They are reversing the Pyramid Head change

It's a neat idea, but not for his base kit. It'd be a good fit for the ultra rare/very rare slots.
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Well his cages can't be changed for short time period. So it's smarter to revert this change for now. I actually liked changes.
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"For the time being"
That implies they want to reimplement it but with changes in the future. I'm interested in seeing how it goes.
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I liked the change, but I want them to change cages to at least give the basekit BT, maybe also immunity from being Tormented for a bit after being unhook/uncaged, before going forward with this change. Just things to not make him even better at camping/tunneling.
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Good. Glad they listened to us.
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Not sure if I'm crazy about the reason why he was given the Torment basekit. With the previous Lightburn mechanic removal and now this, it's like they are removing survivor counterplay to killer powers.
Post edited by GolbezGarlandGabrant on7 -
Unfortunate that it's being shelved entirely, at least for now, but if they didn't have time to implement the necessary safeguards against camping/tunnelling, it's the right call.
Hopefully they revisit this idea later on down the line.
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At least the developers listened to our concerns regarding it tbh.
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Pyramid Head needs a power adjustment if they want his M2 power to inflict torment, because cages already ignore a lot defense survivors have against tunneling and are really only kept in check by the killer being unable to chain cages back to back on a survivor.
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They could leave it and set that the cages work like normal hooks (bt basekit and so on).
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Tho I'm really sad he not getting any love this patch I do think this was the right call. Maybe in the next mid chapter or later he not only get slight power rework to allow this basekit change but also a much needed add on pass as well. We can only hope.
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Let's be honest, reverting that basekit buff was the move. PH very obviously didn't need that buff, he's fine basekit and sits in a very good spot compared to the rest of the killer roster. Don't know what bhvr was thinking.. I'm assuming they were too lazy to rework most of his addons and instead decided to take the easy route until they received everyones concerns? Show some love to his addons and PH gets left alone after. MANY other weaker killers that need buffs instead
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Good. Behavior has been doing much better recently.
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It was better with being an addon not basekit... but if they tried it out now they can learn the pros and cons of it so when it does come time to make it they can adjust the numbers and give a condition to it's use
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Them nerfing his ass and now not giving us this buff during pride month feels like homophobia tbh /s
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I agree with all the above, it could be the effect of his goblet instead. Smart to remove it from base kit. Hope he gets some new stuff though, poor triangle man is gathering dust! (he's a good killer, but could use an addon makeover at least!)
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Gosh, it's almost as if one side has 4x the volume of the other and making changes based on player complaints with no actual data to support things will always land balancing decisions on the side of "nerf the killers more to handhold the absolutely least skilled survivors."
Heaven forbid things actually present even the slightest challenge.
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With balance, if there are changes to powers that do not align with how the base game already functions, then reverting it makes sense. When broader game balance changes can be put into place, then smaller tweaks to specific killers can have more of their intended effects.
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I Hope this means they’ll look at his add-ons instead. Since most of them are top tier garbage including his Iridescents.
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Pyramid Head is a solid A tier kill with strong anti-loop, zoning and an unrivalled ability to tunnel. This character presents more than the 'slightest challenge' and the buff wouldn't make strong Pyramid Head killers any more terrifying than they already are. If anything, this buff would just make it easier for more mediocre Pyramid Heads to score quick kills than to guaranteed torments.
I mained that killed for a year and a half (moved on to Nemesis and Spirit eventually), I think he needs updating but that wasn't it.
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I don't understand what they mean (reverse)
Can someone explain to me?
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The Pyramid Head change was just for the PTB. After testing, it was determined it would not go live at this time.
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And if the PTB changes went live, PH could instantly torment both survivors at the cage. It wasn't balanced with how his power currently works.
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It should replace one of his iri addons. His add ons are trash. Having it be one of his iris would be fine
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Well done on making the right decision to reverse it.
It looks like they may revisit this idea in future to increase the chances of torment, but perhaps look at another less oppressive way of doing so. If they find a way it will be fun to try out in future.
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Why not they leave this a basekit feature of his kit but like allow survivors to rid themselves of torment? That seems balanced.
