Why is it okay for killers to waste 3+ minutes of a survivors time but not the other way around?

Black_Fence Member Posts: 308
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

EDIT and TL;DR so people can stop assuming things wrong:

Survivors should be able to concede giving full bloodpoints to the killer (and BBQ stacks) if they are the last person alive and are slugged. The fact that killers complained that they had to wait 3 minutes for the game to end and now have to wait 2 minutes but survivors have to wait 4 after they have lost is a double standard.

Initial post:

I was in a game recently where I ran around the killer, he finally downed me when the only remaining survivor is slugged. He picked up the slugged survivor and hooked them. He didn't hook me while the other survivor was in animation which I was fine about because I could have Kobed and I ignored him nodding/teabagging me. However once the survivor had died the killer refused to hook me and just kept nodding. I crawled around a bit looking for the hatch with the killer following me knowing if I found it he would just close it (I didn't have adrenaline) all the time I was crawling there was a hook within distance at one point I was under the hook. When it got to the very last second he picked me up and put me on a hook for his BBQ token and to make me wait out the death animation all while teabagging/nodding at me. At end chat he said "Did you enjoy your wait?" to which I told him I had recorded it, but I don't even think this ######### is reportable (?)

My point is it is a double standard that EGC got made shorter so that killers didn't have to be teabaggd for 3 minutes but killers can teabag survivor for just over 4 minutes without (Unless you happen to be running certain perks) any means for them to escape. I wish there was a concede button that if you have been slugged for more than 60 seconds you can press that will give the killers the DEATH points (or even hook points IDC about depraving killers points I do play killer myself and sometimes do need to slug for certain reasons) I don't mind if it is only when there is 1 survivor left to stop SWF (I solo survive) hatch game abuse although most SWF will just DC in that situation.

I guess I just don't see the need for me to lose my 20k points because the killer decided to be an arsehole and slug me for 4 minutes because he was salty I looped him. I never DC but ######### like this makes me want to because it is literally pointless and annoying.

Post edited by Black_Fence on


  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    Must have been a Ghostface as only Pig can Tbag, no other killer can do it. While I don't agree with a killer slugging even in the EGC some times it happens. The big issue is what happened in the rest of the game that isnt known. There can be a number of reasons the player did this at the end game that we dont know about. Like I said I dont agree with it but that is how he choose to play his game.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Oh I'm not criticizing you for looping, it's your job to waste his time. I can get why he'd be frustrated though.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I wouldn't mind if it had happened to someone that was Toxic. However I didn't have a flashlight, I didn't teabag, I played mostly stealth and kept losing the killer. The slugged the last guy and waited for me to heal them. At that point we had 3 gens done 2 left, our team had died pretty quickly and I couldn't be bothered for the hatch so went to heal the guy. I didn't get the heal off before getting downed and was ready to move on from the match, however he slugged me for nearly the same amount of time as the entire match before I got downed. He had +2,800 hours in game and I had 1,700 he was pissed off that someone outplayed him a few times when he clearly considered himself a god nurse so decided to slug me. I wish I had the whole game to show you guys I didn't do any foul play but I only started recording when I realised he was going to slug me for ages despite me being literally NEXT to a hook.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    That is a scummy thing to do. Unfortunately, I'm sure it's not bannable, unless the same killer does it to the same survivor repeatedly. And I guess even then you'd need video proof.

    It's better than what it's used to be with an immersed survivor being able to drag on endgame indefinitely before EGC. But it's no excuse.

    An instant suicide option would be easily abused (denying a deserved hook to the killer). But I'd fully support an option to double, maybe triple the last survivor's bleed out speed, while the same time summoning the afk crows above him/her, notifying the killer.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    You really don't have anything better to complain?

    Without endgame collapse survivors stayed in games for literally ever forcing dc, if killer just bleeds you out its couple of minutes which you can afk.

    If you see no difference and you think its double standard then problem is actually in you beeing biased.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    How about if the killer is nearby the survivor and he is the last one left there is an option to concede. Like I said, I don't care for making killers get less points. The only reason I want this option is so that if I was streaming for example I could concede and move on without wasting my time, the killers time and the streams time. It seems ridiculous to wait 4 minutes for no reason other than to fill someones EGO on either sides. That is why EGC was created to stop ######### like this happening, but it is something I am seeing more and more often. Especially killers that have people DC. I ran into a spirit once that did the same thing to me because I didn't stand still and let her kill me after 3 people DC'd at the beginning of the game. People DC'd because she was running op add ons, I was the only one that stayed, she didn't want to farm and I had played an escape cake so I tried to get as many points as possible but because I had done that and not DC'd she made me wait 4 minutes spam hitting m1 over my head over and over.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    edited July 2019

    @Black_Fence Well... go grab a sandwitch or something...

    @darktrix "How dare you be toxic, doing the objectives"

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I didn't say it was a bias that EGC is a thing did I? I said it is ridiculous that EGC got made a minute shorter so that killers didn't have to witness 3 minutes of teabagging yet killers can teabag someone for TWICE as long as EGC is currently. Plus when there is only 1 person left and in dying state with no way to get up (again unless you are using really specific perks) and a killer teabagging you you can't do ANYTHING. Killers can force survivors out with EGC even if survivors are on the hook or downed which makes a lot of rescues that could have happened no longer possible.

