Alternative to ruin?

Scal3r Member Posts: 188

I am a rank 1 survivor but never play killer because I have terrible internet. I go against ruin extremely often and have become used to it and playing with it, it does its job and giving the killer time. I find it annoying sometimes but then whenever I am in a game without ruin my team goes through gens extremely fast and I will admit it is not easy for the killer. I want to hear from killer mains. Do you like how ruin is such a staple? Or do you wish you could fill that perk slot with something else?


  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    Ruin is just a bandaid for gen rushing experience players power gens ignoring ruin but there are very less players who consistently hit greats so its a great perk to buy time even if it buys 1 minute its enough to start snowballing

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I've been struggling hard to play without Ruin succesfully (death to the meta!), but there are not many alternatives. The most frustrating thing about it is RNG: if it spawns in a lucky spot, I can have a very successful game, even against decent survivors (no one can ALWAYS hit greats), whereas if it spawns someplace bad, I get genrushed no matter what.

    Unfortunately, there are hardly any perks to effectively replace it with. Thana nerf is heartbreaking, Huntress' is a joke, PGTW only helps the high mobility killers (yes, the ones with the least need for slowing down gen progress anyway). Overcharge can be decent on Doctor, but even on him it's limited, and completely useless on any other killer. Corrupt Intervention may work on some killers, it's helpful if you can hook someone early, but frankly, the correct counterplay to it is easy: play immersed for that 120 seconds, or look for totems, chests, etc. Not a sufficient substitute for Ruin either.

    And that's about it. The only thing that has a remote chance to replace it is Dying Light + a Mori. But even though tunneling is nice, it often doesn't work out.

    So... yeah, this game badly needs some other, creative way of slowing down gen progress.

  • Scal3r
    Scal3r Member Posts: 188

    I agree it gets boring playing against the same thing over and over, but it is effective and I understand why it is such an important perk for killers. I like the idea of corrupt intervention, but it is only a mild inconvenience having to run and find a new gen at the beginning of the game. I agree thanataphobia is a perk that would really help but as of right now it really does not do much. I do not even want to heal when it is up because I would waste more time healing myself then the value I would get out of doing a gen.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Even if Corrupt Intervention isn't that great on most killers, it does its job to help pipping, right?

    Since you effectively buy 120s for the Gatekeeper score.

    Not the most fun and interactive gameplay though. But then again, neither is Ruin.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Nah it only blocks three gens. Survivors will most likely move on to the other four. You would have to actively guarding those to prevent them from turning on. I use the perk on plague on a regular basis. But just it synergies well with her beeing able to infect those four.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Corrupt Intervention will block off gens and buy you time to kill your Obsession with Dying Light, basically making everyone like they were dream world permanently, but half so, Remember Me is a charm with Dying Light.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Having to rely on a perk that can be destroyed to at least have a chance against good survivors is a sign of bad gameplay design. Everyone hates Ruin, even killers, but it's the best we've got to slow gens down...