- [REVERTED] Decreased Reverse Bear Traps base time to 150 seconds (was 180 during PTB)
Dev note: We wanted to shift some power away from The Pig’s Reverse Bear Traps and into her stealth & Ambush abilities to make her more fun and interactive to play. Many felt that this change was too significant during the PTB, so we have reverted it for the update’s release. We’ll be keeping a close eye on her performance once this update goes live and re-evaluate if this change is needed at a later date.
Thank you! Wish shed get some more chase buffs. But glad shes not getting nerfed on something that wasnt really the problem. Also no changes to scream interactions. But that probably takes more work.
@radiantHero23 guess you get a chance to stay again. Lol.
Where is this from? BHVR is so terrible with distributing patch notes...
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These are not patch notes, this is the Dev Update from PTB - Live, it's in the Knowledge Base on this forum: Developer Update | All Things Wicked PTB - BHVR
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Ahh, I see. Thank you kindly.
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most welcome!
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That's cool but I think she is still low C tier at best.
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The timer nerf was not the problem. It was the removal of jigsaw box auras. She will be a worse killer.
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The timer change wasn’t important. Pig being unable to see box auras massively reduces how interactive her power is. BHVR wants her power to be “press a button to place a trap, then go do something else, because we want to discourage Pig from trying to interact with survivors that are trying to remove their trap”
And the chase “buffs” don’t really help. We can’t honestly allow an M2 power like Pig’s ambush, actually be useful, because the skill required to use ambush is like zero, because she has full unrestricted mobility and sight during her power.
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Would have been nice to keep it at 3 minutes to show all those people complaining that the increase in the timer would not have changed her Slowdown at all.
But well, at least one of the unasked Buffs for Huntress was removed as well.
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Massive W!
There was never a reason to nerf RBTs, I'm really happy this one got reverted.
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bu-bu-but, my jigsax boxes auras :,(
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Don't worry, you can still learn the spawns and they're quite loud honestly.
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That’s an overkill still statement 🤣
The timer was the issue because it made her traps Irrelevant and not lethal at all.
she will not be a worse killer….statistically prior to this she’s been doing well considering her ambush and stealth was bad…Buffing her useless ambush and stealth will make her much more viable and now traps are set back to default thank god. How do ppl go from 0-100? “Shes gonna be a worse killer”…it’s not a big deal to see the auras.
Was it a nice feature yeah sure of course it was, but use the green add on. Survivors can’t see them either now. 😈
If they have a trap on their head truthfully they’re the last target you need to go after anyways, they’re preoccupied. Go after someone on a gen.
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Facts my friend! :)
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1) This is False..”The timer change wasn’t important.”
(Yes it is important, when they increased the timer on the reverse bear traps, it made the traps irrelevant and not lethal. I don’t need to explain why that’s important.)
2) If somebody has a trap on their head, you need to worry less about them and more about the people that are completing your generators so they don’t get out. If a generator is completed, that’s fine, now their trap is active they just punished their friend. I don’t think it’s really necessary to linger around jigsaw boxes.
3) This is False…“The Chase buffs don’t really help” did you play her on the PTB? The buffs were amazing! They help immensely and moving quicker while in stealth is also very helpful.
Also your last statement about her chase power contradicts itself. You’re saying the chase buffs aren’t very helpful but then proceed to say we can’t allow it to be useful because it takes 0 skill? (I’m so confused what you’re trying to say because you argue one point but agree back on the same point.)
Its either useful or it’s not - if you played her on the ptb like I did then you would’ve seen how useful it was.
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No more free kills, because you can‘t find someone while removing the traps (box auras). This alone will drop her kill rates.
They can see the box auras with rule set number 2, but only after it activated.
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Yes only after it’s activated. It helps. I still got free kills on the PTB with RBT and that was with the increased time. I promise it can be done when it hits live my friend :)
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The complaints before were
about the timer and not the aura being removed. Now the timer doesnt matter and its the aura being removed that is a problem?
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Huge and deserved W for great Pig mains.
Huge and deserved L for bad Pig players that only succeed through tunneling people with traps.
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Ambush is still garbage after those changes. Compared to other “dashing M2” killers like Blight, Wesker, and Chucky… Pig’s ambush is still absolute trash.
And seeing box auras was a good thing, because it made her traps more interactive with Pig. Placing a trap on a survivor, and never intending to maybe interrupt or find them while they are trying to removed a trap, is boring. It’s a lazy, uninteractive power.
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Both nerfs were problems and unnecessary.
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They weren't irrelevant, the timer doesn't matter, survivors will still be forced to remove them, slowing the game down. Lack of jigsaw box auras means you can't extend the amount of slowdown and try to cause the time to expire anymore. She is worse.
