"anti camp" system has done nothing for the game

Killers just proxy camp, which is pretty obvious is what they were gonna do, duh
This was never meant to address camping as a whole. This is purely with regards to face-camping, so the killer within a specific range which pretty much prevented saves being made...and it seems that that side is working. If killers are standing further away, then there's opportunity for the survivors to make a save.
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its literally called ANTI FACE CAMP. I don't see how this isn't clicking for survivors. the system is not designed for proxy camping. it's designed for killers that sit Infront of the survivor's face.
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I get it doesn't hand you free wins and can't be abused by SWF, but you'll get over it.
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Killers just proxy camp
So in other words, the anti-facecamping system is a huge success? Since it's doing exactly what it's designed to do and preventing killers from planting themselves directly in front of a hook.
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Not splitting hairs, but I agree with OP. Not sure what the point of this even is.
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What complaints was this system a response to, though?
Because this seems like a complete waste of dev resources.
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Mandy literally answered your question.
"This is purely with regard to face-camping"
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They just wanted a system that gave them free unhooks.
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Maybe the complaints about face-camping.....
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But the complaints were about camping and aggressive unhook denial, not the killer standing too close.
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I guess it was supposed to delete the game from the killer's hard drive if he dares to approach the hooked survivor.
The system was implemented in the only way that could work without causing killer exodus. You don't get Bubba who just sits at the hook giving no opportunity to rescue and people are still complaining.
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It's just what others have said... and yes they are splitting hairs cause that's what they needed to do
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Thank you for posting this. Now I don't have to repeat myself every time someone says this.
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i actually like it, i don't care as much about hook trades and tunneling but i do care about not even getting a chance to play the game
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Wasn't facecamping already fixed with getting rid of grabs? With the exeption of Stbfl and instadowns.
Also survs forget about how to save with 2 ppl, were 1 takes one hit and the other unhooks while the killer is in recovery.
That's the problem what i see with adding more and more free basekit perks and surv sided mechanics - survs even play worse as there is no need of getting better and learning. With basekit BT and the anti-camp feature, survs don't need to know how to go for a SAFE unhook anymore. In the worst case, they just need to trade. With the sideeffect last second unhooks are even more effective - more time on gens, just making sure the hooked surv doesn't enter the next stage.
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Yeah, when people complain about camping it’s proxy camping that they’re unhappy with. Face camping is pretty rare. It does suck for the person stuck on hook but it’s an uncommon situation and removing grabs was probably enough to solve it.
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is your face 16m long? No? so why should the anti FACE camp stop it?
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you never know when you could be playing against an actual horse.
(do you think maurice has a gaming setup?)
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Spinning that around a bit - the longer time on generators only applies if the killer is actually camping. And if the killer is camping then survivors are doing the right thing by staying on generators and finishing the match to escape.
If the anti facecamp feature kicks in, it's giving that survivor the chance to be able to participate in the game.
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(obviously, we all know hes got that predtor helios 9000 delta spartan omega dragon PC)
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This absolutely makes sense. I remember how back on release, survivors had to pay attention when someone was downed. Was he injured before? Might some exposed effect be active?
Now the HUD tells you everything and i see streamers watch tv while playing.
People don´t have to focus anymore on the game. Which leads to bad players being carried.
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Wow, yes...amazing saves! Pyramid Head waiting to shoot his trail, Deathslinger spearing you the moment you get off and wait out the endurance and so on and so on. Playing survivor is still depressing with little chase and a lot of camping. Why is this the only game that thinks spawn trapping (which it essentially is) is ok? It is just peak flawed design and the reason plenty of players get fed up and quite the game.
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Survivors have become more greedy and repair until the last moment before attempting the rescue, because they think it will be easy now that the AFC system is in place. And you know what? It's the opposite, the killer will come back to secure the kill. This has made the killer more efficient, because they camp when necessary and not by default.
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the best way to reduce camping is to change the maps so that killers can actually win chases.
