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Please do somehting about people giving up on the hook for no reason



  • Member Posts: 808
    edited May 2024
    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 649

    Telling someone they "need" to do something is not suggestive, that is a demand. Don't worry I don't expect you to admit to it.

    Also, I definitely noticed that racial dad joke because I used the word "bruh" in one of my replies, even though I'm not black.

    These posts really bring out your character mate.

  • Member Posts: 808

    pfff that last part is a wildest assumption ive seen gave me a great laugh though

  • Member, Mod Posts: 1,924

    Hi there! Reminder to keep all comments civil and respectful. Thank you!

  • Member Posts: 2,444

    "Like I already said: Good luck trying to prove they are throwing the game.

    Imagine if "playing bad" was a reportable offense? Is there a game that does that? lmao"


    Yeah, literally every other game. This game has mmr, so it can detect based on previous behavior if you are throwing the match. But that's kinda not true because they also encourage game ruining challenges and behavior.

    Also games saved by 4% vs games ruined by it are so uncompilable it's beyond laughable you brought it up.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    The game is fun except the occasions when it is frustrating. Everyone wants to have fun and skip the frustrating part.

  • Member Posts: 4,672

    Some of these points are good though. I mean, good that it got changed.

    Sure, the loop design is prety bad on the newer maps, but perks like boil over can burn forever for all i care.

    If all a player enjoys is sitting in one spot to never get hooked, not progressing the game at all, I can also play with a bot. More enjoyable.

    Both as survivor and as killer.

  • Member Posts: 498

    i honestly don’t see teammates or opponents suicide on the hook that often. Today team gave up vs a huntress on midwich but that was the only game out of the 30 I played in the past two days. I see dcs more honestly.

  • Member Posts: 2,255

    they could implement it to where trying to Kobe/yeet/self unhook doesn’t progress the bar, and take away the skill check option leaving the timer at a set time. That’s just my suggestion though bc I grow tired of the complaints again and again about hook suiciding.

  • Member Posts: 345

    I mostly play killer

    You can't even begin to imagine the amount of player that give up really early

    Its definitely higher on killer like nurse or SM. But it does happen with low tier killers aswell

    Its not fun for either side, i dont find it fun to crush a match because 1 or 2 people give up at 5 gens

  • Member Posts: 345

    >picks toolboxes PT deja vu resilience making the game miserable for killers

    >get surprised when killers cry about gen speed

    See how your argument is stupid ?

    Im not gonna refrain from playing the killers i want to play, and trust me i play all of them and i swap between games. People just love to be drama queens i guess

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Of course it can't

    They are just desperate trying to find reasons to ruin the game

  • Member Posts: 649

    There are a lot of points that I definitely missed mate, I just wrote down a few to explain to OP why it is that survivors could possibly be raging. I think you could put stealth with the bushes/filters points however. 2 days ago I did manage to hide in the most smallest, most random bush right in front of the killer with a glowing outfit, but he was so tunnel vision'd on someone else that he didn't even see me lmao

  • Member Posts: 649

    Yeah, I definitely agree that some were good (for example the gen changes), but it is starting to become a little oppressive when you put them all together, usually that does mean some sort of survivor buffs are coming our way though once the dev's notice their stats aren't how they want them to be.

    I do still think there is comedy in losing a game, for example last night, a few mates were messing around and me and them both got knocked, all on the hook, and the random was in the corner of the map. I had to message while on the hook and ask them to unhook, after they did unhook they told me they were trying to get a zombie away from a gen for over a minute and didn't even realise lmao

  • Member Posts: 4,672
    edited May 2024

    But your original list makes little sense at many points...

    Sorry to say.

    There isn't much coming together. Some of the things you mention are either the survivors own fault or are good changes.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Most of my points were facts from my POV, that's why. OP wanted to know why survivors were throwing the game for "no reason". I listed a few to explain that they are definitely solid reasons. I knew there would be counter arguments so I killed it at the point because it had nothing to do with a discussion after that post. Just general knowledge of why certain players were acting how they did. It was merely just clarification.

