People complaining about killers forcing an EGC sacrifice...

FSB75 Member Posts: 474

Does no one remember WHY the EGC was introduced? The amount of complaints about killer slugging players is simply amazing to me.

The EGC was implemented as a means to avoid hatch stand offs, and survivors who simply refuse to leave the game. The Devs introduced the ability for the killer to close the hatch about a year ago. However, it wasn't added into the game until the rest of the EGC was figured out. The killer simply closing the hatch would not "end the game", and proved to be too one sided IF the survivor still needed to repair gens to escape.

Enough's hilarious to me to see the same survivor community, that had no problem with 20 minute hatch stand offs, or running around after the gates were open to hold the game hostage, now complain about 4 minutes. Not all survivors are guilty of these types of actions, but it IS 100% survivor actions that lead to this change.

I agree with @Orion , give this change some time, and it will be business as usual. I just can't help but find the funny in the people who created the problem (holding the game hostage), now call waiting 4 minutes, holding the game hostage.

