Should 2v8 have perks?

I know this is just the test run before they make it permanent(at least thats the current plan, subject to change, i know) but when they role out the perma mode should both sides have access to perks, items, or add-ons? I know they would have to tune a lot of perks to behave different in 2v8 such as hook perks or regression perks but it seems such a shame all the hours everybody has put in unlocking and leveling characters just for a game mode that says, "nope, none of that matters".

This isn't a post about whether the mode should or shouldn't be permanent just about conditions if it was.


  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 372

    killers need slowdown and survs need more anti tunnel endurance perks

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We'd say test it first. While we can imagine the insufferable usual picks becoming even worse since there's more for each side, it could be much better than the worse case scenario.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    No, I love the fact that there are no perks because the gamemode is better without it. Everything in this gamemode is close and there is nothing that stays out as really bad, strong, or necessary. If you play the normal mode as killer you feel like you need to bring slowdown to not lose to many generators. If you play survivor you are forced to bring WoO or an antitunnelperk. You cannot bring the four best perks in the game to make you more oppressive/stronger (I am honestly not interested in facing two Pop, PainRes, Corrupt, and GE or eight eight similar survivorbuilds). The gamemode is more about: you win when you play good and not because you brought the strongest stuff to the match or you lose the game because the killer brought NOED and 4K after having one hook. The other side cannot abuse stuff like bodyblocking with OTR. You don't lose the match because you chose the wrong class or killer and the reason for that is that you basically know what you will face and everything is fair and usable. It's not a stupid situation where you play a funny goofy build and the otherside brings the best stuff in the game like their life depends on it. The same goes for Items and Add-Ons, you don't lose the game or feel bad because the one side brought four fat toolboxes and sent you to Eyerie or other side sent you to Midwich.

    Having classes and basekit killers make everything more simpler and predicable which is really nice. This is also helpful for new players because they don't have to learn and understand the more than 30 maps, killers and their Addons, or all these perks at the same time - it makes the game more beginner friendly, simpler, and enjoyable. They also don't have to grind or buy stuff to play the game. You choose your class/killer, queue up, and enjoy.

    I also like the idea of classes and their own power and they should keep this and add more classes (my wish a Trapper class with Blastmind, Chemical Trap, Head On or Flashbang). The idea of Teampower on the killerside is also great because it gives the killers roles like Nurse is the Attacker, Wraith the All-Rounder, Trapper the supporter (similar to the roles we have in Overwatch, League of legends). The developers should keep it and add more roles like Plague could become a great Defender (instead of getting infected, survivors work slower on puked generators). Having classes and roles is much more unique than giving them Perks.

    Overall, adding no Perks was the best idea the developers had. It is so much better and enjoyable. I really wish the mainmode would be similar by having perks less strong, necessary, or bad.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    I think this mode should stay the way it is. However, I don't want there to be just this mode. I'd like other iterations of a 2v8, 1v4, etc. where parameters change depending on community feedback. 2v8 with perks? Sure. That's next month. Be sure to cast your vote on what you want to see! 1v4 casual mode? Ok. 2 must die, 2 can escape. Sandbagging encouraged. There's a lot of things they can do and I think BHVR should get the community involved on what they want to see in that mode. Within reason of course. 😗

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,209

    It depends a lot on what you want. It seems like a lot of people like 2v8 because it gets rid of things like perk choices, the additional killer/survivors aren't a big factor. Hard to tell what the playerbase as a whole would like.

    On the killer side it would be difficult. You mention things like hooks, but while survivor perks are based around the idea that they could be used as a team, the killer perks aren't. Like Hubris could suddenly become a really strong perk if you bait a stun and the other killer gets an insta down.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    IMO no. I feel like the point of these modes is to offer something different to players who feel things are getting a bit stale. If I wanted to go up against the same old meta perks then I could just play normal mode.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    Perks would make this mode a lot more interesting. I find the classes relatively boring honestly and except of the sprit burst one, no class is good. Also addons for the killers would be cool.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,065

    The pre defined kits is the way to go with this mode.

    Though I'll admit there's probably a not-insignificant number of people who dreamt of nothing but 8 slowdown perks, but they will just have to be disappointed.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,586

    There's no plans to introduce perks into 2v8, the mode is designed to have the classes and killer powers built in so that they are not needed.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    Am I the only person that thinks a 20 second cooldown AoE Sprint Burst, is way better than equipping 4 perks?

    The cooldown is so quick that I’ve been able to get a lot of 99% sprint bursts in chase, so I can use it to “dead hard for distance” in chase. There has even been a few times where I’ve successfully let a teammate dodge a hit because I timed the AoE sprint burst while near them.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    That's a bit of a shame. I understand why but since I don't plan on going back to 1v4 it means all my survivors and killers at p3 was a waste in the long term. Oh well. That's a me problem, not a dev problem I suppose.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 504

    Good, because Head On + Vigil would be so annoying in 2v8 lol

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 352

    Perhaps maybe bloodpoints offerings could be allowed in 2v8?

  • GloomySpooks
    GloomySpooks Member Posts: 41

    I think it needs adjustments for sure. Tho tbf I haven't played this mode much.

    Like personally with the survivor loadouts, half the effects were not great. I'd like to see less of a class setup and more basekit things (like the self care on last down, alert, windows, healing speed) and then a simple perk combo you can choose with options for endurance and stealth perks (fun stuff like quick and quiet/headon or lightweight/iron will) that have been adjusted to have group effects (aura reading, speed boosts). This would obvs take a lot of planning tho.

    Not sure how I'd change killer for it (queue times were too long for how little I got to play), but I'm sure they'd appreciate some slower gens or something, they did seem to fly if the killers weren't coordinated. M1 killers will probably need some basekit speed boosts after breaking pallets/vaulting or something, as poor trapper seemed to mostly be cleanup crew/sheep herder.

    The biggest problem is the effect on lobby queues. Idk how they can work around that other than bots.