Time to pray my Legion brothers and sisters

News on our rework is next week and will be in mid chapter.
Will this rework be fun for all of us or just the people who hate them?
@not_Queen @Peanits please keep Legion fans in mind as well
Good. One less killer to worry about.
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I sense there will be a tier F- after this update
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Really hope they keep the main idea of his power, we can only wait now...
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@Mc_Harty It's not a good idea to just nerf Legion into the ground.
More killers need to be viable not less. Make him better so more people want to play as and against them.
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More information next week :)
We are preparing a post explaining the changes that will come with the mid-chapter.
Plus, you will be able to test the changes during the PTB.
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My problem is how much time are they really putting into reworking him, this seems pretty quick for a rework to come out just look how long the freddy rework is taking...
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Legion was already #########.
They could literally change anything about him and it would be better than what we have right now.
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I just hope they dont make it like Plague and nerf his BP gain to the ground. >_>
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@KillermainBTWm8 The Freddy Rework and the Legion Update are really different in terms of how much work they take.
Legion Update will adapt and tweak the power / addons/ gameplay. Freddy Rework means we are coming up with a completely new gameplay. For our design team, it's as much work as coming up with a brand new killer, while having to work on regular content and huge gameplay reworks.
That's why Freddy took more time. You can read our new Dev Update for more details: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/57097/developer-update-april-2019#latest
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Called it, they are nerfing them.
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With Freddy why can't you just change his dream time from 7 into 3 like you mention a long time ago?
Instead of leaving him Trash as a Killer for 2 years
Other trash killers like the Pig, Leatherface and Trapper is still Trash
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@not_Queen So the goal is to improve Legion for both sides?
It's not just a reaction to survivors but will also be positive change for the killer?
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@Mc_Harty I call BS. There are a lot of things they could change to make him worse. Buffing franks mixtape, removing the DW timer not going down during mending, making it stun the legion if he hits a new target and never if he hits a target already with deep woulds. Having him hitting you literally break your computer. Having him give you 5 minute mend times.
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Didn't the devs already tried most of these things last mid-chapter patch?
Seriously though, it doesn't change my point that he needed a rework regardless of whatever any Legion apologist says.
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I don't understand the part 'tweak'
How can they tweak their current power to make him fun for both sides without fundamental changes? It is super unfun to go against legion because it ignores all of survivor defense mechanics. If you take this from the legion, then there is nothing left for him
It seems to me that they will nerf a killer that doesn't need nerfing without addressing the issues leaving both sides upset. We'll see I guess
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They are probably going to make Deep Wounds not as exploitative.
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I hope they'll still be able to run and vault over pallets and windows. That is what makes them a lot fun to play (at least in my opinion). I am interested to see what you guys have done though. 😁
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Please don't mess this up devs. Frank's mixtape is awful but I like playing against Legion. They are a different style and a nice variation from all the Hillybillys.
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Right now, I am feeling damned lucky that I haven't dedicated a lot of time or bloodpoints into Freddy or Legion yet. I will definitely be holding off on doing so now.
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@Delfador You don't even want to know the dumpster fire killer i'm predicting.
Legion as he is right now but...
He cannot damage the mend bar by hitting multiple times. Moonwalking is removed via TR.
So since you can't damage the mend bar they'll want you to multi hit survivors then commit to the last one as 4.4 ms only killer that can't down with frenzy.
So he'll become a 4.4ms killer with no power because people won't heal and he won't be able to pallet/window hop as a chase tool.
That's my guess on 2.7.0 Legion
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller @IronKnight55
Do you guys think Legion will still be able to down by pallet/window hopping while damaging the mend bar?
I'm betting that's where they hit them hard.
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@Kilmeran - I'm of the opposite view. I'm wanting to put my time into both before they ruin them both. So I can get some more enjoyment out of them. I like playing the underdog. A 4K with Freddy is so much more satisfying with the "cheat mode" killers.
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@Bbbrian2013 I think that's a cool idea, get rid of exploiting chase mechanics and don't allow him to down survivors with his power.
But then they have to make him 4.6 m/s killer. In that way, he will be an upper version of Myers imo. First hits are guaranteed and you are trying to get your 1 shot with additional benefits like mending and injured survivors. I am okay with this as a survivor and a killer.
I don't see that working with 4.4 m/s though. If you happen to be proven, then that's a sad death for the legion.
