When will Glitches with Potential Energy and toolbox be fixed?

No matter how many times I reported the bug, no matter how many times I reported the player who seemed to be the user on the result screen, it was never fixed in the latest patch notes, but rather, it was a neat
Unless this bug, along with OTR, is fixed, I will have to leave because I may have an advantage due to glitches just to have a buddy with a toolbox when playing Survivor. And of course during killer play. Why is this problem continually ignored?
Its beyond me why potential energy isnt killswitched yet. This is not acceptable in the slightest.
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Oh wow that is a pretty major bug. Hopefully that gets fixed as soon as possible.
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remember when spirit had a bug on her phase sound that made Non-directional?
What they did? Nothing, they didn’t kill switch her, everyone was playing her because of that
So yeah, they will not killswitch because it is ‘’playable’’
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So I could not use Spirit in killer play at that time and I avoided survivor play as much as possible. Even then I thought it should be fixed or killswitched in an emergency patch immediately. This time it is a survivor perk and the impact is worse than that because I can't be bothered to play killer play myself.
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This is currently under review by the team - there is an active thread where comments can be left in the appropriate section here on the forums so the team can see them.