    I don't hate EGC, quite the opposite I think it is great and really helps move games alone that would otherwise take forever (hatch stand offs sucked ass). However it is a double standard that Devs made a teabagging window smaller for one side yet let the other side have double the time to be toxic.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    Again, if I was streaming I would have lost viewers because of it and wouldn't have been able to just "go make a sandwich"

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Black_Fence sure, I'd go for a simple "concede" option too, if it gave the killer BBQ stack, the same BP and emblem score as hooking them, taking into account whether the survivor has been hooked once, twice or not.

    Also, some of the comments here about the past, reverse situations betray a bitter desire for revenge from the killer side. But two wrongs don't make a right. My fellow killers, if a survivor pissed you off, hook them, sure, but don't try to find excuses for petty behaviour like this.

    And on a final note Black_Fence, you shouldn't say things like "People DC'd because she was running op add ons". For a long time, op addons have been part of the game. No reason to defend ragequitters.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2019

    I don't have a problem with EGC at all, I think it is great apart from killers not being able to open gates that are 99% that needs to be fixed IMO. I just which a concede option was available for survivors just like EGC is available for killers. If killers lost they can force the game end after 2 minutes, if all the survivors are dead a survivor can be slugged for 4 minutes. That is the double standard, EGC went from 3 minutes to 2 minutes because it was deemed too long however bleedout of last survivor is still 4 minutes 2=/=4

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    It wasn't meant to be defensive. The reason I didn't DC at the end of this game that I got slugged for is because I hate DCer. I could have DC'd and moved on because that is what the killer wanted, they wanted me to either wait or lose my points and my Gateau. However situations like this encourage DC's because there is no way to concede so people DC to not have their time wasted. Give the killers all the points they deserve but give the option to both sides as to whether they want to wait the 4 minutes to bleed out or not. If a killer doesn't wan't to wait he can hook or start EGC if a survivor doesn't want to wait he can concede.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    @Black_Fence Concede button is the way to go and I am sure it will happen.

    Rather than leave game that should be changed to "concede" and if you do so, killer gets full sacrifice points and BBQ stack, survivors get wglf stack and a 2000 quitter bonus in the survival category

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    The killer was just being a dick. In life you going to encounter quite a few of these. Doesn't make egc a double standard. It gives the end a time limit on both killer and survivor. Where there was only a limit on the killer.survivors could stay in the game as long as they wanted

  • Vampy
    Vampy Member Posts: 67

    Literally had 4 people sit in lockers yesterday while i was playing trapper...

    SWF and they simply didn't want to play vs HEX:Ruin... game took FOREVER to finish once I realized they were all in lockers

    I'd love to recommend this game to my friends or MMO guild (over 200 people looking for something to play while we wait for Classic WoW launch.. but I can't/won't because DbD devs have such a warped sense of power balance in this game

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423
    edited July 2019

    There's no double standard, just gameplay mechanics that can be used to waste other players time. The whole reason for EGC was because survivors could hold the game hostage for potentially hours while if a Killer were to slug they could hold the game for 4 minutes max.

    If anything I'd say both are fair now in terms of minimizing the potential of holding the game hostage.

    As much as I'd like a forfeit option instead of DC which would allow you to keep your bloodpoints for situations like this on both sides, With the community DBD has you just know how that would go down. People DC nowadays at any slight inconvenience, You let them keep the bloodpoints while DCing it'd ruin the whole game for everyone thanks to those people.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    I don't want to let people keep their blood points for DCing. I just want to be able to end the game when all other survivors are dead and I am the last survivor that is DOWNED and has no way of escape. There is no reason for a slugged survivor with no perks that allow them to get up to stay in the game so why not let them leave without losing 2 pips and their bloodpoints as long as you reward the killer with his rightful bloodpoints.

    That sucks dude next time record them, if you keep going around gens and seeing them not be touched you can prove that they are holding the game hostage and report them. My situation was an unreportable waste of time and toxic behaviour like both situations sucks.

  • Ashruu
    Ashruu Member Posts: 47

    A "submit to the Entity" option when you're the last survivor in the game, and in the dying state, would actually be a cool addition. My sis plays more survivor, and gets frustrated when killers just leave her there for two minutes for no reason. Seems pretty toxic tbh.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    They are both wrong. Just one is more relevant today.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Not really a hard timer for killers. The killer gets points for sacrifices done by the collapse, to me that isn't fair bc you didn't earn that sacrifice.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @darktrix One of them only last 2 years and 9 months. The other.. 3 months tops?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,530

    Survivors also get points for escaping. Much like the killer, you do not get points for failing to do your objective. If a survivor does not escape, they do not get escape points. If a killer does not prevent them from escaping, they do not get points either.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Well...you're kind of wrong and you misunderstood the use of EDC it wasn't because killers were getting T-Bagged for 3 minutes 4 minutes it's because survivors were locking the game down for 15- 20 and sometimes even 30 minutes to cause a killer to DC and loose his points if he wanted to get into another match.