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I never camp and win a majority of my games. The reason people camp and tunnel is because they suck at the game but still want to win through the cheesiest of ways instead of improving their skills. And the developers enable them by allowing this cheese.
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Most of the times killers just proxy a hook waiting for the unhooker and hit them before getting to the hook. They are glued to it because it is a lazy and easy way to play that pays off. The scenario you painted however is very rare and would less frustrate me because that is on the survivors.
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Tombstone Myers and Bubba still whack you off the hook. Otherwise its ok.
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I wonder how the anti-camp features are effecting comp and tournaments. Last time i watched, there was A LOT camping.
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The feature that was supposed to prevent facecamping is stopping killers from facecamping? Say it ain't so!
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They make it waaaay to easy for you survivors ..... ya always say we camp and tunnel and blah blah blah ... so what are we supposed to hook ya and run to the other side of the map toet your buddies free you ? It like fishing man , we know your coming for them and our main goal is to stop you from WINNING .... You have annoying pallets, flash lights , flash bangs , that powder bomb , invincibility , plus 3 other teammates helping you . Plus killers are slow as all hell compared to you survivors ... gets very frustrating for a killer , hook you and run to the other side of the board just so your teammates can unhook u ? Not saying to face camp but at least look around in the area since we know help is on the way +3 . Smh
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Bubba facecamping. Currently, it is non-existent.
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Once you hook someone you’re supposed to find someone else and chase them. If I can win most of my matches with a basic Meyer’s build, so should you.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
That's straight up revisionist interpretation right there.
You don't have to go far to find the countless posts, videos, reddit threads, twitter threads to find complaints about face camping. Literal years of complaints about Bubba never leaving the hook, Myers standing inside the survivor to prevent unhook prompts, huntress with instadown hatchet just standing at the hook arm raised.
They begged the devs for an anti-face camping mechanic and now that they have it suddenly the goalpost gets shifted from "We need a way to deal with face camping" to "We need a way to deal with all camping". You got grabs nuked, you got basekit BT, you got a Bubba nerf, and you got AFC. It's time for survivors to stop trying to shift the goalpost and just play the game as it sits. The devs have been telling y'all the entire time FOR YEARS that their goals were never to make camping impossible just less powerful and annoying. AFC accomplishes exactly that by removing the inherent strength of being able to completely deny a save without giving survivors the slightest chance. It allows someone to get back into the game rather than spending all their time on hook.
Please stop trying y'all collective absolute best to ruin the ability of killers to remotely engage with the game in a strategic/defensive manner. Literally, have gotten most of what you've been asking for in both gameplay, balance, and accessibility while killers can't even get granular audio controls or FoV slider let alone system wide mechanical changes that tangibly affect the game for all parties involved.
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Since the feature doesn't force you to jump off hook, comp just banned it. You're already not allowed to try to kobe unless you have deliverance anyway.
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That's hilariously dumb.
Comp DBD continues to be the strangest thing.
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just play the game as it sits
They'd love to, but they can't, because camping still hasn't been nerfed.
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Strange, the last time I remember, camping was part of the game.
Also people can only be first to be camped 25% of all time on average, except they are overly unlucky or straight up bad at hiding/gameplay, and play otherwise in 75% of the rest if their games.
6 -
Strange, the last time I remember, camping was part of the game.
So were infinites, doesn't mean it's supposed to be there or good for the game.
Also people can only be first to be camped 25% of all time on average, except they are overly unlucky or straight up bad at hiding/gameplay, and play otherwise in 75% of the rest if their games.
You forget that if one person is being camped, the other three don't have much of a game to speak of, either.
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They most certainly can because what they want is free escapes and a complete inability of killers to play defensively which they aren't getting. They need to play the game as it sits and learn how to actually make proper saves against a defensive opponent. Don't misunderstand me here, being completely denied the chance to make a save was extremely problematic. That problem has now been addressed and that means the issue is no longer "Killer makes it impossible to save" but "I need to learn how to make saves under suboptimal conditions."
