Time to take some time off this game....

pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

TL/DR version, player of over 18 months + has had enough. (PS4) Player

I have offically reached breaking point with this broken arsed game @DEVS get the damn game sorted out for gods sake!

1)The bugs need fixing I am quite prepared to wait for the audip bugs, visual glitches etc to be fixed before you pop up with a new post of "HEY WE HAVE NEW PAID COSMETICS GIVE US MORE MONEY!"

2)No matter what you try the game community is getting more toxic every day, I made over 40 friends playing dead by daylight, now 4 of them still play on from time to time because the rest have had enough of all the toxic crap. if its not other survivors farming you off the hook with the killer or running killer to you, its constant facecamping (just happend to me again) tunneling or broken assed hitboxes or killers with internet powered by mouldy potatoes.

3)Stop buffing/nerfing everything without thinking, GF did not need that buff he was fine and thats from someone who plays both sides of the game, now I cannot reveal him even when he is stood wide open and I am in cover.

4)Why remove the deranking limit of 15? Now there ppl who have admitted dropping down to the starting ranks to bully new players and get easy games.

5) FIX the blooming matchmaking! Earlier today as a rank 13 kiler trying to do the Huntress throwing axe ritual (i dont play as her so not easy) I got a team with 2 red ranks 1 purple and a rank 17, all of them entered on screen one after another so I don't think it was SWF.

6)Do something that may fix the camping, its gotten to the point that out of 10 games I or a friend or a random gets Facecamped or camped and tunnelled in 7 of them.

7) do something about all the dcing too, its getting way worse once more.

It is sucking the fun away and now I am not going to play except may the odd killer round if I can be bothered for a while because a game is supposed to be fun. I am not having fun, the randoms and new folks being bullied by the killers or toxic survivors are not having fun, the less skilled players being killer are not having fun and are resorting to being toxic themselves to stand a chance.

My rule for a game is simple, if its not fun, stop playing, so I am stopping for now at least and regret asking my sister and friends to buy this game as the ones that did have not enjoyed the last few months. I feel bad that they have spent money only to have a less than fun time with it. My sister actually returned to the game after a month, after getting rid of the game, she came back due to missing the friends she made. Now as they have gone and shes not enjoying the game due to the toxic behaviour, she is considering deleting the game once more.

What do I expect from this post? Frankly to be trolled by other forum members and ignored by the devs because they have ignored every post I have ever made about bugs or gameplay issues.

Cya folks, maybe


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    5) FIX the blooming matchmaking! Earlier today as a rank 13 kiler trying to do the Huntress throwing axe ritual (i dont play as her so not easy) I got a team with 2 red ranks 1 purple and a rank 17, all of them entered on screen one after another so I don't think it was SWF.

    Reminder that this is, in fact, intentional, and they definitely were SWF: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/519985/#Comment_519985

    What's likely happening there is a SWF group. It'll use the rank of whoever started the group for matchmaking purposes.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    You'll be back they always are. "Do something that might fix camping" DS and BT are your solutions to this problem and also doing generators while the guy getting camped is also a solution.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    I cant tag any relevant devs here if someone could that would be good I appreicate the helpful comments so far guys:) I am on holiday in a weeks time as I comiserate my 43rd birthday (yes I am an old fart lol) so maybe comeback for a little run then, or may follow Mrdardon and wait til mid season patch

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Minecraft is rising again everyone is playing it lmao even I am playing it over DBD

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    I just got back into playing after a 4 month break. Right now I feel like I'm running into people I shouldn't be against, I got two 4ks with the damn Clown of all Killers. But hey, I'm sure the SWF boys will ruin my life again soon.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @FireHazard It did increase them without a doubt.

    I used to press triangle wait 5 seconds bam in a lobby.

    In a lobby? Wait 5 more seconds bam survivors.

    Now it takes 10 minutes.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Its supposedly "faster" but tbh it feels way slower. And its starting to not be too far from the truth...

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    This isn’t true. I was hosting a swf (I’m rank 6) but my friends were rank 14-16 and we only got rank 15-17 killers.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082
    edited July 2019

    It's seriously rising. I am seeing Pewdiepie even playing it again. Many other people play it again. Return of Minecraft, I love it.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Seems other ppl here did, so that's your problem, GF is one of my mains as killer and he worked just fine for before that change, now its stupid, it was a couple of days post release for him they should have got more feedback and data

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Well it happens, been happening on and off for a whilem if they are all in a team and you are only killer availible then you get that mixed up team

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Bye Pablo - all the best

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Take a year off

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Ty but it its onlt gonna be a short while I guess, I had to do same last year, just was not having fun but I came back after a month or so.

    Lol Nah I am not that fed up of the game! I just need to find my happy place for the game again when I can lol at it happening instead of needing a bleep machine for 15 mins afterwards. From what I have seen on here and on other sites, there are alot of ppl in the same boat, not just me and my friends.