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Sure true I guess but Compared to the other killers like blight and wesker it WAS trash….not anymore….Now it’s alright, but pig can also go undetectable they can’t.
Her ambush though is far from trash, I don’t think you played her on the ptb. It’s actually quite nice now.
You need auras to potentially stop them from getting their trap off? Nothing stops you from playing in that style of that’s how you want.
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I got plenty of slow down on ptb with her and few head pops with additional time added to the timer and auras removed from the boxes.
Just because you can’t still see the auras doesn’t make it worse, you can still slow them down. If you play pig you should have a really good idea as to where the boxes are to begin with.
So respectfully I would disagree. She’s not worse. I will agree though they should have left the ability of her being able to see jigsaw boxes but I get it. It helps remove some unhealthy play style from the game much like when Sadako would slug ppl for ring drawing stacks. Same principle.
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I'm actually quite satisfied with this. She has her lethality back, but now you have to learn jigsaw box locations while having a buffed chase power. She basically has an increased strategic skill ceiling and an increased mechanical skill ceiling and it might actually encourage me to play Pig again!
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Interesting changes... not what I or I think anyone was expecting...
The timer change is the big one, I felt this was the wrong solution to Pig's trolling player problems... with this reverted she keeps her head trap pressure as well as her slowdown so her tactile gameplay and identity is still there, which is great. The box auras being gone is a bit of a nuisance, though I suppose on a rethink, you can still apply the same tactile logic even if you don't know exactly where the Pig boxes are, as long as you keep a good handle on where events are taking place and you don't get spun around...
That said it's undeniable that following survivors off hook and using screams to force head pops is very much still a thing. I do find the fact tampered timer remains untouched and most importantly scream builds untouched rather surprising... I was sure that at least one of them was up for the chop if the timer change got reverted... I guess BHVR want screams on Pig to be relevant I suppose...
I can't say I disagree with these changes... absolutely not gonna complain, I'm very happy... but I have a feeling there may still be some backlash...
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I didn’t think she needed any nerfs besides of scream builds, but that got ignored.
I hoped they buff her traps, but no.
Hopefully they surprise us.
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slow down on ptb... where people were doing invocations.
not seeing auras is a pure nerf, there's no upside to that... so it does make it worse. Yes you can still slow them down but you can't extend it yourself anymore by interrupting. And no, hardly anyone should know where pigs boxes could spawn, it's very random and there's 5 of them.
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You can still harass / tunnel players with an RBT, it’s just gonna require more skill expression on your part now.
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Indeed, I think the problem BHVR has is Pig does perfom quite a lot better vs. your average low/mid player than most killers... so I was half expecting nothing to be done, and just have to eat that nerf. Just getting 1 of those nerfs removed in exchange for the chase buffs is a blessing I will not spit at, and the aura read nerf can be accounted for and worked around, whereas the 30s timer just kills all her tactile play outright.
Given what it could have been, it ain't nothing to sneeze at. 5 more days until launch... hopefully no unpleasant suprises... 🤞
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Not every lobby I had ppl were doing invocations…
You can definitely still interrupt them by going up to them, getting a hit and moving on. Very duable. I did it so many times.
Yes the boxes are random but they’re always generally in the same locations…it’s not too terribly difficult. It’ll require a bit more skill but not anything that is too challenging.
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If you honestly think PTB Pig’s ambush is anywhere near the same level as Blight and Wesker’s dashing attacks….. then I really don’t know what else to say, except “good luck with that”
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Nowhere in my post did I say it was on the same level as those 2 Killers. I said it was “alright”comparatively speaking.
Not sure where you got that from…
Please if you’re going to comment a reply on someone’s reply back to you, at least fully read it…otherwise we just fall flat completely on the topic at hand.
Again, I didn’t need luck. The ambush is much better now and that doesn’t include addons. Plus her stealth is better. Still could use a buff to at least 4.0 to be more on pare with the other stealth killers….but yeah…
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I mean there is the medical file addon which i pretty much always used before. Probably even more reason to use it now. Since i think it rivals ghostfaces crouch now. And both hers and ghostface addons add 10% respectively. But while he can instadown she can jump you.
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Give your local Pig an extra Boop today. They fought hard for this small victory.
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Yeah they need to buff her speed in stealth. I haven’t tried it with John’s medical file when it was on the ptb because default felt good but I do want to try it.
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I have to be brutally honest here. This is not the best change that could have happened. The unhealthy screaming-stuff wasnt tackled and will still be a problem. Normal Pig players got punished and people using these builds are still able to do it just fine.
