Cosmetics are far too expensive!

TheDiz Member Posts: 243

I know many people have touched on this topic but I just can't get over the outrageous price of these things and now the pig has cosmetics that actually cost EVEN MORE.... I'm not being cheap because I've spent way too much on auric cells in the past and have most cosmetics but I would like to see them in game more often and to be honest I don't blame people for not having them because of the outrageous cost. I'm seriously at the point where I am forced to boycott the purchase of new cosmetics until the price is at least cut in half because I think of the amount of things I can get on other games at a fraction of the cost of one outfit. To think that the purchase of one outfit is more than a chapter release is a little absurd and I hope more people stop buying them until they are little less expensive. I personally think they could make way more money if they cut the prices in half and gave credit for the ones who purchased at full price, otherwise they will be creating cosmetics for no reason when everyone gets to the point where I'm at and refuses to buy auric cells until they become a little more viable. I just can't see spending ten dollars on one cosmetic for a character I probably won't use much until the next cosmetic comes out. I really hope the dev's come to their senses and realize the amount of money they actually lose with the high cost of cosmetics. Especially since the cosmetics become outdated almost immediately as fast as they come out. Its unfortunate...



  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Cosmetics can't be "outdated". They have no bearing on the game do it's really only a matter of preference. They're a bit steep I'll admit but unlike games with lootbox systems, DbD let's you get them outright. And again, they have no impact on gameplay meaning they can cost any amount and it's honestly fair. If they were cheaper people might buy more though. I feel better paying 2-3 bucks here and there than I do shelling out $10 on a single outfit for a single character. I'd be more inclined to buy cosmetics occasionally if they were cheaper. Instead they're not getting more from me by charging more, I'm just choosing not to buy them at all.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited July 2019

    Air conditioners are also expensive.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    I don't mind the price.

    I'd mind if they were lowered permanently though unless everyone who has bought tons of skins gets something for paying more.

    Imo the middle ground here is regular sales.

    People that paid $10 don't get cheated and skins become cheaper in a rotation. Maybe like a skin shrine of secrets?

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Wait for a sale? They happen you know ...

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Ahh .. well ... I spend McDonalds money here and there on the game so this doesn't bother me too much and there aren't many cosmetics I want in the game. I can see why (some) people are displeased tho.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Yeah cosmetics are beautiful, but at best, the best ones should be 350 and they should lower every cosmetic except event ones down 50 cells. It's ridiculous.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    You do realize that cosmetics are optional, right?

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Uh, just don't buy them. Geez.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @Fog_King Again, those are optional. You vote with your wallet, like it then go for it.

    If you can't afford 10$ for something you really, really want (much enough to brag on forums about it) then you are either adult that really need to fix their life or not adult so you shouldnt play games like those anyway.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Move here to Argentina! We have a diferent price range for Auric cells. We could play together! You would hate it though, because I would surely tunnel and/or camp you... not if I mori you first though ;-)

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    Agree completely with the fact the cosmetics are WAY overpriced. I would buy some cosmetics if the nice ones weren't so expensive.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Businessess will milk the crowd until sales drop then prices drop, this is how all business is done.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @DrDeepwound Since when do companies lower microtransaction prices after a while? I've only seen the opposite happen.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    Was speaking in general about business practices, but you are correct, this type of transactions are usually very aggressive with their targets.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    While I personally don't buy skins from any game as its well just fluff imo it is the market that dictates the price.

    No buyers means lower prices or no skins at all. If people pay and they sell alot then the price is on point.

    I think they are expensive for what they are but that's a personal opinion. The actual dlc is cheaper which is good and if the price of skins helps keep it that way I'm all for it and thank those who do purchase them.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    They should make cell-only cosmetics timed exclusives rather than permanent (not including licensed cosmetics).

    So older cell-only cosmetics could be bought with shards after eg. 6 months.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    It's either cosmetics and DLCs, or a monthly fee to keep servers running.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Yeah you all are ridiculous. $10 is a reasonable amount for the cosmetics. You all are not even considering the time and money it takes to make these cosmetics.

