Is there any explanation of how to unlock playercards.

I have a p100 elodie figured youd get a playercard or emblem to showcase that u made it to p100 but i dont see anything unlocked. Is there a rhyme or reason to unlokc these? Theres 0 explanation in game that I see. Not even a new shop tab or soemthing.
Best Answer
SAME, i was literally defeated when i logged in and saw zero playercards unlocked? yet i have over 4k hours played and p100?? like really? what do we have to do?
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Same lol. Was hoping I could rep a p100 blight card.
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Came here to ask the same question!
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not in game but in the update patchnotes it says events and tomes
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As far as I can tell it's all unlocked as you do things, nothing up front.
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Do you have any currently? other than the stuff you get for buying the dlc.
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I hope they add P100 playercard later.
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currently only player cards are for buying Tiffany(maybe something for buying Renato legendary Tubarao). I guess we will get cosmetics for old stuff later?
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The fact that there are no p100 cards is so insulting.
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Negative. Buying Tiffany unlocks one, I guess a bonus for the cost of picking up that skin. I believe they said the content for the cards will be incorporated in to event rewards and in the rift. I'd imagine they'll put out the occasional code for one as well. Kinda like how many charms are gained.
I'm thinking of the addition of these cards as for going forward, especially the new players, and not directly aimed the vets.
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You also get it for buying the chucky skin.
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That's all very exciting, but is there any chance we'll get some "retroactively" ? Such as character portraits if we get them to prestige 10 or whatever, exclusive ones for legendary characters or things like that ?
I'd love just basic portraits of characters I main without having to wait for them to be featured in a tome / event if that makes sense
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