
Best Answers
Run ruin
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Bring ruin, and apply more pressure on survivors doing gens, even if that means severing chases(also cut chases if takes to long to down them, the more time waster on them is more time survivors can easily do gens).
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PGTW, maybe slap ruin/noed on, slug someone you just downed if you no where another survivor is, cut chase if it last over 30 seconds.
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Best thing I could suggest is to try to keep the pressure up as much as possible.
Hooking a survivor, for example, means that one person is on the hook and the another needs to come rescue. That's two people off of generators. If you down a second person and leave them slugged, that's two people out of action and a third that needs to come save. Best case scenario, only one person is free to do generators at that point.
Injuring people in the early game either force the survivors to heal or make your future chases much shorter (one hit instead of two). Later on, not so much since they can just knock out the last generator or two for adrenaline, so there's less risk to staying injured.
If all else fails, try to defend a cluster of generators. You'll be able to slowly whittle down the pallets and eventually get some quick chases while defending the last three generators.
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Pop goes the weasel and ruin is highly recommend
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Depends on the killer and the perks. Freddy and Spirit are good for map pressure. Nurse is good to prevent looping so you can hook people faster. Bring Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance/Surveillance, and Pop Goes the Weasel if you don’t want to be gen rushed. Corrupt will be really good cause it’ll bring the survivors closer to you and you can chase early
Lol and I was at lampkin lane
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Topic is a lie.
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What if the title said “important” and the post said “Nea isn’t ugly”?
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Then they would actually be lying this time.
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Freddy can solve this problem, IF you have the perks.
Thanatophobia, Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, and either Ruin or Devour Use the Jumprope add-ons or the Swing chains.
Slug 1 Survivor at all times and Survivors will split between finding their friend, healing, and the totem. Bonus points for hooking in the Basement with Devour and teleporting away.
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Maybe they think that you’re lying. :v
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Just because it's true doesn't make it important!
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As long as I don’t get banned. That won’t get me banned, right? RIGHT!?
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But it does! D:
Mods, grab the hammer.
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I’ll just turn into blendette so they won’t be able to see me!