Cenobite Cube Exploit

Just played Gideons vs Cenobite and not only did he find the cube instantly at game start, he found it every time within 30 seconds… when he wasn’t downing people that were suiciding. Whether this is an exploit or just, as some enabling killers like to call it “just smart play knowing how to find the cube”… it’s clearly broken.
He could've had Chatterer's Tooth which let's him see the Box.
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It's his box. Not yours...
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This add-on is what I was going to mention! It is Very Rare, as well. Like all add-ons, it has pros and cons, so it deactivates the Chain Hunt but it does allow them to be undetectable. If the chain hunt was still on going while finding the cube, and you suspect there was something unintended going on, you can follow the Game Rules to report cheating or exploiting behavior: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
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Wait… what? Lol. How have I never seen this until now? New??
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He has had the add-on since his introduction, although it did receive a slight buff that lengethened the duration of the Undetectable status.
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How would him picking up his OWN cube be an exploit??
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Understandably, since it isn't easy for him to find in general, not knowing about the add-on can easily cause some confusion.
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Could've also been running Hoarder
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Hoarder would only work if someone picked up the box though
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Hoarder would only alert the killer when someone else had picked it up, and doesn't reveal it in the same way Chatterer's Tooth does.
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As an aside, it's not that difficult if you're aware of the survivor locations when the box spawns to anticipate where the box will be...same as at a start of a match.
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OP never specified if his teammates picked it up but yes it would be the addon otherwise
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Speaking as the guy who is more or less responsible for the box logic becoming widely known, it's... not that hard to find the box if you know what you're doing. Especially if you're running a few info perks such as Lethal/BBQ and such.
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It could also be cheats, I had a Pinhead once who didnt run Chatterer's Tooth and every single time the box spawmed he beelined to it and it wasnt a small map where you may walk a few meters and start hearing the electricity noises, it was Temple of Purgation.
He would be chasing someone, box spawmed ditch chase, straight line to the box every-single-time, I lost count on how many times he picked it, in the end the entire team just suicided.
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I once had a similar experience, it was a Cenobite in the chatterers outfit on the Grim Pantry map.
He would constantly find the box before everyone else, there were all kind of chain hunts going on, very short chases, very oppressive and I think the game ended with only gen completed.
I play a fair share of Cenobite myself, so I was quite surprised when I saw this dudes loadout: the three Cenobite perks in yellow quality and no add-ons. That dude was a stone-cold cheater. I reported him, but without footage I guess he needed to accumulate a couple more flags. Maybe it was the same one?
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Does the chain hunt still happen if a Cenobite brings Chatterer’s Tooth and not pick up the box?
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Yes, with Chatterer's Tooth, the regular chain hunts still happen as long as you don't pick up the box. Also, it's not specified on the addon description, but if you do pick up the box (or down someone who is holding the box), you also see the bubbles that show where the survivors are.
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Ah, so you're the guy I need to hate. 👀
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Yeah, pretty much. If you think I'm lying, you can check the description of Otz's video on the matter. It has my alt username but that's me.
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Finding the box at the start of the game isn't hard if you understand where the box can spawn. Lethal pursuer helps to.
All you have to do is head to an area thats at least 40 meters from you thats also at least 40 meters from where any every survivor starts. (0% chance that the box is there