The Blood-Web Grind

BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

You know the BW grind truly, truly. stinks

I've been trying to get the perks I want for my Trapper on and off for weeks now, I have 3 pages worth of perks and not a single tier of infectious fright or BBQ among them. You know what I do have?

Insidious, Monstrous Shrine, Unrelenting, Dying Light, among other perks. All perks that practically no one uses but the game keeps shoving in my face. I'm genuinely sick of the grind because it isn't even a fun one. In the case of BBQ I'm grinding for a perk that is just going to make it easier to GRIND some more, it's truly frustrating how I have to go through so many games with stuff I don't want and by the time I do get what I want I'm completely bored and done with the game

I've invested several million blood points, dozens of Pudding/Streamers into this Trapper and I still don't have what I want, this is unacceptable


  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    Whether they get traction or not, we do recognize that it is an issue and we are making changes to help with it. We'll have more news to share on this fairly soon.

  • Efra_Legend
    Efra_Legend Member Posts: 13

    That's good to hear. I understand that there's a lot of things that are being worked and some issues have higher priorities than others. Its also not easy dealing with us players asking and complaining about everything 24/7. We really just want this game to succeed, be good and fun.

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    @Peanits Will there be any rewards given to those who suffered the grind, similar to the legacy clothing from the last bloodweb change?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    I make no promises. I wouldn't really compare the two personally. You'd have to draw an arbitrary line between who gets it and who doesn't. Do you only get it for having all perks unlocked? What if I don't own a couple teachables? It's a lot more clear cut when you're talking about prestige, since that's a very definitive yes or no. Since we're talking about the grind of all perks, there's no good way to draw the line.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    No, because the grind back then is far more awful than it is now.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    how bout this:

    anyone with a maxed out character will receive such a reward. if its cosmetics, it should be cosmetics for said character.

    maxed out characters are P3 characters with all perks.

    ppl with such characters really went through quite the grind to get them, i think that'd be fair.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Nahh, that's sill.

    Maxing is a bad scale to give free stuff out.

    I have several characters only 2/3 perks away from being maxed but I just don't get a cosmetic because of that?

    I think the best thing to do is no reward, with all the Double BP Events, Double BP Offerings, Double BP Perks the reward isn't really earned.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    The best way to do it would be to make a community event/quest to mark the phasing out of the BW system. The people that were there and did the quest get an exclusive cosmetic which ensures the cosmetic's status as a "legacy exclusive" and something cool to have without making it "Give me free stuff because I played a game I like"

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    I have 16/17 survivors all perks T3 and a couple of killers all perks T3 but told myself I'm stopping when console got Bill because I was too damn burnt from the grind. I fully don't expect anything for doing such a feat because as Peanits said, it would be hard to draw the line. If they did do anything to reward those who did grind, big or small, I'd be very pleased though. Either way I look forward to hearing more about the changes in the near future.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    But then people like me who don't have one teachable (in my case, Left Behind) unlocked wouldn't get the rewards. Or if I haven't been keeping on top of things perfect, I might have characters that are missing perks from the last chapter or two.

  • Rottimic
    Rottimic Member Posts: 16

    In terms of BP spent, we're nearing a point where to take a character from Level 0 to P3 + Max perks is the same. So yes, technically right now it doesn't take as much BP on average, but it's damn close and by the end of this year would have become worse than the legacy grind if BHVR didn't plan to do anything.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    edited August 2019

    Their fault, so they should go ahead and buy the killer and unloack the teachable.

    Im maxed, and i hope one day to see a compensation for the insane grind, this one is way more difficult than the old one. A blue legacy would be amazing for people like me who did this impossible challenge

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @Peanits Will be looking forward to seeing whatever announcement is made. As it stands currently, DBD was uninstalled a couple months ago, but I still hang around and keep track of things.

    The reason for the uninstall?

    The grind. DBD is a game where experimenting with Perks is core, never mind how needed certain builds are as we rank-up. The grind is so asinine, and then the RNG on top of it, that I just gave-up. Meanwhile, several friends and family that tried DBD during a free weekend immediately realized the grind + RNG ahead of them and none purchased the game.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    No, that's wrong. At this point it's far worse and I played since release. We already overshot the grind around Legion

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    I think only non licenced killers should count. Because you can get them at any point with shards. That would be a fair approach imo

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    I will be extremely disappointed if there is not going to be any reward or compensation whatsoever. That's like a huge middle finger to the loyal DbD community who was playing for years and grinding the hell out of this game.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Of course the grind is "far worse" but the only requirement for legacy was to P3.

    If you had to P3 and get all perks back then for legacy it would be awful, the fact of the matter is you have double bp events, perks that give more bp that stack ontop of offerings that give more bp.

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    I don't think anyone deserves a "reward" for "suffering" the grind.

    If they make a batter system then there's the reward.

    I just P3-50 my first survivor off of mostly survivors BP and it was a fun time. If they make perks easier or more accessible than more power to em but really it's not all there bad.

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I have an idea. For every prestiged character you have you get 300 shards. For example, let's say i have P3 trapper, P2 Nea and P1 legion. I would get 6 x 300 = 1800 shards.

  • Brok3n
    Brok3n Member Posts: 51

    If they do this then they should make an announcement about it beforehand so my 5 or 6 characters sitting at level 50 can get prestiged for the shards instead of it coming out of nowhere and I miss the compensation for the grind

  • vh_
    vh_ Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2019

    Wait, I got a question because I've never got to this point of the game, yet...

    Let's suppose there's only ONE perk, among all others, that I haven't T3'ed yet. Is there a possibility of it never show in my BW again?

    Because I have some T1 perks, specially on killers, that I really would like to upgrade but they just never appeared again :/

    (Edit: I see no point in getting the prestige, besides Claudette's, I sincerely don't like the idea of losing everything for the luck to get better items and add-ons only)

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2019

    Just . . . never mind.