Event coin system explanation

HYthinger Member Posts: 130
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

for first coin u need 100 points for second 200 for third 300 .......
this are 4500 points to get 9 coins.

as survior :

a survivor gets 4 points for every single gen. this means 20 points per match.
if u have a vessel u get +25.

would be 45 points max a match.

4500 total / 45 a match = 90 matches survived

This mean u need 90 escapes with a vessel

as killer :

u get 2 points for a hook and 3 for a vessel u destroyed.

this means if (there are 5 offers = 7 vessels) = 21 points max for destroying vessels
if u hook every survivor 3 times u get = 24 points max
This means a max of 45 points.

4500 total / 45 a match = 90 matches

90 matches with 4 kills (all hooked 3 times) + 7 destoyed vessels

event is 14 days long which means u need.....
7 perfect killer matches OR 7 perfect survivor matches a day to get every coin before the event ends

this is of course only working with perfect matches and only if i did the maths right XD (im pretty sure i counted right)

Also since devs allways do a great job the coins dont count atm :D

Edit : I noticed a little mistake i made.
There a 2 basic vessle spawn . This means there are 7 vessels max


  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Brady said:
    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

    Survivors could just grab the vessel at the last second to gain points. There is nothing in the rules to state that you can't do otherwise. I'd only consider killer easier if they can destroy the vessels even before one can get touched by a survivor.

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    @Brady said:
    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

    I corrected my little mistake. It is acutaly equally. It doesnt matter which role u play. but of course survivors still have it easier since its harder to 4k than escape as survivor

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Glad I'm a killer in this one. lol

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    It's a shame Playing Killer to try and gain points for coins is going to be a hell of a lot harder... I don't think it's worth the effort.
    And not to mention leaving the hook to go find one of the vessels in the time a survivor is on the hook is a huge waste of time, giving a free safe unhook and time for gens to get done.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    In this event, you are not supposed to get every single cosmetic by just playing the game though. If you want, you need to grind hard.

    First and second cosmetics are easy to get imo. The last one is the one that will be tough to get.

    They could have allowed us to get 1 cosmetic for the event and pay for the rest of it. I am quite happy with the way they are taking right now.

    You may compare this event with the past events but in the last BBQ event or moonrise event, there were 2 worthless cosmetics (well moonrise cosmetics were not terrible). It really is easy to get the first cosmetic in this event and it consists of 3 pieces.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Question: description says "+4 points when ANY generator is repaired"
    Does that mean that as a survivor i get 4 points even if i didn't touch that gen?
  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    Brady said:

    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

    No actually survivors had it hard. Cause you have to escape trial to even earn generator points. Killers don’t have merciless killer bar to live up to it
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    Thanks for calculating it for us :)
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @antgnstea said:

    No actually survivors had it hard. Cause you have to escape trial to even earn generator points. Killers don’t have merciless killer bar to live up to it

    Are you sure, I haven't played the game yet, if it is, then it sucks.

    inb4 SuRvIvInG Is EaSy comments

  • HYthinger
    HYthinger Member Posts: 130

    @antgnstea said:
    Brady said:

    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

    No actually survivors had it hard. Cause you have to escape trial to even earn generator points. Killers don’t have merciless killer bar to live up to it

    No you dont need to escape to get the gen points. u just dont get the vessel points if u get killed. devs said this on stream

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    Delfador said:

    @antgnstea said:

    No actually survivors had it hard. Cause you have to escape trial to even earn generator points. Killers don’t have merciless killer bar to live up to it

    Are you sure, I haven't played the game yet, if it is, then it sucks.

    inb4 SuRvIvInG Is EaSy comments

    Maybe it is a glitch for now I don’t know. But I burn the offering and done 2 gens but sacrificed. Got 0 points at the end. Another match done 5 gens didn’t escape still have 0 progress. If it is this way I think we’re gonna have long long killer ques. 
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @Delfador said:

    @antgnstea said:

    No actually survivors had it hard. Cause you have to escape trial to even earn generator points. Killers don’t have merciless killer bar to live up to it

    Are you sure, I haven't played the game yet, if it is, then it sucks.

    inb4 SuRvIvInG Is EaSy comments

    Pretty sure they said all survivors get the gen points even if they Die. so if you die with 3 gens done you'll get the points for those but not the last two.

    Survivors got it pretty easy this event, Just Gen rush for 20 points an then if you can, try grab a vessel and leave for another 25.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    HYthinger said:

    No you dont need to escape to get the gen points. u just dont get the vessel points if u get killed. devs said this on stream

    I don’t know. Maybe it will sort out. But for now I got 0 progress even I’ve done multiple gens but always got sacrificed in the end. 
  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Pretty sure they said all survivors get the gen points even if they Die. so if you die with 3 gens done you'll get the points for those but not the last two.

    I believe it when I see it. 
  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,890

    I don't even get any points. Did gens, escaped with vessels and still 0 / 100

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Bongbingbing said:

    Survivors got it pretty easy this event, Just Gen rush for 20 points an then if you can, try grab a vessel and leave for another 25.

    Yeah I thought I heard the same thing. He seems pretty sure though so I doubted myself.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @antgnstea said:
    HYthinger said:

    No you dont need to escape to get the gen points. u just dont get the vessel points if u get killed. devs said this on stream

    I don’t know. Maybe it will sort out. But for now I got 0 progress even I’ve done multiple gens but always got sacrificed in the end. 

