Devs... Are u guys planning to buff base kit for Clown?

he is pretty weak, 4 bottles are not enought, it make sthe chase fatser but slightkly, it helps on loops and all, but u can just play safely and he is useles...
There are no plans to change the base kit for the Clown in the immediate future. It's definitely possible down the line, but I don't want to get your hopes up just yet.
The killer's we'll be taking a look at in the near (or at least near in terms of the roadmap) future can be found here:
Q: Could you talk about who you're planning on reworking/updating next?
A: We cannot give dates on when these changes will happen, but we can share some information on which killers we are looking to update. We will be taking a look at the Nurse and her add-ons (primarily her add-ons) and the Doctor. We would also like to review the chainsaw killers, the Shape, and the Pig, and more. Some may receive smaller changes or add-on passes while other may see more significant changes.
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We will most likely have to wait +1 year before Clown will get his "rework" or some changes to help him.
The more Killers are coming, the more work and time takes to look at individuals and change them.
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well... doctor is very weak too so im fine with that.
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i dont understand that. clow has one of the worst kill rates in the game on all platforms. its a fact, you guys showed us the stats. pls help the clown.
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eventually they are gonna to.
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I thought u said on a dev stream about showing the addons on ST PTB, maybe i missunderstooded.
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it isnt that much hard to make 6 bottles and that 1 hit pink addon in his base kit it would buff him alot
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You probably misunderstooded.
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I am very okay with Doctor being looked at.
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What do you plan to change about the shape?
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Pray it's nothing gutting...especially when killer games are soon to get even harder once the survivor changes hit
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Clown is one of the least played killers and does not have the popularity of a licenced character. He will remain in limbo for years.
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For clown: faster base reload, change the reload tier add-ons to something else, and there ya go!
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And more?
What are these "more" Killers?
Obviously Legion and not Clown, but who else? Is there an exhaustive list of the Killers you are willing to share regarding that?
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"No plan to change base kit for the Clown"
The moment he is my first main killer but i get bullied so hard and i start playing hag and i realize that i've playing a bad killer in whole time since i brought this game (true story)2 -
Can you fix his arch height when he throws his bottle to a shallower declination? I keep hitting the tree's. I can fix this by aiming down, but when I aim down it forces me to lose center of the survivor and makes it more difficult to track.
Thank you.
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how would it be awful? he will be only able to punish survivors who are outpositioned u cant insta down them if they are near vaults or pallets same as billy he can only chainsaw survivors who outpositioned
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I saw survivors DCing against against perkless and add-onless Clown and survivors destroying RedHeads Pinky Fingers Clowns, so nothing would really change, bad survivors would remain bad and good survivors would remain good.
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It's funny, because when they first reworked him, everyone was crying he was OP xD
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Dont u realize im the only JEff here? im special.
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I mean he really needs to have very high chase potential to cover up his non existant map pressure
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Well, how about the clown dies of his disease and we get Pennywise? I'd love to see him use a dash power where he is screaming while doing so, then takes a huge bite out of someone. He can be the first killer to attack with his mouth!
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Oh, I doubt it as well. Clown is sad at the moment. I like the concept, but he is a bum in the killer department. I'd disagree on Pennywise though. He would be creepy as all get out.