    Now I do agree there should be some way for the game to bounce both ways but if you provide an option to just die as the last person alive if you go down people will use it anyways not knowing if the killer will slug them or not. They will just leave because the got mad or frustrated that they went down. With people DCing being the last alive like its going out of style you don't need to add in a way for them to "DC" without punishment being the last alive.

    Now again toxicity in that game can make both parties have a hard time enjoying the game and the nurse was obviously mad that you outplayed her.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I think this is just one of those edge cases, the killer was being a dick, but its only 4 minutes and its not like the situation you describe is going to happen in even 1% of games. It sucks but whatevs its better than the old way.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    This sounds like a good solution. Concede option only being available for the last survivor and when the survivor is downed/carried. Killer gets their points and BBQ stack.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    yeah, the killer would still get whatever points a normal EGC sacrifice would give them. it would fulfill the sole function of removing the killer's ability to slug the last survivor to death for no reason other than to be a dick

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    The vast majority of the time, the killer did earn any sacrifices from EGC. It's an incredibly rare scenrio where the survivor could have easily escaped but simply chose to die to EGC for no good reason.

  • kurorazor
    kurorazor Member Posts: 6

    Tbh slugging is to prevent final survivor from escaping hatch for a 4k it's too easy for a survivor to sit off to the side and wait for hatch then escape or hell even bring a key and escape early...killer is heavily outweighed by all the options survivors have it'sa double edge sword where yes survivors can only do gens, clense, loop but it's the same for killer pretty much just patrolling gens etc. It's annoying to get slugged and tbagged but tbh that's on the player not the game

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    a killer gains 500 BP for an EGC sacrifice.

    by hooking a Survivor he would get 250 Late Hook points, 200 points for each hook state the survivor goes through and 500 points for the sacrifice itself. with other words, a killer actually loses points (potential points he could have gotten) for not hooking a Survivor during the EGC.

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    So basically you're asking why you can't be toxic when killers can be? Jesus people need to just shut up and play the game. Thing is, no one should be defending or choosing to be toxic, in general. Myself I just tend to ignore stupidity whether it comes from killers or survivors. The community as a whole has a maturity problem it seems.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    I'm fine with a concede option being available to the final survivor. That seems fair.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Concede option=R.I.P cypress mori D:

  • Kibaleo2
    Kibaleo2 Member Posts: 15

    I had this happen with ghost face a lot (xbox player here) they would consistently T bag. I dont mind it being a few t bags for being excited that they won but if I'm gonna die just kill me and stop the toxic cycle. I would love a way to concede. I'd say if you are the last person alive and it's been two minutes into the collapse and there's no way for you to get up then the option should appear and the entity will sacrifice you. Killer would get full points, however they should get less if they camp you and not hook you. I only mean if they are within grab range for a certain period of time during the last survivor's dying state of the collapse. I think that's faire. It's a win win we all get to keep our blood points and for those who stream, Or youtube, this wont scare new people who want to play this game away. Devs please consider this ( I understand your busy busy people but if y'all got the time to add this to the road map please do) I would love more people to play this game.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    ahhh... please don't forget....

    Revel in your rewards

  • Kibaleo2
    Kibaleo2 Member Posts: 15

    I Up voted for the meme. LOL

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Except the killer didn't actively take down that Survivior. They just kinda sat there and let the Entity do its thing.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    Concede option only available when the last survivor is downed. Make it available after like 15 seconds, then the killer has still enough time for the mori.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @NoShinyPony That’d work

  • XCheekyNuggetX
    XCheekyNuggetX Member Posts: 12

    As the killer if every survivor is at the exit gate you can just force them out by stabbing them. Works for me every time. EGC was put in to reduce it, it's the players' toxicity that makes you have to wait 3 minutes but there's nothing wrong with trying to get friends out the trial alive for instance. Shortening it is just ANOTHER poor excused to nerf survivors, which seems to be a recurring theme at this point

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The EGC was made a minute shorter so that it would put more pressure on the Survivors, since 3 minutes is long enough that every survivor can basically ignore the timer making it meaningless in the average game. While 2 minutes puts a lot more pressure on the Survivors and thus makes it more tense and meaningful and less of a joke.

    While the EGC as a whole is there to prevent hostage taking, making it 2 minutes instead of 3 is not because of toxicity.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    What's sad to me is people complaining about others wanting to end the game that is already ended due to some jerk who wants to waste somebody's time. I've stopped even trying during the EGC if others have died. I go look in the basement through chests, cleanse totems, etc and try to stay as far away from the killer as possible so he has to waste that time looking for me to try and see his "reward" for the gates being so close together it's impossible to escape. If I have a chance, he's not going to see the animation. I've had too many killers try to waste my time to give them the benefit of the doubt, so now they get to waste their 3 minutes looking for me. 2 can play at this game. Doubly sad is a dev defending it.

    Post edited by Atrushan88 on