Patch 3.2.1 -- Changes, why?
Dead by Daylight patch 3.2.1 has just gone live. The two major changes following this update are:
The Demogorgon's 'Shred' ability now breaks pallets by default.
The matchmaking algorithm for Survive With Friends now uses the highest ranked player's rank to find a killer, instead of the average of all the ranks.
Now this is my very first time in my 2,332 hours of playtime that I have taken to the forums with an issue and direct feedback. I would also like to hear what the rest of the community thinks of these changes, so please leave a comment below.
Firstly, the issue I have a lesser gripe with, the Demo's 'Shred' ability. On the killer's launch, I initially disliked playing against him. I found his ability to leap from a distance and damage the player with little to no cooldown on the ability was a bit broken. This has not changed, but with every killer, you swallow it and develop counterplay. This is not where my issue lies, clearly. The default ability to break pallets makes the Demogorgon essentially the Hillbilly without the insta-down and with ZERO charge up for breaking these pallets. It's just left-click right-click, boom, pallet gone; this has NO cooldown? Ridiculous.
I understand that Behavior makes all new content temporarily OP for both sides, killer and survivor, respectively alternating. They want to make the new content look like a worthwhile sale, I get it. From a gameplay perspective though... What's next? Adding a killer who just blatantly removes unused pallets? The Demogorgon's ability minimalizes the competitive aspect of the game by reducing pallets to a temporary stall, even more so than they were. -- I could continue but this is getting long winded and, again, im interested to see what the community thinks of this change.
Secondly, the matchmaking logic change. Personally, in all of my hours, I rarely play SWF, most of my nearly 2.5k hours are solo. That being said, I sometimes get the privilege of being able to play with my brother and cousin who both live extremely far from me. They don't get to play the game as much as I do and they are completely unequipped to play against killers at my tier. -- That being said, is it fair that I, a consistent rank 1, get to fall back and play a few games at rank 15 or so? No. Not completely, but I'm a singular survivor. Any good killer worth there salt will instantly recognize, pre-match or during the match, that Im in another skill level than the rest of my peers. Most often, theyll run right off and eliminate my team or put me in a disadvantageous position to then kill me.
What I'm saying is that I'm a single survivor and my actual effect on the game is severely limited if the killer recognizes what theyre up against. I became just another survivor doing another generator. Now with this recent change, I will have to play at my PEAK and I'll have to carry my team. Which will be impossible. I'm good, but most often not good enough to run a red ranked killer five freaking generators to escape.
I digress. I'm slightly irritated with this new change. These are some of my thoughts and I want to hear yours.
I like both changes and wish they had came sooner.
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It has a 2.25 second cooldown and it has a 0.65 second minimum charge time
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@NuclearBurrito 2.25 CD is not enough. This is basically a built in spirit fury. Can you reach a pallet within 2.25 seconds, always?
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They will probably change it to requiring a full charge. Let them have some fun while they can.
In your situation it might seem unfair but you see players in a swf have the benefit of knowing your teammates and coordination. How is it fair to the lone low rank killer to have to face survivors of greater rank because one of their teammates is of a lower rank?
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It takes 2.9 seconds to break a pallet this way.
By comparison it takes 2.7 seconds to break it manually.
So it's not a build it Spirit Furry. It's a built in Space Bar.
The reason this is a buff is because it forces an early drop and won't waste the demogorgons time with having to hit the pallet AND break the pallet.
Also you need to reach the pallet within 5 seconds, not 2.9 so you should have plenty of time to find something.
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@Torquespin Some more opinions about your second point have been voiced in this thread:
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The second one was changed so Killers are not forced to play against one or more Survivors of way higher rank.
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It was needed and the SWF's balance was needed as well
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I mean it's quite literally faster to just break the pallet by hitting the break button, so I don't see why you are complaining? It breaks it slower than if someone had just broke pallet you tossed. Plus he is incredibly easy to juke when he shreds, so I can't even imagine how you say that was OP in the first place
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I liked this change, maybe now he's more stronger, I can play him in red ranks without being forced to use top tiers killers like Nurse or Spirit. Its very boring to play with the same killer as always and not being able to use others killers because they lack map-pressure and you doesn't matter how good you play, you can't win againt good survivors.
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praise the changes. we can finally play killer now instead of lobby sim.
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Demo got a small buff which is great, anything to help out mid tier killers. The SWF change is great and should have been in it from the modes release.
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So breaking pallets with Shred is slower than normally. I can't believe that this was an ultra rare add-on first. And now some people call it "OP" because it's in his base kit.
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Pretty much.
It's REAL power is how it lets you go for risky plays in order to force a hit.
Basically you can disrespect pallets with it.
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This is funny....
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Kinda like how you can pre-rev the chainsaw to get additional timesave with the saw'ed pallet.