    On top of that cosmetics comes out between every chapter. And I say within each chapter the average person probably buy 1-2 cosmetics. Based on that we looking at 4 chapters = 8 cosmetics purchases = $80 a year.

    Now it’s fine that you all are never going to buy the cosmetics because there are plenty of us who are fine with the price.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Yeah, cosmetics are a rip-off, but in what game are they not? There prices are a lil steep tho for me. I bought clowns Halloween outfit and the devil GF and that's it. Would love to get more, but it just ain't worth it.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    What makes it even worse is if you fork out for survivor cosmetics you get dodged if you dare try to use them for fear of being toxic...

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Cosmetics prices could stay the same but they all have to be earnable except license killers 10k shards a skin

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    I love survs that do that. Nothing better than seeing a pink or white shirt from half-way across the map. Got YA! They should definitely lower the cost of bright outfits for survivors... Lmao😈

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I think if all survivors appeared as default in the lobby it would dramatically help with lobby dodging. Show items obviously - just not cosmetics...

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I think they are a little pricey personally. I would probably buy almost every cosmetic if they were 5 or 6 bucks instead of 10. At least have a trade in option for skins you might not want anymore. Maybe 30%-40% of the original cost refunded in auric cells so someone could trade an old one but still have to buy auric cells to buy the new cosmetics. It just wouldn't be as hard to buy new cosmetics if you knew there was a little lasting value in it. I honestly think they would make sooo much more money if they did.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    i wouldnt mind the prices if they did other rarity cosmetics more often than any very rare cosmetic, cuz honestly the last non-very rare cosmetic weve had is janes paint skin i think and before that one i think itd be the feng yellow ones(maybe?)

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309
    edited July 2019

    I also think they are too expensive.

    And generally, a game does not take money absolutely everywhere, but it chooses one or two methods. Not all.

    • The incomplete game: paying.
    • The DLCs: paying.
    • Cosmetics: paying.
    • The future battlepass: paying.
    • Soon an extra subscription to play DBD?

    The incomplete game should already be free (this would bring new players...) and refunded 75% of the open price in auric cells to players who bought it.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2019


    Lol sounds like you play waaay too much Fortnite, NBA 2K, and Black Ops 4. You’ve been desensitized to overpriced microtransactions. The only skins that your argument could have a chance of working for are the recent event skins. BHVR has grown enough and DbD has a big enough fanbase to where they can lower the prices and still make a ton of money. They unfortunately let the greed get to their heads when pricing these cosmetics. Also, are you really trying to justify cosmetics costing more than a character? Chapters are $7-8. Paragraphs are $4-5. Individual characters are 500 Auric Cells ($5). You can buy 2-3 new characters for the price of a single skin in a game that normally costs $20-40. That’s absolutely insane.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    First of all, I don’t play any of those games that you mention.

    Secondly, I’m fortunate enough to buy the cosmetics so I could careless if the price was lowered or not. And even then I don’t buy everything that is released.

    Lastly, you have the archive that is coming which will allow you to earn some cosmetics for free. Buying cosmetics is the way of supporting the devs.

    You all are constantly trying to validate why the cosmetics needs to be lowered. No one is forcing you to buy cosmetics.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I think it would be nice if they gave some kind of value to the cosmetics. $10 isn't that much but when you have bought a couple hundred dollars worth of cosmetics and realize you hardly use a good portion anymore, it would be nice to maybe have some value left in them. I think it would be genius if you could sell a cosmetic back at 30 or 40% of an auric cell refund to use towards a cosmetic you want. People would still have to buy auric cells to complete the purchase of the cosmetic they want and they would be much more inclined to buy more cosmetics. When I look at all the skins I don't even use anymore, I can't justify buying anymore until they are either less expensive or retain some kind of value in trade. I think it would be nice to actually see more people using the cosmetics in the game too. I haven't seen too many of the newer cosmetics and I think it's because a lot of people agree on this topic.