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Distortion & Predator

Survivor loses their one distortion stack when leaving chase because predator eats it immediately after escaping chase.

This renders Distortion absolutely useless.


  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    I got injured, got healed, got back in chase, my stack was immediately eaten. Sure there's a cooldown but what are the chances I don't get injured in chase and go back in to get my token back?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    It's not SUPER likely, but it's still countering Predator, so that's a use in itself.

    Again, I doubt you'll be running into Predator all that much either. You're just gonna be seeing it a lot because it was recently changed.

  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    I ran into it in 4 out of 5 games where killers were running lethal pursuer and predator.

    If I'm going to be spending all game in chase, I'd rather run chase perks. I couldn't complete 1 gen without losing Distortion which was the whole point of having Distortion in the first place so you could sit on gens while someone else took chase.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649

    If the only aura reading a killer has is Predator, then it’s 100% hard countered by Distortion.

    This is because the survivor will always have a token for Predator, because the survivor needs to start a chase (which immediately recharges Distortion) in order to escape a chase.

  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    Predator: When a survivor loses you in chase, their aura is revealed for 6 seconds. Goes on cooldown for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Distortion only has 1 stack. The only time Distortion will counter Predator is if and ONLY if that survivor doesn't get injured and gets back into chase to escape to get their one token back. Every killer I got in PTB was using Predator with another aura reading like Lethal Pursuer or Nowhere To Hide. The chances the killer only uses Predator is zero.

    OoO is more useful that PTB Distortion. My original statement still stands. PTB Distortion is useless.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649

    Lethal Pursuer doesn't work, because it only activates at the beginning of the game, and the survivor would immediately recharge Distortion when a chase starts.

    And Nowhere to hide only works if it's activated during a chase, because if it's done before a chase, then the survivor would immediately recharge Distortion when a chase starts. This is also requiring the killer to stop chasing you during a chase, so they can kick a generator, which gives you 12 seconds without aura reading or scratchmarks, to try to escape the chase.

    This is also requiring the killer to pick Predator, which is horribly weak against SWFs, because the perk can be wasted on teammates that the killer isn't trying to chase, and the cooldown is long enough that it's heavily countered by a 2nd survivor being near the chased survivor.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 339

    for starters you're not spending 'all game' in chase unless you absolutely want to.

    on the flip side, this is what distortion users did to their teammates: force the other 3 to split chase pressure unless the killer actually went and found the distortion player; pretty ironic complaint here

  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    Lethal Pursuer eats the first Distortion stack at the beg of the trial. Nowhere to Hide eats Distortion stack if killer kicks the gen. Killer can chase you off gen, wait for chase to end, kick gen, eats Distortion stack or if that stack is already gone, sees your aura.

    See the problem now? Distortion is useless because you are forced to be in chase for the majority of the game instead of doing gens which is why it existed in the first place.

    I played 5 PTB games and could not keep my stack longer than one minute. It doesn't last long enough to complete one gen. Have you even tested out Distortion yourself in the PTB?

  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    Clearly, you haven't tested it in the PTB. It does not last long enough to complete one gen. Even when you get the stack, it gets immediately eaten with Predator. It's useless.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 339

    where in the perk text does it say its sole purpose is to complete a gen unbothered? You're using the ptb as a test case where people will undoubtedly try to find build synergies and we don't even know what version of any of these perks make it to live servers.

    it's not useless, the stack is getting eaten because it is literally doing its function. You're just unhappy that you can't run around with no aura reading for the entire match and do gens while your team takes the heat for you. Want a stack? Go earn it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649
    edited September 18

    No one is forcing you into chases. The perk itself is moving towards a chase-based perk, which is way healthier for the game than a perk that encourages survivors to excessively hide. The new Distortion still is very strong against killers that only use 1 aura reading perk, or against killers that are using lethal pursuer + 1 other aura reading perk.

    If the killer is using lethal pursuer + nowhere to hide… then at the start of the match, you would immediately know about lethal purser and never have to worry about it again. Then after your first chase starts in that game, you'll be alerted the next time nowhere to hide tried to reveal your aura, which means that PTB Distortion still announced both aura reading perks to you.

    Post edited by Coffeecrashing on
  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    PTB is literally a test server. I tested it and it felt like a wasted perk slot. That's my opinion from my experience. If you can't have a constructive conversation without being unnecessarily condescending or test the perk out yourself, this conversation is over.

    I've only used Distortion in the main game once to complete a tome challenge which had me finish 4 generators with the perk Dark Sense. Without Distortion, that tome challenge feels almost impossible to complete unless you get a new killer. I do not appreciate you assuming my level of happiness about the perk changes. You're making this personal for no reason whatsoever.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,013

    Let's please remember to keep the discussions civil and respectful; of others, as well as their thoughts & opinions. Thank you.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 478

    I'm pretty sure that this was intentionally designed as both perks are similar in behavior and seem to have been created to revolve around each other's reworks.

  • ShellaSunshine
    ShellaSunshine Member Posts: 26

    That's exactly the point. If I'm going to be getting myself into chases, I might as well use better chase oriented perks and Object of Obsession because Distortion is a waste of time. Thank you.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,580
    edited September 19

    Distortion: When your aura would be read, hide your scratch marks and aura for the next  8/10/12 seconds

    Predator: When a Survivor escapes a chase, reveal their aura for 6 seconds

    So Distortion counters the predator and lasts more than it.

    That's a one for one and Distortion is stronger.

    I see no issue here.