Killers have never been so toxic seens this year. Change my mind.

*laughs in survivors abusing exploits for over 2 years*
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Sprintburst, Dead Hard, Pallet Teleport, more for u?
For me, im a red ranks killer main and im never toxic.
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Abusing deadhard to escape while gates are closed, vacuum pallets, reaching places in certain maps that makes it impossible for killer to hit you, need i say more?
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wake up exploit
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Tell me you'r joking. All this things have been fixed since months already... Dead Hard have been fixed, vacuum pallet do not exist since a year, all maps have been fixed, you cannot exploit anywhere now. Have you been hurt so bad in the past that you cant get over it?
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Back in 2016 when survivors used to break all the hooks to grind the game into a forced win for themselves killers slugged until bleed out. Around the time instaheals were added to the game killers began using extremely oppressive builds that would cause games to take very long times to complete. There is pretty much every doctor player ever whose sole reason for playing the killer was to burn a Game map offering. Then make it so you'd never complete a single skill check, snap out it, or made your way to a hook. There was the release of Leatherface and everything was just Insidious Bubba's Basement.
Remember when Trapper could set traps directly under your feet and break the audio? That was a hellish time.
Other the other side of the fence. 2016 Survivors nearly killed the game and established a mode of play outside of what the devs foresaw, but not outside the boundaries of they would allow. Pre-Ecg hostage taking which was a years long bout of toxic behavior. Survivors carry a large portion of the blame for the death of Legion. There was Ochido and his horde of fans who actively went on a tear till getting banned until they bypassed by simply buying the game again until ip and mac address banned.
This year specifically, killers aren't any worse or better than they were at any other point. What's change is that in general more and more killers aren't respecting house rules or putting up the stress that comes with playing a role that most killer characters are not adequately equipped to handle once you trend into green ranks and higher. Most content creators, streamers and youtubers, will tell that they don't want to play killer because it is more stressful than fun. Now, we've got our dedicated killer main creators, but even they're starting to get worn down. Generally, the game is worse which means players will be less inclined to be friendly which translates into bad experiences for everyone.
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they have been fixed yes, but that dosen't mean survivors heavily abused it and were total dickheads towards killers after every match.
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Wake Up wasn't an exploit but a bug. Blame BHVR. It also have been fixed since months now.
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For me, its mostly just the neverending chat abuse in the endgame chat. Last game I played today was a simple "STFU (slur for a gay man)" after I played completely fair with Freddy and no OP stuff and simply said "the sneaky beginning of the match was killing me" (they broke my ruin and got a gen done before I even SAW a survivor, lol).
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sure sure use the "ITS BHVR FAULT" excuse, that dosen't mean you shouldn't get perma-banned if you abused the exploit to gain advantage -.-
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Getting banned for exploit, yes that's 100% legit, but get banned for using a perk? Helloooo, that's 100% stupid (Even more when that's the only perk that can save you at the end of the end game while you are alone)
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getting banned over a perk that was Bugged and gave you 15% action speed to everything? I think thats a well deserved one because YOU know that it was bugged, that it gives you 15% action speed to everything and YOU choose to use it in a match to GAIN ADVANTAGE.
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Remember Legion's blades? BHVR made an annoucement everywhere. In game while you log in, on twitter, facebook, forum ect. They haven't done anything for wake up, most of survivors didn't know about this bugged perk... The fact that this bugged perk wasn't even that op lol
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Exploit is an exploit, therefore you should be banned for it.
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The fact that different perks suddenly become meta and gain enormous popularity when they get bugged is completely coincidence...
Wake up's usage spiked to 50X what it was the day before because everyone overnight saw how useful opening the exit gates 15% faster was, and they all were COMPLETELY unaware of any funny business.
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I have not seen a single toxic killer, hell I have seen more toxic survivors than killers
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I noticed noone gives the hatch anymore.
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closing the hatch gives the killer BPs... Sometimes ill let someone open the exit gate and leave though if I feel like it. Theres times the gates are practicely ontop of each other and I know the guy doesnt have a chance of opening them otherwise.
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There are still infinite loops like Haddon field if you have balanced landing, not to mention total bs windows like Iron works and a lot of the time Mother's dwelling
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What do you call toxic!?
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I hate these "change my mind" arguments. You folks give no example, no platform for debate, no nothing, but then unless someone gives you this massive multi para response, you usually chide them for not putting in effort. Just stop this bait nonsense.
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And that is toxic?
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Nope just a general observation.
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If I like the way they play I allwais give hatch
Or if I got them beacose of a bug
Just saying that giving the hatch depends on your playstiles. If you looped me 4 2 gens or you teabagged I cannot give hatch
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That doesn't make any sense since you get a 2500 bonus for a 4k and 250 for closing the hatch. I still give it when my deviousness is maxed
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I dont come across to many toxic killers, yes some have beat the s**t out of me on the hook after a long loop but thats fine. Not many though.
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Oh man you really wanna snap back at someone dont you? Using the classic "who hurt you" when defending your own salty thread.