Idea for console player ps4 and xbox

rated Member Posts: 13

what I would like on console is to have an exclusive outfit for players who have played since 2017 to thank those who have played since 2017 it would make me happy as a kind of rare outfit that only players who can have her only for players have dbd since 2017


  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I don't think they will ever do exclusives again. You do have your trophies and when you unlocked them though.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I would love to have our own legacy but I won't ever have it because I've only been here since it was free on PS4.

  • xmidnitejokerx
    xmidnitejokerx Member Posts: 26

    No nothing should be exclusive anymore for either side. I hate the fact I don’t have Bill on my survivor list.

  • rated
    rated Member Posts: 13

    @Peanits I'm not talking about legacy but rare exclusive outfit created for 2017 years console players

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606

    I think everyone should get a reward if and when we reach devotion 10.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I picked up dbd the week it released on console. I feel like pc players are seen as the only ones to have supported the game from the beginning. I'm like "erm excuse me... I've supported dbd from the beginning too"

    That's not to say I'm as worthy of an exclusive cosmetic. I just feel like the players that have been here a long time get nothing in return for loyalty. Devotion means nothing.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358
    edited May 2019

    I purchased DBD before it was free on PS4.

  • rated
    rated Member Posts: 13
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    rated Member Posts: 13
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The most rare thing ps4/xbox can have is the feng top and huntress mask from the 2018 new year event.

    Could earn at skins at red ranks but if we get a dead pass then that's where we will hopefully get exclusives.

  • rated
    rated Member Posts: 13
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    rated Member Posts: 13
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    Well technically the only exclusives console can't get are those that were out before launch.

    Why should one set of players then be rewarded for playing the exact same game simply for buying it before others?

    If you play the same game the rewards should be the same, I can't see them giving a thank you to ps4 and Xbox without doing it for PC also.

    Legacy was a different scenario from anything else as it was before a major change to the grind and I mean major change as there were no BP perks, the offerings were tiny and the web took 3 to 4 times the BP to complete.

    Yes the grind could do with being lessened but as Peanits said if they ever decided to do something it would be done for all players who played the game through it and not just a select few.

  • rated
    rated Member Posts: 13

    it is to recognize the good players those who plays since its release on ps4 to reward them for being still present and even it would be fun to have an excusive outfit created by the developer I think I have the game since 2017 its debut to have an outfit in addition to it would be really cool

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    We don’t need more exclusives and you should stop @ing the devs when you’ve already gotten a response.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    @Peanits please explain the dilemma of the devs saying “no one will be excluded anymore...”-M. Cote

    “reward players on all platforms...”- Peanits

    letting PC players have exclusive mask for Trapper and Meg for something console players never got a chance to do.

    Where does the line cross for “all players” , It seems to be at a dollar value doesn’t it?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    They were not exclusives, they were a pre order incentive given out for buying Deathgarden in early access.

    If they can get that game off the ground (if) it's planned for console so you should be able to get them then.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Preorder incentive for who? PC players.

    “If they can get the game off the ground” you realize that Deathgarden is dead right?? Here’s some proof.

    I appreciate you trying, I do; However, incentives are exclusives at this point. With deathgarden at a collapse in players, I don’t see it changing from being an exclusive. It’s the reason I tagged @Peanits for a definitive answer on some accountability.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    Of course PC as it's the only place right now you can pre order it!

    What part of you will probably get the same when it comes to console did you not understand?

    You can't say you never got the chance when there is a chance if it comes to console with the same pre order bonus.

    Deathgarden is dead right now but have you read up on what they are doing?

    They are completely revamping the game from the ground up as it was a failure in anyone's eyes yet they are still investing lots of time and money into it.

    If they are going to all that expense it would be silly to not try to at least sell it to console players to try and claw some money back.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    That’s exactly why I’m saying it’s EXCLUSIVE. Are they available in any other platform? The answer is NO. No matter what the plan is it doesn’t change the fact that it’s EXCLUSIVE even if it’s at the moment. Your speculation doesn’t change facts, the numbers don’t lie. 

    Whether they choose to sell it to console is more variables than you think. You saying “it would be silly not to” doesn’t change the fact that the game has 13 players not that it will change even with a “full revamp”

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    They actively avoid doing exclusives anymore since the last one was added during the howling grounds for the huntress's wolf mask.

    They don't do this anymore because too many people cry about not getting those skins, so they don't do it anymore. I love exclusive skins from past events you were there to get, but sadly too many people don't want that to happen and want it to be a all year around thing. So its whatever, I've grown to accept it.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    Typical of you to respond to cosmetic threads. When are you actually going to start reviewing/responding to the balanced feedback section?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Yes but it's not EXCLUSIVE as it planned for console too.

    If you can get it in the future camt you see your whole point is mute.

    For it to be truly exclusive you would never have the chance to get it or be planned.

    Being a console player are you familiar with early access games on steam?

    There have been a few game that were dead and came back to life after the devs done a lot of work on them, thats what early access is all about, it's a bit like crowd funding as you get paid upfront for an unfinished game which is meant to grow into something you believe it will.

    Deciding to sell it is not more variables it's two, cost of the port and can we make some money putting it on stores.

    Right now console is still planned so the skins are not 100% EXCLUSIVE to one platform, you simply created a post saying the opposite due to what you think may happen, not what is currently.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Unless it's deathgarden exclusives for pc players, right? Totally fine with giving PC players more exclusives.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Imagine being this much of a bhvr apologist lol sick mental gymnastics bruh

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2019

    How in anyway is what i wrote being an apologist? I simply stated facts nothing else.

    People on this forum never cease to amaze me, as in another thread i posted on the devs shpuld look at putting an age verification method on this forum.

    They are not exclusive if you can get them when the game comes to console, they are simply on pc for now as it isnt released on console as yet, did you also come to the forums saying it wasnt fair dbd was only on oPC and cry it was an exclusive game? Its not rocket science to see an exclusive to PC is something you will never ever have access too, not something you just can't get atm.

    Im thinking maybe for some an IQ check wouldnt go a miss as well.