Year 4 Roadmap Progress

Let me know if I left anything out. (I know the Stranger Things Chapter releases tomorrow, not today, but I marked it anyway since it's less than 24 hours away at this point.)
Is the switch version out?
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G a m e h e a l t h
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Not sure, I can check though.
Update: Switch Version is available for pre-order but is not actually out yet.
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You made a mistake there. we are NOT getting the party management since it requires dedicated servers. they got delayed.
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AH! My bad, I'll remove that then.
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Devs: Hype up Dedicated Servers for the end of summer all year.
Also Devs: We are delaying dedicated servers.
This came out as me insulting the Devs which was no way in my plan, what I was trying to put out was that it was hyped all year for a delay, so all I ask is for them not to make a date, they can say "We might have it done on this date" but not "We'll be ready on the end of Summer 2019".
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I think it’s obvious at this point that when they got the opportunity they dropped everything else to do stranger things. Normally they have roughly a 1.5 chapter buffet or something.
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Are we still getting party management tomorrow?
EDIT: just saw this is also delayed due to servers.
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It's out on the 24th of this month.
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I predict that the nurse addon and "slight" basekit changes will come with the next map rework..
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If you look at the thread, I'm afraid we are NOT getting party management as that was performed using Dedicated Servers.
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We might still get it. Party management was still up and working when the PTB was peer to peer September 3rd.
They then brought servers back that Wednesday/Thursday.
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Hmm, interesting. I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers, eh?
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They probably didn't expect there to still be bugs. Thats why they public tested and delayed.
If all went well no bugs it would've been summer
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If you want to check off chapter 13 already, you can check off party management as well. It'll be included in the same update.
Otherwise, you've got it. Switch will be launching next week. Matchmaking has also received some improvements, but that's something that'll always be improved over time. Not sure when you can ever mark is definitively as "done".
If you prefer, we can completely disregard feedback and put it out anyway before fixing the issues, but we felt it was better to swallow our pride and push it back slightly to make sure it's ready.
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Dang you confirmed what i was thinking about party management super fast :)
Good work pea!
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ok thats nice to hear!
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We are getting very close to the Archive (:
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I appreciate it but there was high expectations and the idea of Dedicated Servers was a heavy pride set for the game, all year it was talked about "When Dedicated Servers..." This and that, only to be pushed back, all I say is give in a general idea not "It will release in the end of Summer". Instead "We should have it ready around the end of Summer, but we have no promises, all we can say is soon.™"
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And Rifts the paid version of archives :D
I'm actually really excited for both. Hook charms! :)
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Well the Devs aren't banging rocks together at headquarters. Sure "Summer 2019" got us hyped and the unforeseen complications and delays aren't super. However, our new release date isn't just "Fall 2019" they said "October 2019". Sure, it's a month behind schedule but they are actively working on it.
The servers are nearly upon us, we only need to wait just a bit longer.
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Real mature. Everyone said they were God awful. Would you rather have them be idiots and release a broken ass system, or have them be smart and fix it first? Too many dbd players are entitled little c words, probably the ones that refuse to buy any content too
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Note the word "Tentative".
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I'm saying in the interest of the people, never be specific about when you release things and it's much better to say, "We'll have it out when it's done and we'll keep you informed". Never wrong to have a general date but also remember that maybe they need extra time, in my opinion they should have used the soon™.
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Basically means its happening then until it doesn't.
No reason to expect it won't until they say it.
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I'm happy that more of the community is not reacting this way... because the servers just were not ready.... the games been like this for over 3 years, the community can wait another month maybe more for the dedicated servers to go live......
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I fixed my comment cause it came out not the way I wished, as I said a ton, it would be better off to say "We'll let you know when we are ready and we can give a date where we might be done but there are no promises" rather than "Dedicated Servers releasing Summer 2019".
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I do understand what you mean, but that's also how you set yourself up for an entire year of questions where the only answer is "soon." That's not something that anyone wants. We gave a very rough estimate to set expectations, and while we were on track to meet that target, we decided to delay it for another month just to iron out a few issues. We would rather miss the release date slightly than put something out before it's ready.
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Thank you for not releasing it because it did not look pleasant, I apologize for sounding rude and rushing, that was not my intent and I did not think it through, sorry Peanits.
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"Another month" Peanits pls. Now this will be quoted if something goes wrong.
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I'm so ready for that shiet! :D
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But at least we will try them :D
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Year 4 and chapter 15... so does this mean we're going to get chapter 15 this year? O_o
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Seeing "New archive New Rift" block off sections that could have been more important things, or another chapter kinda makes me hate the events even more.
I would just give increased blood points for a period of time and then focus on just development honestly.
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Nope year 4 started in June 2019. We are not getting chapter 15 until March 2020.
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You missed ticking off "matchmaking improvement."
The recent patch note of "fixed survivors being able to see how broken matchmaking is ahead of time" is as close as we're getting to that.