Dear devs - new update

I hope you guys plan on refunding people like me who have spent hundreds in the games for perks not to work and for continuously trying to kill the game, making perks useless. What you are doing with healing, you will be losing me, and many other fans/customers. Uninstalling the game when I get home, you guys are going to be seeing that a lot from others as well because of your guys' Idiocracy. Nerfing perks, add on's, basically everything and anything you can without reason other than to make your fan base mad and kill the game it seems like. Well when the game dies don't try crawling back to the fanbase/customers you screwed over. I've spent well over $100 between characters and survivors to not even be able to use the majority of the perks because they're either bugged and don't work(like flashbang that I've made many reports on), or you nerfed them. Because apparently you guys are more worried about unnecessarily nerfing things that addressing bugs that have been a problem for a long time. What's the customer service line cause I would really like a refund on Leon. Main reason I bought him is for the perk flashbang which doesn't even work and I've made reports on it along with other but has yet to be addressed months after reporting it. I'd like to be contacted about a refund or I will gladly take it to the better business bureau instead. π
Wow, the entitlement on this one.
'I demand a refund because the game has been rebalanced'.
Also, flashbang works, it's just something that can be avoided.
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Welcome to Games as a Service.
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They really think people will still play survivor after these changes lmao. Killrate will rise to 80%+ and good killers will reach a killrate of nearly 100%.
Thereβs nothing fun in this game left for survivors to enjoy and I will be uninstalling when the update hits too. Most people wonβt put up with being a punching bag for a killer that finally gets to experience their power trip fantasy
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This has been my point for months now. Just remove the survivor role and make them all A.I. let the killers use the AI as their anger management punching bags and survivor mains can find a new game to play.
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Jesus Christ the amount of whining on these forums is so astronomical.
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Maybe you can, you know, just try it first and see how it works out?
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Never mind the fact that killers lost their 3 best gen perks. Iβm excited for these changes, although gen rushing may become even worse than it was before.
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That's what people said after Decisive Strike was nerfed. Yet here we are.
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It actually doesn't at least for me, I'll do a whole gen to myself, no item in hand from the start of the trial, hop in a locker and there's no secondary action prompt. Even pressing the button without the prompt does absolutely nothing and I've made bug reports on different platforms months and months ago. It's not rebalanced at all, they're making it easier and easier for killers by nerfing perks for no reason. This is coming someone who has been maining killer
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Hell even killer has become boring AF because of these unnecessary changes
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I hope you guys plan on refunding people like me who have spent hundreds in the game
......... The delusion is astounding.
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I mean maybe they shouldn't continue to change ######### just cause of other people whining about "this perk is too strong!" The challenge is what makes the game fun on both sides. They keep making it easier for killers, coming from a killer main
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Can what?
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They just need to leave perks alone and stop nerfing everything because of people not knowing how to counter perks they don't like
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Never cared about ds, but they're blatantly making it easier to play killer and that's coming from a killer main. And yet people still camp and tunnel making it equally boring on the survivor side when you're out of game in five minutes without even being able to touch a gen
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Lmao the entitlement? God forbid I'd like a refund for at least Leon since I haven't been able to use the one perk I got him for since they would rather ignore bug reports on it and keep nerfing ######### for no reason
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Or the money I spent on other characters for certain perks that are now useless and obsolete
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LOL, looks like you didn't read the game's End User Licence Agreement, huh?
"Virtual Goods are licensed to you, not sold. You do not own the Virtual Goods, and you acknowledge and agree that all Virtual Goods represent a limited, personal, nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable and fully revocable license to use the Virtual Goods, for your individual, non-commercial, entertainment purposes only. You have no right, title, interest, or ownership in or to any Virtual Goods. We may terminate your license at any time and at our sole discretion.
BHVR has the absolute right to regulate, discontinue, update, modify or eliminate any Virtual Goods at any time in its sole discretion and BHVR shall have no liability to you or anyone else for these actions.
