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Is getting on top of pallets intended / bannable (map allows it)?

Snapshot Member Posts: 914

I had numerous end-game discussions with survivors where I catch them by getting on dropped pallets and thus shortcut the loop (where it is possible, of course). They say it is "unfair" and as a survivor, you do not foresee it and get surprised.

So for example in the areas on the map which are explicitly designed to do so, it is ok I think?



  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    To me it sounds like exploiting because you know that getting on dropped palettes to reach survivors is not an intended mechanic and you're abusing it by ignoring the intended play. How many DCs do you get for that?

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    For example, on the Clown Map, the pallet below the outer stairs. You just back up, walk up the stairs and drop halfway off onto the pallet. It is placed so to do it, or not??

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914
    edited April 2019

    I think that every killer in the red ranks knows these kinds of spots, as they do it on me too. And if not, they need to step up their game, that is how I see it anyway. But that is, as I said, only found on very high skill level play, like when you played the game for so long

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I mean if it is a bug then it isn't on you to make sure it doesn't come into play. And if it isn't a bug then there isn't a problem anyways. So keep doing it until something official is stated about it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    There still exist several holes where you can deadhard over it, so I assume stuff like this is intended design

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Well... it slipped through this isnt really on the player... the team should be held responsible so...

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    The problem is, no one but the devs knows for sure, so waiting on confirmation.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Dreamnomad he isn't walking over the pallet like a Legion would. Hes getting to a higher area and jumping down, the location of the pallet sometimes means that when you jump down you happen to land directly on top of the Pallet where you can then simply walk off on either side.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Except it's not as much of a bug as an exploit in map design/tile placement. Like when an unnamed YTer would sit under the drop on grim pantry and keep killers held. It's a design bug, but THEY were exploiting it to an advantage.

    It's absolutely bannable seeing as NOBODY is supposed to be standing on pallets. Survivors and Legion can vault them, but walking on them is obviously not intended.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's in the devs to fix it, and on the players to not exploit it.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Technically it is "vaulting", as you do not stay on the pallet, but just go over it to the other side?

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    It's an exploit, so yes it's reportable.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Definitely sounds like an exploit, one I have not heard of or seen.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    You can still sit on the pallet and deny a Survivor from using it. Hell, depending on where the Survivor is, you can fall in their direction and hit them before they can use it.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Jumping onto the top of the pellet is an exploit are people serious?

    It's like saying the same thing with Survivors using dead hard to get to the other side of the area to avoid a hit.

    We Killers can also move in between pellets to stop the pellet from dropping, is that an exploit too LOL?

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Self-elected representative of Killers...?

    And that's not true, Killers can stand between pallets and Survivors will still get the prompt for a pallet drop. I see this used in farming as Survivor and I implement it for Boldness BP for Survivors.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited April 2019

    It's intended but it's very, VERY cheap in the survivors point of view. However, the killer needs to be at a higher elevation and time his lunge perfectly or get severely punished.

    Let's look at the rules of DBD:

    It also doesn't break the game rules because any killer can do that so you're not gaining an unfair advantage. Survivors can predict when you're going to lunge over a vault or pallet so they HAVE counter play. Finally, the developers likely seen that this was already possibility because anyone can get the idea of lunging over a pallet or a vault. It's just common sense to use gravity in your favor, why shouldn't survivors use DH to go over certain gaps?

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    If it is intended than why isnt it public that it is? Why would they not tell us this is a thing we can do now? Cause it's a bug that people shoukdnt be able to do.

    It's not breaking the rules, you know besides the fact it is because its exploiting a bug, and just because every killer can do it doesnt make it not an expoilt either.

    If every killer had the mend thing like legion, than moonwalking wouldnt be an exploit cause every killer can do it, NO it's still a bug that you shouldnt be using.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    So by your logic since any survivor before could land on a spot the killer couldn't reach that wasn't an exploit? Over 3000 posts and you say something that dumb really?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @TheRoyalOwl probably because they aren't going to specify for every possible action you can do if it is an exploit or not. Even if they made an exhaustive list of things that are intended to be done there would still be emergent gameplay situations to consider, such as using the plagues vomit for tracking, is that an exploit? I would say that it isn't, and if the devs came out and said otherwise I might even go so far as to directly contest them considering how common a use case it is and how again, no bugs were available to exploit.

    Either way, in this particular case you are just jumping from a high ledge to a low one in order to optimize a route. This is isn't any more of an exploit than simply walking around an unsafe pallet to avoid breaking it is.

    Something the devs didn't explicit consider isn't automatically an exploit. Some core mechanics of some games were unintended, such as wavedashing in melee and skiing in tribes.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749
    edited April 2019

    Yes the somethings are unintention, but that doesnt mean that its not an exploit, any bug that has advantages to it, is an exploit untilits added to the game or confrimed that it's not an exploit. Yes they didnt say it was a exploit, but it is a bug that gives you an advantage over the survivors, SO ITS AN EXPLOIT.