  • Member Posts: 649

    So I have actually seen a possible solution to this, I'm going to make a new post about it as it is a spoiler.

  • Member Posts: 649

    You don't have to be sorry at all mate, the reason it makes little sense to you is because you haven't witnessed them take place. I have. That's the only reason why.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Gen nerf = fact, not an opinion. Again I do not wish to discuss any of these points because unless you have witnessed them like I have, they make little sense to you mate.

  • Member Posts: 9,433

    One suggestion I've made was to have one auto unhook attempt before 2nd stage. Perks that allow you to unhook yourself can be used anytime during the 2nd stage.

    Really the 2nd stage should be open up for self unhook perks since the anti face camping system allows self unhooks now.

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    Yeah you edited your comment after I read it. Also, I did contradict myself a bit, so I'll admit that. But my accusation of you being biased is at least based on the points you made.

    No I get the point of this thread, but most of your points aren't reasons for normal people to give up immediately. A lot of them are pretty damn ridiculous. That's the point I am making. It has nothing to do with truth, if you give up for all these reasons listed above, that's not a problem of the game at all.

    Plus stuff like "gens take longer" are something you know before even queueing up for the match, so those points just sound like complaints about the game's balance and that's it.

    Not to mention you make claims in these points of yours that are not true at all, for example the claim that you won't get all of the gens done if you don't bring toolboxes, or that loops are all 50/50 mindgames, which is just absolutely untrue.

    Not sure why I would have to elaborate on that either to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I did indeed edit the comment as I had more to add after creating it last night.

    I believe you're still not getting my point mate, this is what I have seen to be true, it doesn't matter if you agree with it or not because from my POV, these are specific reasons for players to become frustrated and DC or die on hook as I have witnessed it.

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2024

    Here's another question for you, how many hours have you played as killer vs survivor?

    Why do you think survivors suicide on hook or DC?

  • Member Posts: 4,672

    I played this game for over 3 years now…. sure.

    You mentioned one of the things. Wanna go into more. Im sure that I, indeed, "was there".

  • Member Posts: 649

    As stupid as half of the points I made sounded, they were indeed reasons why people threw games. I never specifically stated if I managed to escape or not, which I of course did in most cases but that's just how it went down.

    As you feel that you play killer more (even though you SoloQ as well), would you agree that it's safe to say that I have a higher chance to see more of the silly dilemmas that occur on a daily basis?

    I agree with your points there for survivors quitting too, I did state in my original post that I could have went on forever, but I kept it short because nobody likes to read an essay at 2am lmao

    Even with all the silly stuff that goes on in this game, it is still fun in most cases, even when losing.

  • Member Posts: 649

    You clearly stated the following in one of your above posts: "But your original list makes little sense at many points..."

    So clearly you wasn't there 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    I mean fair enough if you yourself don't agree with all the reasons you stated. From your wording it just sounded differently.

    I mean as a killer I can still see why people leave matches as well. But sure, as a survivor you get that experience even more, because it can depend on the different killers gone against, as well as the playstyle of different killer players. And I get that survivor can be rough at times, no doubt.

    Personally my experience has been that solo queue isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, but that solo queue could definitely use some help as well. Again, I believe solo queue could use a bit more information to work with, like kindred basekit, and I believe that tunneling and camping need to be nerfed as well in my opinion. I still can't believe that the progress of the anti-face camp feature isn't shown on the hud for example.

  • Member Posts: 2,412
    edited May 2024

    No, I'm just exposing how tunneling is a broken way to play the game that, if the player is at least decent at the game, theres nothing the other players can do, and I will proudly contribute to that until they do something to fix it

    Thats my way to protest against tunneling

    Also, adding to that:

  • Member Posts: 7,786

    reads thread


    Sure am glad I'm not miserable and have fun with the game.


  • Member Posts: 649

    WYM I don't agree with my own post? When did I ever say that lmao?

    Half the reasons stated ARE silly reasons to DC or suicide but thats what I witnessed.