Virtual Goods have no monetary value, and in no event may you sell, transfer, trade, exchange, give, convert or redeem Virtual Goods for βrealβ money or other goods or services, including other Virtual Goods, inside or outside the Game except as expressly permitted by this EULA, the BHVR Terms or otherwise permitted in the gameplay.
All purchase of Virtual Goods, whether made with βreal moneyβ or virtual currencies, are non-refundable and are not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value or virtual currency from BHVR at any time."
Dead by Daylight End user licence agreement (
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When you purchased the game, you agreed to buying an experience that changes with gameplay updates. All powers, perks, add-ons, and anything that affects gameplay is subject to change because this game is a live service product, instead of a one-and-done experience. Therefore, you can't get a refund for this reason, but you can voice your opinions and hope that the majority agrees with you to the point that BHVR does make the changes you want.
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One of the things about a Live game, is that things can and will for sure change at some point throughout that games lifecycle.
Sometimes those changes might benefit survivor, sometimes those might benefit killers, somethings you will agree with as a player and some things you potentially won't agree with.
With regard to the bug reports, we actually have no open bugs for Flashbang as it's working as intended.
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Yooo did this man invoke the power of the BBB π€£π€£π€£ I NEEEEVER WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW ENTITLED KILLER MAINS ARE AGAIN! This is comedy.
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I'm just sad that i'll probably never get the 'bless you' achievement now that boons are useless. Maybe another boon will come along some day.
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It's pretty close to there already. I've been very much enjoying the free wins and near constant 100% bonus bloodpoints playing killer a lot more these last several months.
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Man I rember when the last time healing speed was nerfed most of them are still here
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You really think people won't play Survivor?
People will whinge and moan about the game even as they continue to play it. They'll get used to it and focus their whinging and moaning on the next thing BHVR does.
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Okay but what about Leon? Got him for flashbang yet it won't work at all for me, made reports and so have others yet they're more worried about nerfing things that don't need it instead of addressing bugs and other issues with the game
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Remember when all the survivor mains were going to quit when 6.1.0 dropped?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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This is one of those patches where you guys have to be smart enough to know when to IGNORE the community. So many of the things in this upcoming patch have been needed for a LONG time. I agree that the medkit thing is maybe a bit overkill when it comes to playing SOLO, but everything else..seriously bravo! I hope most of them make it to the actual game this time... :/
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Well maybe they should fix a bug me and others are experiencing with not being able to use flashbang since day one of purchasing the first resident evil dlc. Bought him for flashbang yet I can't even use it so yeah, either fix it or start refunding people
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I can agree with this statement. I'm miserable when playing survivor and playing killer is a 3-4k every game with little to no challenge other than SWF's and even those struggle despite me just being, if anything, a slightly above average killer on a good day.
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Why is it not unlocked?
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They really really mean it this time.
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I wasn't one of those that was gonna quit in that update so π€·π»ββοΈ
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So what was that again about no bug reports and it working fine? π€
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It's a general observation not targeted at any specifc player.
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Active bug reports are reports that players have made but that we have not acknowledged as a report - an acknowledged bug report is one that is in our system.
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Every time a big update like this comes out it really highlights who the players who only play one side are. The ability of some people (on either side) to only see half of what is going on is mind boggling.
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The tone of the OPs post is confirmation that the changes were pretty darn good. No more GG EZ games due to broken perks.
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So why isn't mine being acknowledged and taken care of when others have said they've had the same issue? And I even have evidence of it being bugged
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I'm looking at it from both sides, I've even stated several times I've been maining killer lately and even I think it's stupid af
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Alright, since those in this thread are veering off topic, has had things answered by the Community Manager & those in the community, and comments becoming disrespectful to others, I am closing it here. Please remember there is never a reason to attack or insult others; here, or anywhere.
As previously stated here, the EULA (End User License Agreement) states that this is a live game, and changes to the game could be made at any time. It is something that is accepted by any player that chooses to agree to the EULA and play the game. Anything purchased in game is not refundable, and any requests for refunds would have to be taken up with the platform it was purchased on (Steam, Playstation, XBox, etc).