this. I've had several games where I got no incentive despite starting the match with at least some incentive. This has happened to me on both sides.
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Why is it locked at the start of the match, instead of being locked when someone presses the ready button to join the queue? If someone joins the queue because of incentives, there is an expectation they will get the incentives.
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Since the incentives have come back I have only seen 100% survivor and briefly for about 2 hours survivor was 25% for me. I have been checking every night during peak hours, still have yet to see killer incentives.
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I've had this happen too, the only time I saw a bonus as killer so far. I started matching with a clear +100% bonus as killer only to not receive the bonus after the match was complete.
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We are looking into this, to make sure that the BP bonus is applying as it should.