That requires people to learn to approach the game as a team rather than a series of 1v1v1v1v1 with some occasional teamwork if they feel like it. They are never going to learn that if the devs just keeps giving them game changing mechanics and basekit versions of perks. At some point you have to just learn how to the play the game that you have, this is the exact same concept survivors push at killers and it's true. Proxy camping is never going away as that was never the goal and the devs have been clear about this from the first moment they ever mentioned working on a solution to the strength of camping. Proxy camping pressures the survivors into making suboptimal saves, but they still can make saves while facecamping deletes most options to even try to save. Not being able to deal with facecamping is a game design issue that has now been corrected. Not being able to deal with proxy camping is a player skill issue that survivors need to overcome.
This isn't to be mean, but even in a casual game such as this players should be expected to develop skill based solutions rather than rely on the game to change at the expense of their opponent.
Post edited by ReikoMori on3 -
Just don't get hooked in a corner. With sloppy butcher it's gg ez.
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It amazes me how much people want to have their hands held in this asymmetrical game.
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Got forbid people want a fair game and not be speared by a Deathslinger coming off hook (which is what all the face campers switch to by the way). Not every team is on comms or competent to deal with it either.
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That requires people to learn to approach the game as a team rather than a series of 1v1v1v1v1 with some occasional teamwork if they feel like it.
Ah, yes, because that is what the game is built for, with its robust internal communication system and baseline aura reading on all other team members.
It helps facilitate well-coordinated teamwork efforts.
Because DBD is meant to be a team game. Obviously.
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I give it about 2 weeks or less before players go back to complaining about survivors giving up on hook.
The problem that BHVR should actually be trying to solve here is survivors not actually getting to play the game, which is the #1 primary reason people give up: because 'unlucky, go next' has been the meta for a long time now.
The solution here is not the right one. They should've either increased the hook timer (for the first time ever in the game's history) or reverted Reassurance to the PTB version, but give the hooked survivor a 'press e to cancel Reassurance' option to nuke the hostage concern.
Personally, I much prefer the reassurance option, which gives survivors an actually useful tool that can be used for camping situations. It gives survivors perk options, gives players some options to choose when this should be used, and doesn't involve an easily circumvented 'base kit' mechanic.
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It doesn’t seem to really come into effect from the games I’ve played so far, since the timer grows so slowly, but I am noticing myself getting tunneled way harder now for some reason.
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You want to act like the game doesn't have some of those things, but it does. Folks just refuse to use them.
Baseline aura reading? Bond's right there, it's a free perk that only requires anyone to play dwight or at the very least dump some bloodpoints into him. The amount of people who have the perk and yet refuse to even entertain using it is massive.
Internal communication? There's an entire hand signal emote system that was meant to be used in place of verbal communication. People never actually use it for that, but that is what it's for. Stack that on top of the player created signal language and you have a set of serviceable tools. It's not as direct and potent as VC, but the game was designed with non-verbal communication being the main way we interacted.
The game is built for teamwork, but like with any game with solo queue the players trend towards not working together. Giving you built in features will not change that because it's not a mechanical issue, it's a player issue. You solve player issues by learning to play in better ways rather than expecting everything to just be given to you. You want all this info, but the game is already given you most of what you want if you'd learn to read the HUD which has a very robust suite of indicators telling you in real time most of what you need. Combine that with Bond and you have the maximum amount of real time information necessary to make effective decisions. The HUD is something everyone has access to by default and Bond only requires one perk slot out 16 total slots spread across 4 players.
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Proxy camp is fair, you have a chance
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You really like use slinger as an example, I haven't seen one in literally like 6 months, if they even exist anymore
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It was put in place to prevent teams from suiciding on hook to deny points or to give their teammates hatch
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But but... this person said that ALL face campers went deathslinger. EVERY ONE OF THEM. And it must be fact, they said it. lol. What a joke. If people want to camp, they are better off using the Hag, her power still works fine at the hook.