    So stop saying that it's not an exploit by describing it in a way that makes it not look like a bug that has advantages.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    It's considered an exploit however and I've seen killer doing it in game as well as on video and it's basically the same as survivors climbing rocks. The killers on here say exploit for when survivors climb rocks then do the same.

    The devs have stated climbing on the rocks to avoid the killer is an exploit and thus bannable.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    That's different, a survivor can hold the game as hostage and it gives the survivor an unfair advantage because the killer can't reach them.

    Fyi, if you disagree with me, you can at least be nice about it.


    I never did this because I can do the same thing with Nurse but without the requirements that other killers need to perform it. It does look fair for regular killers because the killer has to have the high ground, time the lunge, and while the survivor is oblivious to the killer's position. The killer is not gaining an advantage, the killer is just playing smart and using the geography to his advantage. Think of it as a Claudette using grass to camouflage herself.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Killers should be allowed to do whatever they can to secure their kills. This is called "clever use of game mechanics". Otherwise why would the developers put it in the game?

    If they patch it out, all killers need to be buffed to compensate. Don't mess with my 4k

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    No that's called exploiting the same as survivors getting on top of rocks etc to avoid getting downed. If it was something they intentionally put in the game to be used they'd have said hey this is ok now like looping.

    You know kinda like how they've said survivors climbing onto rocks is an exploit and thus bannable if caught.

    Kinda like how this is an exploit of terrain, which I'd been screwing around during this match to see how someone got up here in a different game. I already forwarded this to the devs attention months ago and I'm pretty sure it's been patched.

    You could get to the very front of this and if you had Insidious camp it like a champ because no one would look up to see if killer is camping there.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    How does that give you an unfair advantage? Survivors can just rush the generators and run out the door. Yeah sure, you shouldn't be up there but exploiting is when you use a bug to your advantage. I don't see where you have an unfair advantage there so that's okay but I wouldn't sit there for long because survivors could report you thinking you're hacking.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @powerbats I've managed to climb the rock ones to get survivors up there as wraith/shape (lovely getting those teabags directly in your face as you try until you figure it out) but that is next level, did you seriously get on top of a hook?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Yeah it's funny when you get them and yes i made it to the very front of the hook several times. I even video'd it to help the devs see how it was done, I was cracking up while doing it too.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I'm pretty sure it's not intended and is an exploit so I wouldn't really try it if I were you

  • Davy_Jones
    Davy_Jones Member Posts: 4

    I watch a streamer that do this sometimes (he play more killer), he asked for a dev on twitter if it was bannable and the answer was "on moment it is not bannable, but we will alert if change of ideia".

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    But with the claudette, she isnt using a bug. Saying that "your using so and so to your advantage" isnt an excuse to exploit bugs, so stop saying it is.

    And you say it's fair for other killers because nurse can do it? 1.) Its probably a bug for nurse 2.) She is supposed to clip throught stuff to get survivors so you cant compare other killers to her.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914
    edited May 2019

    You compare Apples with Bananas. Dropping onto a pallet is not even close the same as climbing up a rock to hold the game hostage. The killer does have NO incentive to stay on the pallet, as the survivors can just run away while other survivors rush gens. What is your point here? Even as a survivor you can drop onto the same pallet, with Dead Hard. Then the killer can simply break it. Exploit? I don't think so. Clever use of game mechanics? Yeah.

    I have to add: the pallet is already dropped, otherwise you cannot get ontop of it.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @powerbats tbh if the survivor can't see the killer standing ON TOP OF THE HOOK then they deserve to get downed. This is definitely not intended since it isn't really useful but being on top of pallets on an invisible ledge is definitely an exploit.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    What invisible ledge? The pallet is DROPPED, so you can just stand on it. You don't abuse any glitch/bug/hitbox edge case because you just drop off to the side of the stairs , which is legit, or is there any rule preventing that? Please advise me on the rule

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    That is an ENTIRE different situation as in your described scenario the survivors are holding the game hostage, but in my case it's just an advantage, not even an unfair one as the survivors and killer can do the same, it is not holding anything hostage so it isn't breaking any rules. Only an unfair advantage would be considered illegal

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,198

    @Peanits So if I understand this correctly, I won't be banned for lunging around the giant tractor/combine on corn maps to get on the hay bale and hit the survivor on the other side of the tractor?

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @Peanits Hold on, what loop do you mean with coal tower? U got a clip or something?

    Also sometimes it happens by accident that I get on top of one of the cars next to the preschool. I just took the opportunity and "outplayed" the survivor on that loop. I don't feel like it's an exploit but just badly designed collision. Why shouldnt I take advantage in that situation?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    For Coal Tower, depending on how the windows spawn, you could lunge on top of the car and skip over part of the loop. Though this might have changed, it's been a while since I've seen it done.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Peanits Sorry, unrelated to the thread, but did you check the comment I left on your profile?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    I did. Didn't have a chance to respond yet, but I'll go do that now.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Thanks for clarifying this! I knew some of the answers were not entirely correct :)