But it's even faster if done right.
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@NuclearBurrito The fact that its faster if done right goes without saying. Frankly, concerning the demogorgon change, I couldnt care less if they gave a noob killer anything OP. Give a f*cking dedicated multi-thousand hour killer main this tool and it is a bit broken imo.
Still I understand all the comments and I'm glad to hear from everyone. All friendly discourse here :)
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That does not include the pallet breaking animation.
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The Demogorgon doesn't have "NO cooldown" when breaking pallets. He/it still has a 2.25 second cooldown; the same as a missed Shred attack, and the most he can reduce it to is 1.75 seconds using the Mew's Guts and Black Heart add-on's. In comparison, Brutal Strength reduces normal pallet break time to 2.08 seconds, and if you add Fire Up to it, at 3 stacks it reduces the time to 1.76 seconds, and at 5 stacks 1.5 seconds. Shredding pallets is consistently slower than using BS + FU, even with the aid of add-on's. The only thing that makes it a potential threat is the fact that he can charge up another shred attack right afterwards to try and catch up to the survivors, which he can't do if they use any escape perks like Sprint Burst, or Lithe, and if he manages to hit a survivor with it while shredding the pallet they still get the automatic Sprint Burst if its their first hit. Like Billy and LF he has to charge his power before he takes down a pallet with it, at the earliest that adds .65 seconds to the pallet break if he didn't charge it before they dropped the pallet. With charge speed add-on's Billy and LF can do the same thing with a flat 2 second cooldown, and a .5 second charge up, but unlike Demogorgon, they can insta-down with their attack. So while Shredding a pallet seems threatening and gives demo a slight edge in the chase, LF and Billy do it slightly faster by default, they can insta-down survivors with their abilities, and Billy especially takes better advantage of it since he can catch up to survivors easier with his movement speed and ability to turn. I'm honestly not seeing this as anything different or more threatening than what we are already experiencing in game with other killers.
As for the matchmaking algorithm change adjusting SWF groups by making them compete at the rank of the highest ranking member of the group. There have been MANY discussions regarding how powerful SWF groups are with the addition of VOIP communication. Even a group of low rank SWF survivors gain a significant enough competitive edge against killers that they are able to best killers at the Purple and Red ranks. Basically SWF + VOIP = High rank viability due to better coordination. This has been debated, complained about and even proved in videos (the Marth Experiment for example), and remains a hot topic in the community. Having VOIP and a well coordinated team essentially already raises the skill of the group to be competitive enough for the higher ranks, so this change to the ranking system isn't really punishing survivors for getting in SWF groups as much as its acknowledging their advantage and providing them with an adequate challenge based on their best player. This also works in favor of Low rank SWF teams and pretty much gives them easy wins until they rank up enough to get a better challenge. Unlike before when a group of new rank 20 players could find themselves going up against a rank 1 killer, and get decimated; Now they don't have to worry about that happening.
In all honesty, I'm not seeing much to complain about with these changes, and feel they are better for the games overall health and balance, especially where the match making change is concerned.
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Some people complain about everything...
These are good changes. Nothing OP at all.
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The point being that it's not just a faster pallet break. There is more to it than that.
Most (but not all) of the time you could have kept running and avoided both the shread and the pallet drop.
And when the pallet IS dropped early you still are likely to reach something else so long as the other pallets weren't already used earlier for whatever reason.
Point being that it's more situational than it sounds.
Strong? Yes. Gamebreaking? Heck no. Pallet breaking? Heck yes.
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Devs have kill SWF. Now if you have more that 50 hours in this game you can't play with a friend who doesn't know about the game. He will last about 1 minute.
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Don't know how killers can think than given 4 survivors: lvl 1, 7, 14 ,20 is more fair a killer in level 1 than a killer in level 10. I think someone in BHVR will be fired in few weeks.
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If you want to know my opinion, He's weak killer and he needs more buffs. Juking the dash isn't too difficult and make good reads against fake lunges is relatively easy. It's funny on developers always say "Pressure Gen", than they give you an ultra-rare add-on that does exactly the opposite and impairs you from pressuring gens with portals. The other change is just to prevent people from Smurfing with SWF though i'm not sure if it changes much since those type of SWF usually aims for bully simulator in my opinion.
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There's more to it that just time taken to break a pallet. Before, lunging towards a survivor that's running through a pallet meant that you would be stunned (either by the pallet or by bumping into it with shred). You would need to recover from that before you can kick it.
With this, you can be more aggressive with shred. If they do toss down a pallet, you'll break it (you won't have to deal with the cooldown and then break it.
Basically it's not meant to be a faster pallet break, but you can end a loop quicker and force them to drop a pallet quicker.
