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Refuse to play with Anonymous Mode players

I refuse to play with Anonymous Mode players, the amount of hackers that use this is amazing.
How are we supposed to report them?
End game reports are a joke and if there are no names to report does this mean that DBD thinks they have fixed the hacker problem?
Yesterday I had a survivor go through a trap in a doorway and tell me it was a DBD 'bug'!
Reporting players with Anonymous Mode works exactly the same as reporting someone without it: you report in game, which flags the match for the team, open a ticket on the Support website ( giving the required information.
The only thing that changed with the addition of Anonymous Mode is that the ticket does not require SteamID, profile links or nametag, as Support can access that kind of information through the in-game report and the details you gave in your ticket.
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It's funny, if you're playing Trapper and place your traps badly you can actually squeeze through doorways without being trapped by just hugging a wall.
And you can report people as normal when they're using anonymous mode. Their Steam64 ID is optional.
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Why can't it do what you stated below regardless of whether they're anonymous or not? I'm confused.
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@GoodBoyKaru not on this doorway next to the exit gate on RDP, I mean it is a one person doorway that is difficult for Trapper to fit through. Add Trap to the middle of doorway and well, neither would surprise me. Have video evidence but then how do I report that on an anonymous player with in game reporting to prove it? Simply you can't no longer give video evidence now if Anonymous.
Taking information from players is ruining this game IMO, knowing players names as in who are capable or DC, own SMMB ranking number, who are in SWFs, DBD prepared charts instead of BI reporting charts with dynamic variables e.g. do the reports show games where survivors have DC'd or killed themselves on hook straight away.
It's like one step forward...
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It's very easy.
In the endgame screen, you press on the thumbs up/thumbs down button next to their score, not on their name. You go to find the correct report option and you report, giving a very brief answer like "hacking".
Then you go to BHVR Support (there's a link to it on the forums and in-game) and file a support ticket under "Additional Player Report Information" and fill in as much information as possible, omitting the offending player's Steam64 ID as you cannot get that without their profile. Upload the video evidence to a different video sharing site, such as YouTube (though do it Unlisted), because the site BHVR use for Support is, for lack of a better term, horrific.
Et voila, there you go, you've successfully reported a person in Anonymous mode. With the video information, who you physically report in-game, and overall match information they receive they'll be able to locate the offending player even under anonymous mode.
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I'm not sure but perhaps endgame stats, why bother hiding anything at that point?
Played against a major streamer and only knew I had played them from a friend in their stream otherwise it was a random 'A BLIGHT' killer.
It is similar to who is in a SWF, the killers will never get better if they lose and always think they all were in a SWF and make little adjustments in future matches.
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Oh also to answer your second question, the statistics given don't show games with DCs and likely not early hook suicides if Nurse and Blight are so low down.
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So you're saying use the in-game reporting system that many believe does nothing and then post a ticket on a website linking the video evidence but not give any link reference in that report? If so, I think my point still stands.
From recollection BHVR are going to be showing action taken from reports which brings hope but then with lack of proof there will be more and more reports from players and killers suffering as 80% of SWF players in game reporting a killer for hacking when they lost without providing any proof is going to be horrific for the game.
Words use like 'likely' prompt why something like this video below would be so powerful with being able to dynamically change values to say exclude data that has survivors attempting kobe's
However if you give power or information to players that has negative and positive outcomes towards the game and can see why something like this would never be given to the players
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That post was towards endgame stats when the game has finished.
How can you harass or target someone anonymous in game but only find out who it was at the end.
At the end what does it matter except you know who you beat/beat you e.g. a decent streamer/player
Whether you lost to a 4 man SWF with their advantages compared to a 4 very good team of solo survivors and depending on that you can improve as ranking to know is very important in a game, some people don't care but for example I'd like to know if I were in the top survivors or top killers.
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If you make it that you are anonymous just until the tally screen, well then people can go to other players' profile and harass them there, which is what the mode is aimed at addressing.
If your only reason to be against it is that you cannot see if you outplayed this or that content creator, I'm sorry but the pros of keeping the mode way outvalue the cons.
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if you vs a cheater report them and block them. if you do this, check your lobby for blocked players and if there is one thats 100% a cheater and you know to dodge, and you also know that the report you made did absolutely nothing
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To harass in players profiles? That is easily fixed as they would need to give permission.
I'm dismayed to hear you think that is the only arguement whether I outplay a streamer as there are many reasons to display who you play against.
