Mapping the Realm

Mapping the Realm

Eyrie of Crows (Forsaken Boneyard)

Dev Posts: 7,555
edited March 2024 in Mapping the Realm

We'd like to know what you think about the Eyrie of Crows map, part of the Forsaken Boneyard realm. Please leave any feedback you have concerning this map as a comment on this thread. Your feedback can be as brief or detailed as you'd like!

Eyrie of Crows (Forsaken Boneyard) 194 votes

This map favours Survivors
75% 146 votes
This map feels balanced
19% 38 votes
This map favours Killers
5% 10 votes
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on

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  • Member Posts: 276

    After the rework it feels way better, however the back of the main building is problematic for both killers and survs. There is nothing there and you are either dead or safe if you run boil over.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Since the rework I feel like this is one of the more balanced maps. But main can still be survivor sided especially upperstairs but also the long outer walls which may be annoying. Worst are obviously wiggle out swfs so something that addresses this would be nice.

    this map would definitely also improve greatly with better fog (offerings can create weird results here) and more atmospheric lighting and depth of field as it feels very open.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Making this map smaller was very needed. It's definitely more balanced now but still a bit skewed towards the survivor side. Some good pallets with high-wall loops that you have to bloodlust or break. The main building can get obnoxious to chase survivors around too. On the survivor side it feels pretty easy to chain together loops and play around that main building.

  • Member Posts: 999

    The size is much better now since it's first rework. The backside of the mainbuilding makes the map also more better in size. However, the map is still good for survivors because the map has many good pallets/loops that connect often very well. The mainbuilding is also quite troublesome for many killers. Lastly, the map is very bright wich hurts the eyes when playing on it and it makes many stealth strategies nearly impossible. Another issue are the bushes on this map because their hitboxes are very huge/cumsy/big/high and this feel so bad because it hurts killers such as Leatherface, Hillbilly, and Mastermind the most - you bump into the bushes due to bad design.

    Tl:tr the amount of pallets and their spawns should be looked at and reduced, mainbuilding needs some tweaks and and the hitboxes of the bushes need to be better.

  • Member Posts: 180

    Horrible map. Has exceptionally safe loops that can't be mindgamed, strong maze tiles, and an incredibly strong main building. The layout of the main building is awful because it's one of those places where you can see a survivor, they're not far away, but actually walking to them would take you 15 seconds and catching up to them takes even longer. It's one of two maps where you can have long chases around main building without ever entering chase.

    There's a reason this map is one of the ones that bad players who need a really strong advantage will send you to all the time. It needs more than just a layout change.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I hate the main building so much and I feel like this map has so many pallets in a straight line you drop one move forward drop another, and I can't see aura as killer due to the brightness (might be a me problem) it feels survivor-sided

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    As many already said the map is too bright. I generally like the sand theme and often feel reminded of an Egyptian pyramid setting, would actually appreciate a map with pyramid or tomb setting, but please no claustrophobic indoor map... But alas I digress...

    The main issues of the map are the sheer amount of really safe loops. The middle section of the map offers so many strong loops, if a survivor knows what he is doing he will keep you there the whole game long. Some of them are even interconnectable. The rework lessened some it's problems but it is still not enough.

    Aside from maybe 2-3 pallets (behind main building, the coffin loop on the right side of main) I don't think the map has really weak or even balanced loops, most of them are just really good loops with one really safe side. Maybe mix them up and create more balanced/weak loops and less of the super strong ones in the middle?

    Now to stuff that is just frustrating, the collision on some of the rocks or tree branches is just ridiculous, your chainsaw bumps into them, your m1 lunge bumps into them, but you can freely move through them??? How is that even a thing??

    The collision really needs some adjustment.

    So in summon:

    - balance out some of the loops and overall strength of the setup the map provides

    - fix collision of tree branches and rocks

    - maybe make the lighting a bit darker?

    For the last point... Besides the coldwind maps most maps are really dark oftentimes even too dark, but this one is on the opposite side of the spectrum, so bright it almost hurts the eyes...

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    I really dislike this map. Most of the fillers in the center of the map are godpallets, there's still a few jungle gyms despite this and a shack, and the main building windows are really annoying if survivors prerun toward them. It's a little better after the rework but I'd change those fillers to be weaker, and make the loops on main less annoying, among other things.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    I absolutely despise this map with a passion, the size is much nicer now but there is a lot of issues I have with this map, some of the tiles have such janky collision and and most of them are really good and they chain together especially around shack and the right side of the main building, and speaking of the main building, it is way too strong especially for boil over gamers and the windows are way too strong with the breakable walls and there should a pallet on the bottom section of the main building and the back of the main building is so bad only 1 pallet that sucks, and finally this map is way too Bright, stealth killers suck on this map the brightness should be tone down back to what it was on the PTB when you tested this map

  • Member Posts: 39

    Eyrie of Crows is undoubtedly a survivor favored map that while being a lot better than the original iteration of the map when it comes to the shape and layout, the safety and miscellaneous issues of the map are the exact same or worse.