    There is a lot of ppl unhappy with the state of the game but as I expected the devs are too busy or just don't care that ppl are leaving the game due to being fed up

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Just OUCH! I have seen that a few times as killer I dont cam the hatch, most of time cos if it gets to that point I have been that busy killing I have not even seen it, but caught a few out, that I guess were making YT or Twitch content and wanted an epic run pass the killer to the hatch clip only for me to get there first and close it as they try to vault through to it

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Never gotten past purple as killer been a red rank survivor and hated it, purple ranks are always fun matches tho, its just the greens that seem to me to be full of super aggro killers or survivors that just go for quick games even with 5 BPS/gatuex in play and no one benefits from it, I am not saying farm, but I iss the days when a game went on for 20-30 mins of cat and mouse and fun chases rather then just, spawn 5 ft from GF get exposed and dowend b4 you can react and then get FC into death or farmed by clueless randos.

    I love the game, I really do, just right now its not fun.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Even though devs have confirmed that this is HOW matchmaking works. Your anecdotes are more believable than the devs words now?

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2019

    @Carpemortum Peanits has even stated it. The question I have, though, is whether it's working as they intended. Given their track history, if I were a betting man, I wouldn't bet on it.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Also taking a break, but just solo survivor, tunneling is too scary at the moment O.o

    Killer seems good until the moment gen rushing and t baggers assault me, a friendly slugging killer. Why do this to every killer? :(

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited July 2019

    It's probably for the best, before the game becomes all that you know. You would sit there thinking that if you touch the stove it might explode or something.

  • DenimChicken
    DenimChicken Member Posts: 114

    Matchmaking is working about as good as trying to type anything to post on this forum ( I just copy and paste now) I have unbalanced matches on a regular basis and I ask survivors if they are playing with friends most of the time they are not. 

    I quit playing killer because I can't tolerate the wait anymore guess it's time for me to attempt to git gud at survivor.

    Solo survivor is not fun starting out. I don't see how they retain new players when high yellow ranks get matches with green and purple ranked killers.

    Expect a suicide or DC every match, unhooks in front  of killer back on hook, dead on first hook, run the killer around while everyone hides because they don't know what gens are. I'll chase someone to the edge of the map trying to heal them just to watch them SC in front of me.

    Someone: told me they DC because the killer was lagging and getting free hits on them..... 

    Me: that's the Nurse she was using her power not lagging to you.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • DenimChicken
    DenimChicken Member Posts: 114


    That's not always the case I have had plenty of matches as killer where it is unbalanced in my favor and unbalanced against my favor and majority of the time they are not SWF because I ask after every match.

    Lately I've been noticing more of a gap in ranks than previously.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited July 2019

    1) Bugs: I mean, eh. This game is janky. Weird visual glitches (Ghostface's camera not being in his hand when he uses his mori and so forth) are just part of what I've come to accept. I can't recall a point where it's ever been game-breaking, so I sort of just see it as a "whatever" level issue.

    2) Toxicity: This is a hard thing to fix, and it's always going to be a battle in any competitive game. The extremely adversarial nature of this genre means that you're always going to have people who get extremely tilted and/or develop very awful habits just as a byproduct of the game playing out more or less as-intended. I really wish we could be shown evidence of reports being taken seriously, and I really think the policy against naming-and-shaming awful people is ridiculous, since they usually do things to deserve it.

    3) Balance: This is also hard. It would be great if the developers could achieve perfect balance, but that's been a problem in every competitive game going back to at least Street Fighter II. 😛 This is one of those things where I think there's a lot of entitlement on forums and Reddit communities etc., and I definitely discourage devs from balancing according to loudmouthed community committee sentiment.

    4) De-ranking: I really think there should be a threshold that you hit every 5 ranks or so (15, 10, 5), and then you cannot de-rank past that until the season reset occurs.

    5) Matchmaking: Yeah, this is trash. You shouldn't be able to get matched with/against people who fall outside of a certain rank threshold from you. The de-ranking idea I mentioned above would help here.

    6) Camping: Some players are just going to do this, because they have the freedom to make that choice. And they do it even with BP or pip penalties, because securing a kill is all they care about. I would definitely love to see more brutal penalties occur for this type of behavior, whether it is the loss of several ranks at the end of a match, or even a stacking bonus to generator repair speed or something like that, the longer they stay near a hook.

    7) Disconnects: Agreed. I think bans should be aggressive and extraordinarily unfavorable to players who have a history of disconnecting, just ban them for a full month right off the bat and send a message. Related: Matchmaking should not allow killer players with bad Internet to host matches, because thus just kills the game for everyone.

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    Hopefully you'll be back...been there, done that! Enjoy your time off

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    My sister persuaded me to try again today, first game and got 4 ppl all of em running me and trolling, with flashlights etc, no fun whatsoever, get to end screen, 4 red ranks vs a rank 14 killer, how is that anyway balanced or fun?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited July 2019

    @Peanits I understand why camping and tunneling are valid strategies in those cases; I want to scream every time someone unhooks me with the killer right on top of us both, because that usually just leads to the game being over immediately for at least one person.