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The PTB version definitely needed changes - though I don't know enough about Phead to make a call on what the change means during "normal gameplay" aka during a regular chase that started with an uninjured, untormented survivor and didn't suffer sth like exposed. The tunneling potential was just off the charts. - That being said, I would've hoped for cages simply working like regular hooks when it comes to (un)hooking related perks and mechanics. Maybe, to discourage tunneling a Phead a torment immunity for x time after being uncaged. That seems like it would've done the trick.
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My only disappointment is the fact that this even made it to a PTB to begin with. Dev team should have seen the problems with this basekit change would have caused without having to test it in the PTB. Now PH players get absolutely nothing this patch and honestly it feels bad. Hopefully y'all make a addon pass for poor triangle man a priority to make up for this patch since that's the area he needs the most help. The only good addons on him are the range addons it be nice to have more fun options to play with.
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Good, it would have been way too oppressive for sweaty players. Kind of a bummer I'll never get to try it out though.
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They could of still done it but make it if a survivor is mid unhook/uncage are immune to torment or have something like BT but a immunity to gaining torment after said unhook/uncage. Torment is easy to avoid as survivor as long as they pay attention
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Amen to that as if there wasnt already enough tunnelheads around.
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His power is camping and tunneling, so no thanks. He is meant to be a hook state obliterator, that's his design.
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Completely agree but that type of change may take longer than the allotted time they have till the chapter release. This why I said the devs should been more aware of the impact this type of change would had without a change to cages. I don't think they really needed a PTB to figure out that out and now PH gets absolutely nothing this patch.
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Probably a good decision. I'd much rather see him get an addon rework anyway.
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I think this was the right decision. The change would've given pyramid head too much power. The fact he can already avoid hooks if a survivor has torment is pretty powerful. Survivors have to be careful in his current state to simply not get the torment debuff. If he were able to apply it at random then all he would need to do is proximity camp hooks which would likely discourage save attempts.
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Well, I think this kind of sucks, but I totally get the concerns about play with it around the hook.
It never made sense to me that Punishment of the Damned doesn't apply torment, so I hope this is something they revisit with a more nuanced approach.
Maybe in the meantime they can do something about his dumpster fire add on set.
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I like that they reversed it, not only because of his tunneling power, but mostly because making that a base-kit feature would have made the add-ons that affect his Torment Trails (the majority of his add-ons, that is) even more useless than they already are. What's the point of bringing add-ons that improve his trail if their main function is also fulfiled by his other, much better ability? Another reason to just bring his range add-ons and forget most of the rest. Just change his weak add-ons, perhaps replace one of them with a new one that makes his punishment inflict torment, but don't make that base-kit.
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BHVR needs to make his M2 power have a larger base-kit range, or an add-on pass won't do anything. BHVR could make an add-on that allows Pyramid Head to float in the air, and vomit barbed wire projectiles.... and I'll still pick double M2 range add-ons, because his M2 base-kit range is just that awful.
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It's a good thing considering it's nearly impossible to avoid POTD at times.
He really needs his addons looked at first before he receives any base kit changes. Most of his addons are pure dumpster tier and need adjustments.
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I'd rather a killer have a solid basekit and garbage tier add-ons, personally.
I think there's something to be said for rewarding PH by blocking saves and saving a ton of time on hooking, it's just that the anti-DS mechanisms that were introduced as an appetiser for his cages have since turned to tunnel-boosters.
The cage should just count as a hook and it'd probably be pretty much fixed.
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To me the simplest ways to fix the change might have been
1. Cages get basekit BT, even if other hook perks and effects don't apply
2. Torment can not be applied to Survivors with the Endurance effect, protecting the rescued Survivor from simply being re-Tormented as soon as they were free.
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While his base-kit Punishment range is indeed quite short, I believe an eventual buff to it would have to come at the same time as a full add-on pass that actually gave him other good add-ons, since the ones that increase his range are the only that let you actually feel a difference while playing (beside his ultra-rares... but even then, one of them is situational and the other one is only useful for having an insidious-like effect while camping). If they became base-kit as PH is today, then it would barely make a difference to play him with or without add-ons.
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DBD loses the SH license because of this heresy
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Survivors get buffs, Pyramid Head gets shelved.
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Good, that change may only be good as an iri add on. What he really needs is full add on pass, his power is in a good spot