    The filler loops are not just absurdly safe and easy to play (therefore uninteractive for the killer) but they are also linked together along with the rest of the safety. The mazetiles, while having very basic types, they stand out a lot strength wise due to the walls being long and thick (many spots for the survivors to wait at to prevent mindgames while not being seen themselves plus they gain extra distance upon vaulting windows due to the thickness). The middle counts with a very vast landmark (most of the graveyard) that always has 2 very safe pallets (two possible pairs, the pallets are matched diagonally), while not numerous, they consistently tie together the safety of the map.

    The mazetiles, some filler loops and many other places including the open terrain count with twigs that have collision and become very intrusive for killer powers that have to account for environmental collisions. The rock loops and some rocks in other tiles are for the most part very awkwardly shaped and the navigation gets compromised by the collisions. Some of the smoother walls have an odd friction that slow down the players more than usual.

    The main building counts with a very strong window that even after the breakable wall is removed it stays relevant with a very long loop around the outer wall of the building. The upstairs section is specially uninteractive, allowing the survivor to maintain their distance without letting the killer cut off, which not only is time wasting (if the survivor had a proper headstart) and highly recyclable but it also keeps the chase away from the rest of the map. The upstairs hooks are hard to rescue from and one of them doesn't always spawn, easily granting the survivors with unhookable spots (enhanced by certain loadouts).

    The overall hook distribution of the map is very poor and easily exploited with offerings and specific loadouts. The fog is also particularly bad when enhanced by offerings, dramatically affecting the lines of sight. The lightning of the map is a bit too bright for the players' comfort.

    The map requires many changes regarding the safety of the loops, specially the rock filler loops; the pallet density could be increased slightly to compensate once the loops are more interactive. The main building needs several changes to be more fun and fair.

    The collisions around the map should be revised and the twigs should receive the treatment that foliage usually has in other maps (not having collision). The hook density, brightness and fog should be adjusted.

  • Member Posts: 7,228

    Eyrie still leans a bit towards survivor I think mainly because it has a lot of safe loops, but it is a lot better than the original version. Most notably, the first rework fixed the size issue the map had previously, the size of the map is fine now.

    While I feel this map offers too much safety to survivors overall, I feel like the main building is a bit poorly designed, specifically the upstairs. There is 1 god pallet upstairs (can appear in one of two places), but after that there's only a window upstairs (which becomes useless after breaking the wall so it's only usable one time) so running upstairs I find often gets survivors killed more often than not once they use the pallet because then they have to drop down and usually get hit unless they have Balanced Landing. So the upstairs often ends up wasting a lot of the killer's time once, but then it becomes useless for survivors which just feels kinda bad for both sides overall.

    Boon totems upstairs can be annoying for the killer though since they are time consuming to put out, very similar to the Ironworks building totems.

    The downstairs building windows are fine imo. The window on the left is still a good resource even after kicking the breakable wall, but that's fine. It's not like it's extremely powerful.

    Boil Over is still problematic in the main building if hook RNG is good for survivors, the ideal strategy is running to the corner upstairs where the window is and with the right hook RNG the killer can't hook you in time, often the closest upstairs hook will be on the other side and it's not reachable. On the other hand the upstairs hooks are mostly just an annoyance, in most games they do nothing and just use up scourge hook spawns that effectively go to waste, or in the event the killer actually hooks someone up there, it can be very difficult to get a rescue if the killer sticks around. I genuinely think Boil Over should just be reworked so we can get rid of upstairs building hooks because almost all of them have this problem of being too strong for camping.

    The area directly to the right of the building also only has 1 hook sometimes, if that hook gets destroyed on sacrifice, any other survivors who go down near that corner often can't be hooked.

    The rest of the map has a lot of safe loops and doesn't really have enough opportunities for the killer to mindgame. Especially the pallets in the middle of the map being very strong, it makes it very easy to chain safe loops together around that area.

    So with that in mind, things I'd like to see change on this map:

    1) Redesign the upstairs of the main building (or possibly even get rid of it and add something else downstairs for survivors to play on), maybe put a hook downstairs inside the building if the upstairs still exists. The unsafe pallet behind the main building could also be a little stronger.

    2) Weaken some of the loops away from the building (especially the ones in the middle of the map).