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TLDR: Exactly what I just spent like 4 posts saying.
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And what about the matchmaking? Do you think lvl 5 survivor with a rank 15 friend could do anything against a rank 5 killer? do you think that a solo survivor that see this in the lobby will play the game knowing this or will lobby dodge? Because I think this 2 people won't find a lobby to play
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Do you mean rank or actual level?
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Rank, sorry
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Okay, then how is it fair for a rank one to face a rank 20?
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We need a strong killer not someone who gets looped.. Killers should be the power core of this game.. Not survivors who act like the 'actual killers' of the game with the intent of frustrating killers by taking advantages of strong loops.
Ps : i love playing both survivor and killer but killer needs balancing.
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While I do understand how that would be frustrating for a new player, this is something that is consistent with others games. If I were to play Overwatch with my friends who play it all the time, the game is going to pair me with players of their skill level, not mine.
Unfortunately the way it previously worked could be (and was, frequently) abused to pick on new killers. The lowest ranked survivor would host the group to intentionally get paired against an new killer so they could bully them. Both situations are pretty much the same; they both end in a new player having a bad time. The difference is that you have the choice to play with your new friend while you're rank 1, and you also have the ability to protect them. You can help them survive and teach them things as they play. A new killer is alone- they don't have anyone to help them out when they mess up or tell them what they should be doing.
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Both changes are great.
It was depressing play matches as a rank 10 killer, to see 3 survivors at rank 2-3 and the other at rank 15.
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Demogorgon required the pallet breaking so he can be aggressive and force survivors to stop camping a pallet or face consequences.
As for the swf changes, im soo ######### glad they finally added that because there were swf groups that used whoever had r20 or r15 , they hosted for the r1's so they can bully newbie players.
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@joan This change is honestly for the best. The rank 15 as a whole team to cushion for their inadequate skills. If you really have 3 new friends that are trying to learn, just make a new account or go to KYFs.
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About the shred breaking pallet I won't comment since I haven't played against it, but judging from the numbers it doesn't seem that bad since the Hillbilly can do the same since the beginning of the game.
As for the matchmaking, what is better, your newbie friends facing a high rank killer with you there to help them (and help them get better), or a lone newbie killer facing many high rank survivors?
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If your going against a rank 15 killer...Than the killer clearly isnt "worth their salt". The killer isnt going to be able to see that you are not the same as your teammates. How would they POSSIBLY know that your on a different skill lvl as anyone else PRE lobby btw? Even a rank 1 killer isnt privy to that knowledge just by looking at your character.
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@LordGlint How about time spent in game? which is the first thing you see on any steam profile usually. -- Even just wearing p3 while my friends are in defaults gives one an inkling.
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What about the people who don't wear P3 and whatnot but are still of high rank?
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Cosmetics do not equate to skill. Ive seen rank 1s rocking out default skins and rank 15-20s with legacy. Time played in game ALSO doesnt equate to skill, especially since you can have someone who spends 95% of their time playing killer, and then swap to a survivor game. Ive seen some low rank potatoes with thousands of hours clocked.
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“Wah I can’t abuse the matchmaking and bully killers far below me because I want to play with my newbie friends and have easy games WAH”
I play with my best friend who has a terrible connection and I must protect her. You can do the same for yours.
It sucks that your friend will get slaughtered but why should low rank killers have to suffer and be punished because you’re in our lobbies and making us feel like crap?
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This new change is great and has been needed. Killers do not have a choice in how the survivors are teamed up. If the lower ranked survivor has an issue with this new change they can choose to team with those closer in rank or play solo.
In other words, lower ranked killers should not go against high ranked survivor. Survivors have a choice in how they are teamed up. Solo que or swf.
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Nice 4 posts
One of those lovely survivor mains who abuse the ranking system since launch one will doubt
Baby Killer , baby killer, its a baby killer. sayonara with your high rank survivor vs low rank killer games
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Yo. Yall are not calm lmao. Issa discussion board. No wonder people get stoned in other parts of the world for dissenting opinions. Toxic ass community. -- Some of you are straight though & were very helpful in helping sway my opinion. I thank you.
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You are comparing this to being stoned IRL?
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too many pebbles were thrown at him.
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I haven't played Demo yet, but I might now. My experience on Pig left me wary of charged ambush maneuvers, so a little QoL buff is nice to see.
As for the SWF change: killers are people too. If you're rank 1 and your bro is rank 20, he can choose whether or not to play with you. I, as a rank 20 killer (just for the sake of argument), do not get to choose whether you, the rank 1, appear in my lobby or not.
SWF should be fun, but it shouldn't be a hard carry.
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Math is amazing.
Billy has a 2.5s rev as well as the last cool down. He's much slower at breaking the pallet then if Billy broke it at the exact same time. @Torquespin