######### has happened to Decisive Strike

Sorry but ######### has happened to decisive strike and what cry babies got this changed.

i purchased Halloween chapter purely for Mike Myers and ability to get decisive strike, couldn’t care less about Laurie.

then I wasted all my blood points levelingbup Laurie so its a teachable perk and then wasted my blood points so my other fave characters have it.

even spent my shards in the shines to get 150000 blood points .

now DBD has completely changed this perk to the point I don’t want it and I have lost out.

its like buying a Lambo and it goes into service and they take the engine out and saying we changed few things!

first I thought it was a bug why it wasn’t working, now it’s at the point I have no clue how to use the perk and from reading, it’s only available 60seconds after being hooked so basically if a killer hook camps and someone gets me down and then killer downs me again!

this is pathetic! Waste of money and bloodpoints spent!


  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    It got reworked into being a perk that punishes tunnelers

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Kagrenac yeah but it can be easily countered now, you can simpl ynot tunnel, you can slugg and you can use enduring against it.

    DS shouldnt be affected by enduring and it doesnt make sense that survivors have to wait 1 sec before moving, the 5 sec are reasonable though, you can only use it once

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    In other words buyer beware.

    Wonder when the rest of the 'frustrating' game play gets attention.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The perk is still S tier and too strong.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    That's what happens in multiplayer games anything can change for the sake of balance.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though I don't disagree with the change to DS, I think this explanation is at the core of the problem in DbD. "...in the right hands, it was far too powerful and frustrating.." This game is not competitive. It is casual, no matter how hard you want it to be otherwise. It is not balanced enough to be a competitive game.

    So, to nerf perks/abilities based on the top 5% of players is a bad way to balance things. There are a ton of perks that fit Peanits description. NOED, in the hands of a toxic camper/tunneler rewards him for his actions. Insta-heals can cause a lot of frustration in the hands of a coordinated SWF. BBQ & Chili gives Nurse/Billy unfair advantage in speed-hooking (is that a hook rush?!). Adrenaline, the list can go on and on. Is that the new measuring bar?

    We need to stop trying to balance by survivor/killer and start looking to balance by rank/skill levels.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    Being a competitive game has nothing to do with whether the game is balanced. It is a competitive game by definition. The game needs to be balanced from high ranks down, not the other way around which is what we have now.

  • poeticjustice
    poeticjustice Member Posts: 60

    But it doesn’t become active after being hooked! It becomes active after being hooked and only for 60 secs, so if the killer tunnels you and your constantly moving for 60 seconds or 30 senconds and the killer just leaves you on the floor after downed for the perk to wear off, then its pointless. I understand kinda at begging of game because pro players sacrifice themselves to be chased until downed and then they’d use decisive strike, by that time 3 mins past and 3 gens done.

    but you have removed conditions based on pro players, because pro players exploit it, others have to pay the price.

    the whole 60seconds time window to use decisive strike is rubbish, it should just becomes active after hooked once! Not 60seconds after hooked esp when there are tunnellers and campers.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    If the killer decides to leave you on the ground for 60 seconds to avoid the perk- just in case you have it, since they have no way to know for sure- you still get quite a noticeable benefit from the perk. That will give you plenty of time to recover and allow another survivor to run in and quickly pick you back up. Alternatively if you want to get yourself up, you may consider running unbreakable or no mither. Worst case scenario, they down you and hover over you for the entire 60 seconds, which would give your teammates a lot of time to fix generators (that's almost an entire generator for each remaining survivor right there).

  • poeticjustice
    poeticjustice Member Posts: 60

    If the change is to benefit a good killer and punish camper/tunnellers then Maybe decisive strike is active for 60 seconds after hook, if tunnelled and downed, and decisive strike is activated, and they try to get away, maybe decisive strike is reactivated for 30 seconds incase killer tunnels again after the decisive strike. That would put tunnellers and campers off more

  • poeticjustice
    poeticjustice Member Posts: 60

    Also to add on to this.

    decisive strike has major bug, I’ve played 10 games deliberately getting hooked and unhooked, running to killer, I get the skill check, but when press the button to activate, the bar instantly skips the area and jumps to after the activation area and it fails to work.

    i hit perfect most time on skill check and can do gens with hex ruin without issue.

    but the skill check on decisive strike on PS4 has a bug

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Except you don't buy the Lambo in this case, you buy the right to drive it.

    The Lambo still belongs to its current owner.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    The DS skill check on PS4 does not have a bug. I hit it every time. You just missed the skill check.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    Lol you should've paid attention the updates been out for weeks.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Or it could be that you just are missing your skill check and you are blaming it on a bug. Oh yeah, this change has been out there for a bit now. Congrats on being late.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Blueberry Actually, it has everything to do with it. You don't balance casual games from top down, that is how you kill the casual player base, thus the consistent drop in player numbers for DbD. If this was a competitive game with tournaments, etc, then absolutely, you balance from the top down.

    If they keep balancing from the top down in DbD, they will strangle the population more and more because most just want to chill and have fun. Hard to do when you get railroaded constantly.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Look at every other competitive game out that is extremely popular right now. They all balance from top down and the reason DBD is losing people is because they are balancing incorrectly with bottom up.




    adjective: competitive

    1. 1.
    2. relating to or characterized by competition."a competitive sport"
    3. synonyms:ruthless, merciless, aggressive, fierce; Moreinformaldog-eat-dog, cutthroat
    4. "tourism is a highly sophisticated and competitive industry"
    5. antonyms:gentlemanly
    • having or displaying a strong desire to be more successful than others."she had a competitive streak"
    • synonyms:ambitious, driven, vying, combative, contentious, aggressive; Moreinsistent, driving, pushing, zealous, keen;
    • informalpushy, go-ahead
    • "a very competitive player"
    • antonyms:apathetic
    1. 2.
    2. as good as or better than others of a comparable nature."a car industry competitive with any in the world"

    This game is a competitive game whether you want to believe it or not. The definition is there and has nothing to do with balance.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    it got what it deserved.

    thats what happened to it.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    After buffing it to 5 seconds. I run MoM, Flip Flop, Adrenaline, and DS. The Swfs that I run with give these killers a very difficult time. Thank you for the change to DS, now i can get my ez W's

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Then change it so that tunneling get seriously punished. Now it only delays the tunneling for some seconds. Just a another screwed up perk on surviver side.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148

    So basically you bought the chapter because you knew the perk was broken??

  • Thunk
    Thunk Member Posts: 35

    The perk should never have been put in the game, it's a monopoly get out of jail free card.

    It's like hook blocking you screw the killer out of their deserved hook and don't give me any of that crap about it being valid since I'll bring up the time survivors cried about killers blocking the prompt so it got changed but survivors can still block the prompt.

    Three survivors blocking it with no iron grasp you are done.