    3) Improve collision on certain assets, especially the twigs. It's very easy for attacks to get stuck on these things.

    4) Improve hook distribution in general.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I hate this map as killer. Super safe loops that are interconnected , huge map and the awful collision with the little trees/branches. This and Badham are easily the worst designed maps that need a full rework imo

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I think this map has been so balanced since the changes. I dont have problems with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I used to think it is balanced after rework, but now i think it's still one of the strongest survivor's map. Amount of offerings in my games from survivors additionally proves it.

    But i don't have much problems with it except amount of connected and strong pallets. Last much i had Pallet Gym in two meters near very strong filler pallet and another "corner" pallets. It's 3 pallets in 5-7 meters area without any mindgame potential at all. How is it possible?

    I also don't know why so many people hate main building, it's fine imo, except boil over abuse. Second floor is annoying, but this main is far from being the worst.

    Reduce amount of pallets and it will be fine map.

  • Member Posts: 347

    This map is far too survivor-sided.

    The main building is extremely strong, with two windows and breakable walls that force the killer to break them, which feels awful. Breakable walls in general do, but the ones you HAVE to break if you want even to have a chance are worse.

    The second floor of the main building serves as nothing but a complete time-waster; the gameplay up there is not engaging, and survivors only go there because they know the killer has to commit a lot of time if they want to chase.

    The loops in the middle are completely boring for both sides because you can see the killer at all times, leaving no room for mind games. Looping in one of the middle loops comes down to holding W for both sides until the killer has enough bloodlust to get a hit. There's no deeper interaction or possibility for mind games, moonwalks, double-backs, etc.

    The map is WAY too bright. It's awful playing it late at night because it's as if the sun is shining right in your eyes. Not only that, but when survivors bring fog offerings, the map looks horrible and it's impossible to see anything past 2 meters, and this is highly abusable by SWFs.

    Overall, it's a really unpleasant map to play. It's too survivor-sided, so as a killer, it's hard to have fun, and as a survivor, each loop plays the same, so it's not as enjoyable either.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    around ormond level strength. survivor skewed.

  • Member Posts: 92

    I love this map for the visibility it provides. I can follow blood and scratches without any difficulty. Granted, this has downsides for trapper and hag. It’s a little lacking in spooky factor but I enjoy it regardless, giving a nice palette cleanser from the doom and gloom.

  • Member Posts: 1,976

    It's bright, it's full of clutter (those goddamn dead bushes), killers like Trapper, Billy, Hag are M1 only on this map.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Definitely better than the first version. Still Survivor sided though.

  • Member Posts: 787

    Tiles extremely long made to waste any m1 killers time. I think it’s time they make this map killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Really well done map and balanced map. Atmosphere feels great and only room of improvement would be a change in a mist color to something more like a dust storm. I feel obligate to tell about weird collisions in some places too.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    This map is honestly the outdoor version of The Game. Safe pallets into safe pallets into strong tile into big time wasting main building back into safe pallets. It's actually insane how much there is for Survivors to work with on this map.

    And if you think just being looped from window to window in the downstairs of main is bad enough, when they take you upstairs (an area that literally makes it so the Killer has zero potential pressure anywhere else) there's a god pallet up there and a god window.

    I said it on other map reviews, any map that has areas that are simple there as filler which the Killer has no business ever going to is a heavily Survivor sided map. What is even the purpose of an upstairs if there is no objective to defend up there and only exists for Survivors to eat your time as killer.

    Awful map design

  • Member Posts: 85

    Since this map was updated with the layout being changed and overall size being shrunk, it feels better to play on. However, that's not saying much as the center of the map is filled with safe pallets that are incredibly boring to loop and chain together. All of that could be forgiven if the map wasn't so awful to look at. The lighting is terrible and doesn't fit the mood of the game. Daytime lighting does not work on this map, nor many that have them with few exception like Dead Dawg Saloon. Please stop making maps that are bright as heck, especially when the map's color palette is muddy earth tones. Just make the map be at night time and turn down the brightness. I hate being sent to this map because of the awful lighting and boring gameplay that comes from this map.

  • Member Posts: 14

    I like that some maps are brighter, don't change that.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    One of the few maps that don't feel miserable to play on as survivor. Don't change it.

  • Member Posts: 21

    The map is too bright, make it a bit darker please. Also, a lot of GOD pallets but once you get rid of them only deadzones. Also still feels really big for M1 killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Its still too big honestly and no grass and you can't hide well as stealth killer.

  • Member Posts: 41

    at least coldwind is slightly darker tho i do miss the darker orange, eyrie feels like torture playing at night

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