    Oh that's an issue, nobody is gaining progress in the event. The Devs are working on a fix.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    Nice, thanks for the info

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    Survivors got it pretty easy this event, Just Gen rush for 20 points an then if you can, try grab a vessel and leave for another 25.

    And all killers have to do hook everyone like always gain 12x2 24 points and smash some of the lanterns on the way gain 7x3 21 points more. 45 points again. what is the difference can you point out for me. 
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @KiraElijah said:
    Nice, thanks for the info

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Do Survivors only get points for gens they have completed? They don't automatically gain points for 5 after surviving, do they?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @antgnstea said:
    Bongbingbing said:

    Survivors got it pretty easy this event, Just Gen rush for 20 points an then if you can, try grab a vessel and leave for another 25.

    And all killers have to do hook everyone like always gain 12x2 24 points and smash some of the lanterns on the way gain 7x3 21 points more. 45 points again. what is the difference can you point out for me. 

    The difference is a killer gets 2 points a hook, You'd have to get 10 hooks to match the amount to get gens done and Getting 10 hooks is much harder to do than completing the Gens.

    Also smashing the lanterns is a bit more difficult than just smashing, a survivor has to be hooked, only their vessel is sent back to the lantern if they are holding it. If other survivors are holding the other vessels which most likely they would be, you might only be able to destroy one vessel that could be anywhere on the map so you then have to go find it all in the time the survivor is on the hook which wont be long if your walking away looking for a vessel to destroy.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    @antgnstea said:
    Bongbingbing said:

    Survivors got it pretty easy this event, Just Gen rush for 20 points an then if you can, try grab a vessel and leave for another 25.

    And all killers have to do hook everyone like always gain 12x2 24 points and smash some of the lanterns on the way gain 7x3 21 points more. 45 points again. what is the difference can you point out for me. 

    The difference is a killer gets 2 points a hook, You'd have to get 10 hooks to match the amount to get gens done and Getting 10 hooks is much harder to do than completing the Gens.

    Also smashing the lanterns is a bit more difficult than just smashing, a survivor has to be hooked, only their vessel is sent back to the lantern if they are holding it. If other survivors are holding the other vessels which most likely they would be, you might only be able to destroy one vessel that could be anywhere on the map so you then have to go find it all in the time the survivor is on the hook which wont be long if your walking away looking for a vessel to destroy.

    And as survivor you or your team has to complete all gens even if you get hooked you have to find where was the lantern and hope it wasn’t taken or destroyed. And escape the trial alive. 
    I see both tasks equally hard. 
  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:
    Nice, thanks for the info


  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @Coriander said:
    Do Survivors only get points for gens they have completed? They don't automatically gain points for 5 after surviving, do they?

    All survivors alive get points for gens

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    Vietfox said:
    Question: description says "+4 points when ANY generator is repaired"
    Does that mean that as a survivor i get 4 points even if i didn't touch that gen?
    I have heard that it will be like that. Idk if it's true but.... If it is. It make it a bit easier for some survivors, who will be chased a lot.
  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @Dokta_Carter said:
    Vietfox said:

    Question: description says "+4 points when ANY generator is repaired"
    Does that mean that as a survivor i get 4 points even if i didn't touch that gen?

    I have heard that it will be like that. Idk if it's true but.... If it is. It make it a bit easier for some survivors, who will be chased a lot.

    It gives points to all living survivors

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Brady said:
    "Survivors have it easier in this event"

    As always, I hear this.

    Yeah because what's easy about competing against 3 other people to get a vessel, ontop of Ruin/NOED Killers.

    I just switched to Killer because I rack up points way quicker currently than I do as a Survivor. I think Deranking doesn't sound like a bad idea right now either lol

    YOu forget SWF, just genrush the hell out of the killer and unless its a nurse, you are guci

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @KiraElijah said:

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:
    Nice, thanks for the info


    Ok sir

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:
    Nice, thanks for the info


    Ok sir

    Umm, why is your color a quote?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @KiraElijah said:

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:

    @TreemanXD said:

    @KiraElijah said:
    Nice, thanks for the info


    Ok sir

    Umm, why is your color a quote?

    I’m not sure

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    So many numbers. I just kill things and break the things I can't kill. Then I get cute dress, axe and pig head. Happy  :)
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2019

    With that said...

    Do you think it is easier for the survivor or killer to get a perfect match?

    Killer... Needs all 4 survivors and themselves to put out 5 red envelopes.... Needs to hook everyone 3 times each to max out the points.... Needs to destroy all 7 vessels.

    Survivors.... Doesn't need to put out any offering since the default is two... Can hide all match getting progression from gens being done.... Scoops up 500 points per minute, while hiding, no sense working on gens to get them done quicker, more points in prolonging the match... Others finish gens... Runs out with vessel. The survivor doesn't even have to touch a gen.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited January 2019

    How many Lanterns are in a match? Can each Survivor get one, or is it only 3?
    *Provided the Killer (as myself) does not destroy any?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,463
    edited January 2019
    Okay, it's driving me nuts how nobody mentioned this yet and now I'm starting to think I'm crazy. 4,500 at a maximum of 45 per match is 100 matches minimum, not 90.

    How many Lanterns are in a match? Can each Survivor get one, or is it only 3?
    *Provided the Killer (as myself) does not destroy any?

    2 by default, one more per offering used, maximum 7.
  • jaerthebear
    jaerthebear Member Posts: 212
    Why am I getting notifications for a thread I wasn't a part of?