That they reverted the nerf is good and I very much appreciate that.
Im sadened, that they didnt even mention, that the Pigs problem of shift w and pre dropping is still there full force.
Overall, I am glad that this is not another Sadako situation, im nnot sure however, if this will get me away from Elden Ring right now.
Amanda holds a very special place in my heart and im sure she will get me back into my addiction, but right now, dealing with nerfs that dont feel right and buffs that do little just make me feel depressed.
"push her over the top" is ridiculous though. This cannot come from someone that understands her. They even acknowledged that a Nurse that is on point has no counter whatsoever, but little ol piggy is where they draw the line?
I cant understand this mindset. The only explanation is : kill rates (something they said, is not dictating their decisionmaking)
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It was never about the slowdown. It was about removing one survivor and play a 1v3 as long as they had a trap. This change completely removed that aspect, so you could say, her slowdown got worse because you still had time to do side objectives even with an active trap. Though, I suppose it won't make much of difference anyway, seeing as how they kept the box auras removed.
She can no longer play around her power, which completely removes her kill pressure and you also have time to go for an unhook, cleanse a totem, heal and then go for the searches, since she won't interrupt you. Meaning, it's still 1v4 even with an active trap.
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Yea, lets hope that a nerf to screaming Pig builds is actually on the horizon. As one of the Pig mains in the Society of Swine with @radiantHero23 none of us like how viable this toxic playstyle is.
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Im so sadened, that this wasnt tackled.
I feel like a broken record at this point but: WHY ASK FOR FEEDBACK, IF YOU DONT WANT IT?
Doesnt matter... Getting upset or depressed over this isnt worth it.
Im sad already...
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I‘m not tunneling people, it‘s just normal to patrol boxes and most times people just stay there and ignore you completely and give a free hook.
It‘s not tunneling, when they refuse to heal and I already chased someone else.
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48 maps with 5 boxes each. That's 240 box placements that you'd need to learn (as of now). Yeah, I can definitely see how that is realistically achievable.
If you tunnel someone with a RBT, then you play tunneling M1 killer. Your power doesn't do anything in that case, so that was never an issue. But she could keep track of survivor movements before to harass them at a box. That is now no longer realistically possible and it takes away a lot of her power.
But hey, at least UW still works on her and now there is even more of a reason to use it.
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I’ll wait for the YouTube montages, that show off the “much better” ambush hits.
If I want a trap based stealth killer, I’m just better off playing Skull Merchant. Skull Merchant moves at full speed during stealth, and has super quiet footsteps, and trying to zone survivors into her drone traps is way more interactive than Pig’s “press a button then ignore that survivor” traps.
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We didnt complain about sowdown. We complained about kill pressure.
Thanks for the comment...
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I mean, if you have to rely on cheap RNG-Kills, thats fine.
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I mean if you actually needed the extra 30 seconds because you decided to do other stuff first or didnt go to a box soon enough. Thats fine as well. The boxes are supposed to be about urgency as well as slowdown. So we will have to see.
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just to give you some hope here, your voice was heard - we heard it. Just because it's not in this update doesn't mean it's not on our radars. The killer changes made in this update are all small tweaks that do not require a huge amount of programming time, other changes do require that time. If we're seeing a problem develop further with the scream builds, I'm sure we will tackle it.
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Thanks! This actually made my day.
Small acknowledgements like this can change a lot.
I hope that Amanda´s more unhealthy playstyles will be looked at sooner than later, so that we BOOP - enthusiasts wont be punished for the sins of a small amount of people.
I just want to stress one thing: Pig is not a strong killer, despite what kill rates say. Every match is an uphill battle if anyone wants to play her at a higher level. The changes in chase do a lot in lower level gameplay, but can be completely shut down by shift w and pre dropping. The screaming builds will definitely show their nasty heads again, now that the auras are gone. I sincerely hope that you guys will do the right thing and look deper into the matter than what statistics say.
Our lady deserves this.
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If you just want to make me leave for another week or two, go ahead.
Im just trying to be constructive and suggest healthy changes for my favourite character in this video game. Im so glad that I found people that do the same and share my sentiment.
If you have nothing positive to say or just want to make people feel bad, think about posting for two seconds before pushing that button.
You might hurt people more than you think.
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How dare a killer rely on part of their toolkit. Happy to see this change, wish that they would have reverted the aura thing too.
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I also hope Mandy answers me one day in my Sadako posts. You are lucky. I‘m still with a killer, who has no power against people, who know the counterplay and I‘m not talking about condemned. Her teleport is constantly disabled, because the condemned counter is tied to her teleport. I can only hope.