supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613
edited March 2024 in General Discussions
  • [REVERTED] Decreased Reverse Bear Traps base time to 150 seconds (was 180 during PTB)

Dev note: We wanted to shift some power away from The Pig’s Reverse Bear Traps and into her stealth & Ambush abilities to make her more fun and interactive to play. Many felt that this change was too significant during the PTB, so we have reverted it for the update’s release. We’ll be keeping a close eye on her performance once this update goes live and re-evaluate if this change is needed at a later date.

Thank you! Wish shed get some more chase buffs. But glad shes not getting nerfed on something that wasnt really the problem. Also no changes to scream interactions. But that probably takes more work.

@radiantHero23 guess you get a chance to stay again. Lol.