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@JawsIsTheNextKiller I play Freddy right now at Rank 14-15 as a Level 1 with only 1 perk and 3k with him at that low rank. I didn't put any bloodpoints into him yet, and I need to see the rework concept next month before I do. I don't get to play often, so don't want to waste a ton of BP on add-ons and such that might not be worth a damn with the rework.
Legion is the same. I got him to level 10 and stopped because something in my gut just kept telling me a shift was coming with the mid-chapter patch. Well, that and at Rank 14-15, I was pipping and double-pipping with him often enough. I still need a lot of practice on killer, and still need to get some bloodpoints to hopefully find some decent perks for any of my killers, so I did not want to rank-up to Rank 10 and crap too fast.
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@Delfador They would be way better than they are now if they got 4.6 but couldn't down at all with frenzy. I agree.
I hope that's where they go. Adds counter play but he'd always be a (delayed) 1 shot killer at base speed due to the guaranteed frenzy hits.
You'd just be able to loop them now to prevent that down.
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Will the Legion mend bug be fixed? Having to hold a single button down for 5+ minutes isn't fun at all.
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If it's a decent one I will consider maining Legion, Joey looks the coolest!
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@SnakeSound222 Yes. They said his add ons are being tweaked so that likely won't make it in.
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@Bbbrian2013 - I HOPE that its going to be fixing exploits, moonwalking and franks mixtape. Anything more and it will be a shame to lose out on a killer that is very different. I don't want them to punish missed hits because I think that is part of the "fun" element.
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@Kurisataru - Don't be silly now. Susie is obviously the coolest.
I've been waiting for new Susie cosmetics to look different from all the other Susies out there.
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all that he needs to not be annoying anymore is to have his frenzy only have 2 swings. If he misses, there needs to be a more drastic consequence. Right now he is just annoying by prolonging the game because he was a able to swing at me while sprinting and finally hitting me on his 4th swing. He knows the game will stall because even though it took him forever to finally hit me, now he knows that I have to go mend first before I can do anything else. Very dumb and annoying
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Legion doesn't need to be nerfed or buffed. It just needs to be reworked so it is fun to play with and against him (or them...).
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Brothers, lets hope we don't get crushed
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@Coder Which would likely mean a nerf or buff
How do you make them more fun for survivors without taking away from Legion or taking away and adding something else to replace it?
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Hoodedfengm1n - Legon IS fun to play against. I've been defeated by countless legions and had a good game.
How many can say that about 5 minute Hillbilly games?
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@Hoodedfengm1n I'm using all my op ######### in the coming weeks.
Besides the blades those are bugged atm...
No way is Frank Tape surviving the jump to 2.7.0 so use them
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@Bbbrian2013 yeah, its gonna die
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Damn I have 50 of the frank mix's due to never using addons or offerings guess I know what I am going to be doing soon.
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@Bbbrian2013 Imagine (it's just an exercise of thought, so keep an open mind) if they change legion an they put wraith in his place. It's not a nerf, or a buff, the whole killer mechanics and strategy and the game you're supposed to play with him, changes. So it's up to you if that means a nerf (if it was easier for you to kill with the old legion mechanics) or a buff (if you find it better to kill using his new mechanics).
However, I'm kind of dreaming, when they said they'd rework Wraith I was really exited as I was a Wraith main, but then they just tweaked a few things here and there, wasn't really a rework, was a small buff (kicking gens and opening lockers invisible, a few changes to the addons and that's about it), so I really don't think they will change his mechanics, which are the actual problem with him. Maybe they'll tweak things like not being able to use the moonwalk exploit (like the timer won't go down while in terror radious) and tweak some addons and that's it.
I know about their reworks, they are not really reworks, just a bunch of small tweaks.
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Hope you all gonna get rekt really hard by getting even below Freddy-Tier.
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somebody needs a hug.
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How about hillbilly can only insta-down you if he's on a >1 second sprint? if not, it's just a regular hit. Unless a red addon is used (like the clown insta down). He will keep the map pressure, but won't be able to do the close insta downs. However, Leatherface may have the insta-downs, but not the map pressure. Wouldn't that be balanced?
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Guess you don't play killer all that much
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Oh thank god, then we can finally throw legion back into the dumpster.
Right where they belong.
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@ItsYourBoyGuzma Sure would be funny if the rework makes legion much stronger wouldn't it?
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I have no idea. They'll probably fix Franks Mixtape, Moonwalking, etc. I just hope they don't completely destroy Legion.
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Legion says UPDATE. Not rework. Just btw...