What DBD are allowing at the moment is for hacker to not even get reported and the more information hidden away from players is more and more worrying for the improvement of this game in my humble opinion.
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Currently Anonymous Mode does ...
Previously I could report with video evidence to support my claim the player was a hacker
Numerous claims of hacking can be made without proof, say from a 4 man SWF who had a bad game against a killer
This is not good
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You can still do this, Anonymous Mode didn't change how the reports work in the slightest, we can even say it made it easier, as you are required to give less information than before.
And no action will be taken without proof, so the claims you are talking about will lead to nothing.
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Forgive me but what you said does not make sense to me...
"You can still do this, Anonymous Mode didn't change how the reports work in the slightest, we can even say it made it easier, as you are required to give less information than before."
So click on the player as cheating in the endgame and thats it yes?
"And no action will be taken without proof, so the claims you are talking about will lead to nothing."
As nobody has asked me for proof of this player hacking then no action has been taken against them.
I should add I never have been asked for proof.
Now when I log this on the BHVR website I can provide proof but now how can I link the game / event / player when they are anonymous and have no way of referencing them to BHVR?
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You have been told multiple times that you have to make an additional support ticket to provide the proof (and this did not change at all with addition of anonymous mode)
you don’t have to link it yourself, it will be linked via your in-game report and you have to provide your player ID from the in-game menu
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As explained here:
Proof is required when filing the ticket, and as @GoodBoyKaru already explained, you can upload your clip to Youtube as unlisted and post the link in the ticket.
Now when I log this on the BHVR website I can provide proof but now how can I link the game / event / player when they are anonymous and have no way of referencing them to BHVR?
Again, as explained in my first comment in this thread, Support can access that kind of information through the in-game report that flags the match and the details you give in your ticket.
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Okay so a web ticket has to be logged and from the ingame report and from the date and time reported of the match on the web ticket a team has to find that match and then identify the player, that sounds like a lot of work for those poor guys (and a smaller amount for the player reporting) but possible to do.
I will continue to refuse to play with anonymous players though, as I feel safer knowing hackers are more likely to do use this.
To be honest, we shouldn't have to be reporting hacking as the dbd servers should be able to detect hacking as servers will be able to monitor if we are flying in the air / not trapped after passing over a trap. DBD needs to focus less on the old client anticheat as the client games are easily compromised.
Thanks for your time
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Please avoid tagging me or other people multiple times, the quote already tags me, especially avoid tagging the wrong person multiple times as they are not even participating to the discussion.
As I said above, we can discuss if the system needs work and I do agree more things could be done on the server's side, however the procedure to report is in place and working, so for now we need to stick to that.
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I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I will say (as a Trapper main) that for whatever frustrating as it is…there’s a lot of traps that survivors can shimmy past, but Trapper will activate same trap trying to do so. Very frustrating.
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That was me at 1 in the morning, apologies. I meant to ask if reporting without the ID or whatever else works just the same as reporting someone who's in anonymous mode.
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If I didn't have 15 minute long ques even during peak hours I would also do that.
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it did it poorly honestly... to find informations about players that you faced it's sufficient go on steam... there's a area where it will show you the last players that you faced (yes, even the ones in anonymous mode)
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Frankly I think streamers use it to dodge accountability almost as much as hackers. There are lots of very toxic streamers that just don't get any sort of comeuppance because the people they talk about in their streams end up being unable to defend themselves. Holding toxic streamers accountable for their statements is important to facilitate a less toxic community.
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At this point, you are at fault more than anyone else for being uncooperative.
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It might go against platform TOS if they obfuscated to the point it broke Steam recent players.
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You missing the point.
Anonymous mode gives them easy lobbys. You can't click on their profile to check how valid their are. And even after the match you need a trick to check the profiles.
You also don't know if the "Claudette Morel" who cheated last match is the same cheating "Claudette Morel" im your lobby again or not.
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I'm using this mode. Because I just want to play some games. I don't need people to check who I am, it doesn't matter who I am.
I'm also pretty sure that as long as you flag people in the ingame reports and also send some vids to the support team people get banned. You don't need the steam ID. Would be weird if bhvr would add sth so that players can hide from the developers and do whatever they want in the game.
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When you report the player through the website it requests your Cloud ID which links the report to your account. From there, they can easily see which matches you played, against whom and if you flagged any of your matches/opponents. Even if you don't report in the game, you should it makes things easier; they can still use deduction and the video to figure out which matched the infraction.