Wait was Spirit actually nerfed?!?!
Nothing in the patch notes mentions that the spirit has been changed (there's one change that allows her to use her power while blind), so it wouldn't appear to be intentional. It could just be a bug. If anyone has a clip of the sound you're talking about, I will pass it on to the team.
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Sadly I’m on PS4 but you go rogue and proud!
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Sadly I’m on PS4 but you go rogue and proud!
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Thank God.
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People seem to be confusing "sounds" here.
What people complain about: The finger crackling sound that plays when you start phasing being heard by Survivors.
What people are confusing this with: The vacuum sound that plays while phasing.
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Thank you @Peanits you're actually the best. I can't get a clip because I've been on console for a while, @The_Crusader or @thesuicidefox can you provide a clip?
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I thought you were on pc. My username is TreemanXD
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Gladly, I'll be taking on every killer and bullying Spirits.
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Please let this ######### be a bug. Spirit is one of the most balanced Killers in the game. She doesn’t need any ######### nerfs.
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I play xbox a lot too. It's because they fixed the FPS. Your account works on xbox?
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Most likely a bug, which means we probably have to wait til the next mid chapter patch.
Obligatory REEEEEEEEE.
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Welp, another shadownerf to add to the list.
BTW, she was always meme tier. You can clearly hear her footsteps when she's phasing.
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Awww, we'd be such a good toxic duo. I'll probably get the next playstation they release... until then my friend...
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She used to be superior to Nurse, your facing bad ones.
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Until then. *cry*
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Okay it seems inconsistent. There is definitely a new sound effect on Spirit's end when you start the phase walk (it happens at the end of the activation phase, it sounds like a window breaking instead of just glass cracking). My friend said he did not hear it at all until he was right next to me. Still testing we had some connection issues.
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This absolutely sucked the fun right out of my heart for this game........ tell me this is bug
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Are you using military grade headphones? I’ve never heard her footsteps when she’s phasing. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say that they hear Spirit’s footsteps while phasing.
Also, is any Killer not named Nurse or even Billy meme tier to you?
Superior to Nurse? I always saw Spirit as slightly weaker than Nurse because you can’t phase walk through a wall or pallet.
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What I experienced while playing.
I heard multiple sounds activating and while phased as well as a loud sound when vaulting. Take it for what you will, but I do not recall Spirit being this loud so often
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Please don't panic. It's just a bug. It should be fixed by the end of the year.
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That's so strange, those sounds weren't even used before. Did they make them for this nerf? This all seems so odd.
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God im so mad about it. I hope it's a bug but those sounds are strange. I think it's intended.
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There was a bug on PTB. The sound she hears upon breaking into Phase Walk sprint occasionally played very loudly, like an explosion almost. Might be related.
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I think it is too, There's no way this is a bug.
Looking over the video it seems they added sounds that weren't in the game before for when she enters/exits phase walk and when she vaults.
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About the footsteps, yes, they are audible. They are like thumps on the ground (even though she doesnt walk like that). You can also hear Wraith while cloaked that way.
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Indeed.... it's wrong to do Rin this way..... I cant see the devs doing this intentionally... if they can leak perks this could have slipped through as well..... until its confirmed... I'm jotting it up as a bug..
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They might have been from when she was new actually but I highly doubt it.
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Tested some more. There is a sound survivors can hear when the Spirit is phase walking but it's not consistent at all. Sometimes it happens on activation, sometimes in the middle of phase walk, sometimes when coming out of phase walk, and most of the time not at all. I'm almost positive this is a bug now. I'm trying Prayer Beads to see if it's more consistent.
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You are the best. Thank you so much.
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Like this was an earlier version of her that somehow got placed in the update? That's the only explanation I can come up with but she still has all the changes that she had previous patch which makes me think this was an active decision to add the sounds without telling anyone.
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where did the sounds come from? the glass wasn't there at the end of phase animation before, and it's loud.
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Yo give me a moment, I'm gonna check this out
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It seems to happen more often with Prayer Beads but there's still no consistency to it. My guess is it has something to do with the new sound occlusion and this new sound effect that happens at the end of phase walk activation on Spirit's side.
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From what my friend is telling me it seems to come from the husk. But it's hard to tell since it's not at all consistent.
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Yeah theres just no way that the team would do anything to the spirit without letting us know in the patch notes...
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Is it that sound? (plays first on the second phase attempt)
I already noticed that on the PTB and informed a QA dev of it. It plays very inconsistently, but most often if you hold a movement button while charging Phase Walk and least often when starting from standstill.
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WTH guys. She didn't get a nerf... This is just audio bug. I swear to god...
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So it’s not just me! You can absolutely tell. Her hair will kinda “bounce” dunno how else to explain it, and sometimes her animation sorta resets.
To counter ppl being able to just look at her and tell when she’s phasing, I will shake my head like I’m saying no and it seems to help with it. (Also when they catch on I can fake it and they’ll think I’m phasing and I can get a free hit)
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Edit. never mind.
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OMG thank you! It isn’t just me!😁
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I mean if it just plays the sound when entering phase walk then can't you just start the phase walk and then cancel it before it finishes?
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Wait wait I'm confused. Can you hear her phase when you are in her terror radius or did they do something else?
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If you're in spirits terror radius then you should have no idea if she's phase walking or not.
Now there is a glass cracking sound when she starts phase walking. So survivors know its coming.
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Yeah the more I think about it this is deff a bug........ everyone remembers how the release went with Spirit.... theres just no way that bhvr would do this sort of change without letting us know
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of course it's a bug, i mean we're talking about behaviour. this game is full of bugs after every update they do.
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Do you hear the glass anywhere on the map or do you need to be close to her?
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Dunno but it definitely happens when your close to her. So now you know if she's actually phase walking or just faking it.
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besides most survivors are too dumb to even hear this "change" in sound. You guys are soo so overreacting