CHEATERS and... Reporting system!

Recently, once again when I was conducting a stream, I faced two serious problems:
1.Cheaters and lagswitchers like a wall hackers, speedhackers and other poop-people. Absolute ignore my tickets, all of whom, because I do not cease to monitor violators...
2.Waiting for the lobby for 5 minutes and further disconnection of one of the participants, which cancels the match... (I would be silent if it didn't happen every three times in a row before one game.)
Why our favorite developers do not solve these fundamental problems?
Cheating is rarer than you think perhaps you are mistaken?
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Then why did I get three of them today? 1 Buba, 2 Trapper, and of course 3 nurse!) Is this a great job of community Manager?) ping in lobby 10-60, and in game I even move not can, and then it turns out that Bubba hung up me) and the trapper? His speed is enormous, even nurse could to catch up to him with a bump and atactic breath... About Nura: I'm REMAIN silent, it can easily hit through 5 meters, and I'm not exaggerating...
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- Dedicated is our savior! I think
- Aaaaand how do you solve this? How would you solve this
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Instead of a new Chapter and further buildup of gates inside the game code, it would be better for developers to deal with servers and bugs, which they absolutely do not want to do. But I hope with this attitude all run away from them in other, similar games)
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You did not answer my question. Also do you mind quoting? It gives a notification that i can respond to.
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I answered your question, but Yes, I forgot to quote...
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What, this? "Instead of a new Chapter and further buildup of gates inside the game code, it would be better for developers to deal with servers and bugs, which they absolutely do not want to do."
I don't understand what you mean by that. (oh also you mean disconnecting in the pre-game lobby or during the loading screen?)
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The thing they're doing + Dedicated.
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Cheaters are rarer than you'd think, same goes for lagswitchers, since an unstable connection is not that uncommon and you might have taken bad net for a lagswitcher.
Anyway if you think someone is lagswitching you, i'd suggest you to record your games and report.
In-game reports are mandatory. You can send any additional evidence (screenshots/videos) with the players profile link to the support under
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I agree. After 100+ games I have only found one lag switcher. It only lagged to a halt and then someone was downed every time. It was so bad everyone just DC'd one right after another because it was so obvious. Luckily I haven't noticed any hackers.
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My God, you probably play 10 minutes a year, if you do not meet the manifestations of cheaters and lagswitchers...
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Oh... I have nothing to say to you all I have played 12000 + rink, and I'm sure you say 90% of Russian players are young bombing children, who like to turn on the cheats...
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Usually cheater activity increase at weekends, so i'm done with playing this game at weekends. And i tell you not about typical lag switcher, it's about wallhack.