Do you think that BHVR will shut down dbd forum to add all the missing characters as avatar?
The latest update in my opinion, I think they'll be shutting down the server because year ago they added resident evil chapter as profile avatar in this forum and so on they haven't released the rest of every character as a profile picture for players. So do you think this could be their maintenance? Or do you think if it's something else with this missing feature?
I doubt it's the main reason, but it's totally possible they choose to slip those in alongside whatever routine maintenance they're doing.
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pretty sure mandy talked about a big forum update once, this might be it
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It'd be nice if there was an option for someone I play more, or at least a related perk.
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She even stated that the new profile icons will be added with/after that big update so it’s really doubtful that the icons are the major reason for the downtime
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i meant that it would be a part of the forum update
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I wouldn't need to switch off the forum for adding in avatars, switching the forum off is due to massive maintenance that's happening which will make the forum unfunctional.
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this gonna be that giant update thats been mentioned a while back?
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I can't unsee that...
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Best of luck with it
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thank you <3 ngl it's scary to do, especially as I'm not the most creative person
Pretty sure we'll have some minor issues over the next few days, but hopefully the major ones should be dealt with prior to the forum coming back online. I just ask that everyone is patient and lets me know when they find an issue in a calm manner - so that I can get them fixed. We can put things on my wall as a known issues list there, so that I can work on them.
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I would change my avatar to the Knight if that was possible. (or one of his guards)
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It is yes, it's changing a lot of things with the forum, software as well. Which is why I'll be putting it offline for a few hours - it might come back sooner, but I want to make sure that things are functioning before putting it back Live.
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I won't have the new Avatars in for today...lets get things working as they should and then I'll add those in, I'm aiming for the end of next week to have the updated Avatars in, as they need to be created first. And I have a few people on my team off sick at the moment, so have a small delay here and there.
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give them vitamin C tablets it works like a charm
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Yea also the last time i heard from BHVR that they want some community artists since when they said that every player will get payed for doing their own unique outfits so i dont know if they might be planning to update it as a new page here in dbd forum or otherwise i think they're changing the forum background into Christmas for a limited time event
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Oh, I mean I guess the majority here is somewhat capable of expressing their feedback calmly…
so issues should be directly put on your wall or in the forums feedback section?
(So… is there still space on your team? Like generally - obviously not right now)
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that would not need to put the forum offline, I do those things when the forum is live. This is not purely connected to any art changes
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My team is growing yes, I run the moderation team and have a couple of Coordinators. Not hiring right at this minute though...and we only hire from Toronto, Quebec and Ontario :(
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Aww sad :( but thx for letting me know (kinda thought that didn’t apply to coordinators etc)
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Would love to finally have my Haddie icon. Though judging by her cosmetics it would be time limited :(
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It hasn't previously, but going forward this is my intention