Wraith blocking

MezzaMind Member Posts: 39


Why is the Wraith able to block you on an open gen? I was working on a 4 person gen in the corn and the Wraith came up behind me, I tried to run away but I couldn't move at all when he was cloaked behind me. I can understand it happening in corners and such but there was a space either side of me about 1.5-2 times bigger than the character model and I've also never experienced this with other killers. Is this something that happens with all killers? Just the Wraith? I have over 1k hours in DbD and have never had it work that way before so I'm kinda confused at consistency with this


  • MezzaMind
    MezzaMind Member Posts: 39

    Yeah, I figured as much but just wanted to make sure it wasn't an actual mechanic that I just haven't run into. Thanks though

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002

    Thats a wraith tactic, simply bodyblock survivors on generators or other locations to prevent movement to necessities is a wraith specialty, force sprint burst to go off is his other specialty, but sometimes it works and other times it does, the box you saw was him jamming you into the generator, did you run towards the generator when he began uncloaking?

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371

    Whats to stop a Wraith blocking you in a corner indefinitely?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,002