    Punishing players through the emblem system is weird. It's a punishment for sure, but just by nature of the game's structure, some players don't even look at or care about rank, and consider the kill to be their only victory condition regardless of other mechanics. I went up against a killer twice a few nights ago who sat and facecamped every person that he hooked, regardless of what else was going on (gens getting popped while he camped, etc.). I tried to confront him diplomatically about it in chat, telling him that he lost emblems for being near the hook, and gens getting popped in the meantime, etc. His response was "Yes, but I got the kill. I don't care about rank, it's just whatever. And you get BP from playing regardless."

    So, yes, you ARE punishing unsportsmanlike players via emblem penalties. It's just that the game is structured in a way that doesn't make it inconvenient or offer any tangible setbacks for the players who decide to straight-up ignore it. You're really just punishing the player who is getting camped and now cannot play, because the other team (the killer) is acting in bad faith regardless of the "punishment" he is receiving.

    If there's no reason for a killer to stick around the hook (i.e. champion hook-diving heroes lurking around the corner), the punishment should be absolutely crippling. Give the survivors a stacking repair speed bonus for the rest of the match, or start auto-progressing all other gens on the map or something once the killer hits a certain camping threshold. Punish them in a tangible way that swings the match drastically out of their favor, if they choose to take this route for no good reason. All it's accomplishing is completely ruining the match for at least one player (who now cannot participate because of the other team's unsportsmanlike behavior).

    Again, if people are hook-diving, or trying to be really aggressive about saving their friend, it's obviously a good strategy to patrol that hook. When this has happened to me, my ire is absolutely reserved for my fellow way-too-ballsy survivor, NOT the killer who is making the smart play by sticking to my hook. I've been on both sides of that coin plenty of times.

    And like I said in my last post, some killer players are just going to camp regardless, because they're free to make that choice. It comes with the territory, and I suspect it always will, regardless of what you do (if anything) to address it. But I do think there should be substantial recognizable-in-the-moment penalties for a player who decides to play this way, because unless there's a valid reason to do it, they're not playing in good faith.

    EDIT: Or maybe, I dunno, don't progress the sacrifice bar as long as the killer is near the hook, with no other players nearby? Have you ever tried that? What do you think it would do to the game dynamic?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    @Rydog Yes, we have tried pausing/slowing the timer when the killer is near the hook. This was actually tested way back in one of the first PTBs. The issue is that people will abuse this and run the killer around the hook, making them play defensively to protect their kill while the remaining survivors are free to do generators. Of course, you could just unpause the timer if there's another survivor nearby, but this would also give the killer additional information; now you would know when someone is in the area or not, which would hard counter stealthy saves (encouraging people to just sprint straight in instead).

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    At 3) - You mean initial GF buff that made him not HILARIOUSLY WEAK?

    Or the recent nerf that made him stand on top of freddy's shoulders on ranking ladder?

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Have you all been looking into the issue with pixelated graphics ever since the 3.0.0 patch? This has been going on ever since that patch where after a few matches on low settings the resolution doesn't hold up and all textures are blurry.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354
  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    peanits ty for the answer but if there has been no change to de ranking how was my sister deranked past 15 after several days of being camped and tunnelled damn near every game? something somewhere is not working as intended.

    I get that tunnelling or camping can be useful, but I try to avoid it as I prefer to hunt survivors as a killer, its more fun even if I don't get a 4k out of it, pretty much the only ones I do are the ones who come at me from the start of the game trying to flashlight me every few seconds, not to save a teamate being carried or attacked, just to be irritating and try to get me into an infinite loop chase (don't work to well as I know that trick).

    Toxic gameplay breeds toxic gameplay the more one sideof the game does something that gets up the nose of the other, the more the other side is going to turn toxic back and its hurting the game over time, as I said out of the 40 friends that I played with at best I am down to 2 others if I am lucky as the rest have gotten fed up and moved to other games.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited July 2019

    @Peanits I'm suggesting completely stopping the hook timer 100%, as in, it literally will not progress until the killer leaves the hook. Maybe don't show the killer the survivor's hook progress bar either, to keep them from weaponizing it (kind of like how Legion can't see bleed progress, same principle). It wouldn't change the fact that the killer has to make a decision about leaving the hook or not; it would just make the choice more clear. And if someone's close by and trying to be a hero, they're still risking getting downed.

    I'd love to see a scorched earth approach to non-tactical camping. Implement the above, plus give the survivors a permanent stacking speed bonus to repairs for every X seconds the killer has accrued from standing at hooks.

    In other words, disincentivize the behavior in every way possible, so that the killer is forced to be confident that some other altruistic survivor is lurking about before they decide to stick around. As-is, it feels like you guys are weirdly defensive about a form of obvious bad faith behavior that has no upside, outside of certain tactical edge cases (which could still absolutely remain in place without punishing the killer).

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited July 2019

    Does editing messages several times throw them into an approval queue or something? Just lost my last post.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Well been awhile but I am back to that stage again, every Oni camps, when I play killer eve1 is tryng to do the soddingflashlight challnge so I get torches shone at me from all sides if they dont blind me then they are right benhind 2 body block me while the other hook dives then its tbag central and refusing to leave in EGC becuase they want you to see them leave or get the hatch. at first the archives were fun, now I only play because a friend asks me too but I am not really enjoying the game