The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
Lately there has been a bunch of games on the PS4 servers that killers have a "problem" ( I know it's not a banable offence). They tend to do a lot of face camping, and/or hard tunneling. I have a suggestion of possibly adding a way to put those that intentionally make games harder for both sides in lobbies with people with similar play styles. The more unsportsmanlike reports one gets they will be put in games with other people that have a similar unsportsmanlike ranking. Cleaning up the game for those that want to have fun games and those that want to be toxic and sweaty. I've seen other games implement similar ranking systems like GTA, and Overwatch. I don't want to ban them at all. Just have a rank of how competitive/ toixic you play and place you with people with similar ranks as you. Not have separate game modes but have a personal rank  that other players can let the game know you play like that. Only people in your game lobby can "report" and affect your sportsmanlike rank
Let's talk about it.
Post edited by theanimal41 on


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    I thought you couldn't report people for camping/tunneling?
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    I'm not saying report for exploits or griefing that are banable offences. I'm just suggesting that if one gets a bunch of  reports for unsportsmanlike that if they get put in games with others that have high unsportsmanlike reports.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @TAG said:
    theanimal41 said:

    I'm not saying report for exploits or griefing that are banable offences. I'm just suggesting that if one gets a bunch of  reports for unsportsmanlike that if they get put in games with others that have high unsportsmanlike reports.

    I think that can get you in trouble for false reporting.  Last I checked, camping and tunneling are not reportable offenses.

    I don't believe you will get in trouble as long as you're not making up what you report. A lot of people don't know what is considered reportable and what isn't.

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    I'm not trying to get them banned I believe that those who bought the have the right to play how they want. But lately there have been extremely sweaty games in a game that is considered a PARTY game. And from talking to my friends they all agree with the statement that the game would be more fun for the casual player if those face campers and hard tunnelers would be put in game with those survivers that are too extremly toxic and play unsportsmanlike. 
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    @TAG said:
    theanimal41 said:

    I'm not saying report for exploits or griefing that are banable offences. I'm just suggesting that if one gets a bunch of  reports for unsportsmanlike that if they get put in games with others that have high unsportsmanlike reports.

    I think that can get you in trouble for false reporting.  Last I checked, camping and tunneling are not reportable offenses.

    I don't believe you will get in trouble as long as you're not making up what you report. A lot of people don't know what is considered reportable and what isn't.

    Doing it once or twice is fine and will probably result in you being kindly told that those are not reportable offenses.  Doing it repeatedly (especially after being told that), though, is more likely to get you in trouble.
    I'm not trying to get them banned I believe that those who bought the have the right to play how they want. But lately there have been extremely sweaty games in a game that is considered a PARTY game. And from talking to my friends they all agree with the statement that the game would be more fun for the casual player if those face campers and hard tunnelers would be put in game with those survivers that are too extremly toxic and play unsportsmanlike. 
    If you feel that way, sure, but reports for camping/tunneling just get ignored.
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    I give props to those killers that can get a 4k with no generators done but didn't tunnel and face camping those are admirable killers and I tip my hat to them. I have a problem with those that will stand right in from of a hooked survivers, or give up on a chase just to kill that surviver that just got unhooked on the other side of the map. And with my sugfsugges it wouldn't be a permanent placement like when rank reset hits your slate gets whipped clean.
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    Again I'm not trying to get them banned just put with others with similar play styles.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TAG said:
    I thought you couldn't report people for camping/tunneling?

    You can, but you will get into trouble for falsefy reporting

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    I'm just saying that a way for us in game to let the servers know that this person is try hard and should get put with other try hard players and let the casual players play togetger. not separate the game with casual and competitive game modes making the wait time extremely longer but have a built in way to put try harder with other try harder 
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2019
    My suggestion doesn't have to use the unsportsmanlike report but just have a way to put the try hards with other try hards without making separate game modes that will make wait times longer 
  • SIlentCetra
    SIlentCetra Member Posts: 187

    @theanimal41 said:
    My suggestion doesn't have to use the unsportsmanlike report but just have a way to put the try harder with the try harder without making separate game modes that will make wait times longer 

    A way to do this without reporting would be to keep track of a players average length of matches, and then grouping people with similar match length averages. the real "sweaty" guys would likely end up with much shorter matches on average

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2019
    That's why my original suggestion was to use unsportsmanlike, or implement a new report catagory  that us players could use to let the game know X is purposely making the game hard for other players. And have like a sportsmanlike rank I like 1-10 the higher your rank is you can only play with others with similar ranks as you.
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    And have it that when rank reset happens the sportsmanlike rank gets reset to one so those that are tired of sweaty games can have another opportunity to stay with other casual players 

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,908

    Problem is - people could put whatever they wanted on those reports just because they didn't like something that the other player did, played nurse for example or flashlight blinded at a pallet, which are all things in the game that can be used.

    I really do not see any need to implement something like this. Nor do I think it would work due to the reason I listed above.

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2019
    It doesn't have to be an actual report. It can be like a thumbs down the more you get you can only play with people with the same ranking as you and if you get thumbs up it acts in the opposite direction. And if you play swf it would take the average rank and apply it to the whole team to get a killer with said ranking
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,908

    And how many people would give a thumbs down to the person that beat them in the game? I suspect many! Which is why a system such as this would not work, sorry.

  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    And the opposite team can in turn give them a thumbs down. And how many time have you used the rank this match at the top of the screen bet you don't use it often. Majority of people just go leave the lobby and go to next game. But yes you would have those trolls and toxic people that would abuse the system but I'm pretty sure the devs could find a way to polish it and make it work properly.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    And the opposite team can in turn give them a thumbs down. And how many time have you used the rank this match at the top of the screen bet you don't use it often. Majority of people just go leave the lobby and go to next game. But yes you would have those trolls and toxic people that would abuse the system but I'm pretty sure the devs could find a way to polish it and make it work properly.
    MandyTalk is politely trying to say this community is highly toxic, they complain about anything the other side does, have been known to with death upon players, post in people's profiles, add them as friends to continue being toxic in a pm.

    The community would abuse this feature and a swf can gang up on one person, a killer who camps can get 4 reports instantly for doing it to one, they may not do anything and just win and it could happen.

    It really isn't a good idea to let this community decide who gets put into a lobby such as your suggestion, infact I would say it would be disastrous to let them.
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    I'm just saying that a way for us in game to let the servers know that this person is try hard and should get put with other try hard players and let the casual players play togetger. not separate the game with casual and competitive game modes making the wait time extremely longer but have a built in way to put try harder with other try harder 
    This sounds like something that could be done by improving the ranking system.
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Sounds abusable, no thanks 
  • theanimal41
    theanimal41 Member Posts: 32
    Well understanding that it could be abused how about other suggestions to handle the toxicity from both sides?
  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793
    That's a horrible idea.
    Even if you do get face camped by then you should have gotten a gen and at minimum had a decent lasting chase which would guarantee you a safe pip and if you got hook saves and other gens before you got hooked you would pip.I actually don't mind being face camped as long as my team is doing gens and not wasting my hook states on trying to save me.