  • Member Posts: 649

    it is still possible to bring it back though, all it takes is tunnel vision from the killer and one good chase ^^

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    This is Q&A Accepted????

    Can we please get an answer that’s better than “we think the DC penalties are a good enough solution”?

  • Member Posts: 5,614

    Huh. This is new.

  • Member Posts: 649

    I mean if you want to look at it objectively, at what point in the entire post did I say I disliked the survivor changes? 🤔

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    So let me get this straight… you tunnel as killer because its the best thing to do even when you bemoan it as a tactic and then quit immediately if tunneled as survivor.

    This is your form of "protest."

    The concept of protest is to highlight and strive for active change which you are doing neither of here. So you are just quitting you aren't protesting. You haven't really exposed anything other than your inability to deal with tunneling and a quitter mentality.

    Let's implement your "make tunneling impossible solution." What's to stop me just body blocking the killer with my permanent immunity for the rest of the game?

    Your suggestion is more broken than even the most egregious of tunneling could be. Unfortunately making survivors immune to elimination really undermines the concept of the game and isn't a great solution to any scenario.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2024

    Feel free to pick any from the collection you previously listed below.

    (EDIT: I highlighted some for your convenience. But lets just say changes/ game state in general rather than survivor specific changes for further objectivity. *Also see the bolded heading… your point is framed specifically as survivors having the following butchered).

    "You have frustrations with other survivors not enjoying the game? Let me easily explain why, killers will hate this post because they know most of it is true but I'll be straight to the point with it.

    *Survivors have had the following butchered:

    • Gens take longer to do
    • Healing is currently ridiculously too slow so if a killer is fairly close it is virtually impossible to finish one heal if they have even 1 slowdown perk due to how fast killers currently move.
    • Maps are ridiculously small or terribly redesigned
    • Loops are 50/50 but with killer speed they start becoming useless fast
    • survivor perks that would give you some sort of protection like dead hard is now butchered
    • Boil over is useless and should be deleted from the game already
    • Most PC killers still don't even feel the wiggle when carrying someone
    • If you don't have at least one healing perk in moderate+ MMR games you can forget healing most of the time
    • Survivors quit when 3 people are injured at the start before a gen is done because of the above healing issue, knowing it's useless to continue.
    • Still nothing can be done about stopping a killer hard tunnelling without throwing the game unless your team is good
    • Pallets are still 50/50 when they should 60/40 to survivor due to all the killer buffs and outdated pallet drop mechanics (Getting hit when you're in the pallet drop animation and the killer hasn't even finished the animation on their side)
    • If a survivor does not bring a toolbox, unless the killer is bad you can forget finishing all the gens in time
    • Ridiculously large hitboxes for killers still exist (huntress hatchets hitting you around corners for example)
    • Nurse still exists in the game and impossible to beat unless she's awful at the game (killer has a headset which you can't reduce them hearing you at close range like iron will used to
    • Unlimited map distance for range killers with miniscule objects in the way to stop them
    • Still getting stuck on absolutely everything for no reason (Garbage map optimisation)
    • PC players being able to play with filters (Clearly borderline cheating because it gives a lighting/tint advantage but if dev's don't want to address and accept that then so be it)
    • Survivor perks are starting to become borderline useless and will continue to be when they continue to get massacred
    • Killer movement speed is starting to get out of control when using survivor perks like lithe and they are still directly behind you within 3s (I honestly think this is a bug somewhere because killers should lose bloodlust but they don't, I also had a killer traverse 8 different rooms with me on his shoulders with 0 movement perks and without iron grasp (so clearly something is wrong)
    • PTB is on PC so only the PC audience is being taken into consideration when getting feedback (one sided feedback, you do the math)
    • Foliage such as bushes have also been nerfed on some maps so it's just chases unless again, the killer is bad as they were in 1 of my games today
    • Turning animation for survivors needs to be adjusted and sped up slightly.
    • Targeted before the game has even started for being TTV or a high prestige when you're just trying to chill
    • Being forced to save teammates but they don't do the same back
    • Being left on the hook"
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