I'm being targeted by some killers



  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I just don't buy that multiple killers are singling out this poor soul who doesn't troll them at all.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    This happens a lot on ps4. I said before I would like the ability to hide my name till the end game tally screen but that's not going to happen.

    There are a number of reasons why this can happen. You could be toxic in a previous game or they just don't like you for another reason.

    All I'll say is every targeting case is different.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    I keep score with some of the survivors if I run into them multiple times in an evening and if they've been getting the better of me I let them know what the score is and tell them I'm going to tunnel the hell out of them. It's lead to some good conversations and fun matches. Was 2-2 with one a while back so I brought an Ebony Mori in for the tie breaker and didn't manage to catch them lol.

    If you main a survivor that people love to kill then that could compound your issue. Myself if I run into Ace that's usually it for that player. I'll often throw a game just to kill him.

    Maybe you've been outplaying a lot of people and they've marked you as threat. There are several players that if I match against I know I have to remove them from the game asap to have a chance at winning.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Maybe it's the survivor you play. Sometimes killers will target a certain survivor.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If it's the same killer repeatedly targeting to you over and over and again you can report them.

    Especially if you have proof that are specifically going after you with the intent of ruining your time repeatedly

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    OP’s responses honestly don’t sound sincere nor sympathetic. You can play survivor just fine with no fancy add ons - I do it all the time because I like to hoard my items like a little fog dragon. You can also play the game with perks like DS and not be a total buttwipe to the killer - I do it all the time. I literally use ds as insurance against tunnelers, as designed, or I use it to be altruistic for my teammates with bt.

    I don’t care about surviving personally as long as I get my bp. And yeah, sometimes I get that toxic iridescent Huntress or camper Leatherface - but them’s the breaks and I move on.

    As killer I run into a lot of nasty survivors - but I literally can’t even tell you their names after the match is over. So you, standing out, for multiple killers, enough to remember you and equip special moris, must mean you probably have it coming. And I’m sure at least some killers just happen to have moris because it’s cool.

    Don’t be a dipping stick to other players and things will go a lot better for you.

    xGREENCATx Member Posts: 431

    I’m sorry I hate this! Also if you’re good at juking the killer feels the need to punish you by camping/ etc to make themselves feel better. /:

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Excluding the toxic campers and newbies not knowing better, killers usually don’t camp unless they feel you disrespected them or you did something dirty like sandbag a survivor.

    If people just played nice and not toxic, this game and community would be a lot healthier.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570


    "Everytime I message the killer after the game they are always say I'm being "TOXIC" or I'm "Bullying them" "

    Why do you feel the need to message killers after every game? Just stop it.

    If everyone says you're toxic then this should give you something to think about.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Honestly, If I kept track of every Survivor that acted like a douche i'd have a Book Of Grudges like a Warhammer Dwarf. I aint got enough time for all that, and I doubt anyone outside of middle school does.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    What are you talking about? The Book of Grudges wouldn't be nearly big enough to hold them all.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    The only names I remember are survivors (whether I'm playing killer or survivor, it's only ever survivors) who message me after a match to be salty. If you don't message me, then I'll never remember your name.

    I dunno if the pool of players in my region on PS4 is huge or what, but I almost never see names I recognize. To be fair, I don't pay much attention to names, but I'm pretty sure I'd notice if I bumped into the same players repeatedly.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 507
    edited October 2019

    Second you said 360 (on console) I understand why you get tunneled. Sorry I don't feel bad for you anymore.

    Edit: However, I hope you still have fun, I also hope none go out of their way to tunnel you down. (Throw the game/facecamp)

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    I played with you when we were both survivors and you felt it necessary to message me that I was bad. I didn't do anything and I wasn't even being bad I just wasn't being in the killers face like an ahole. You are just a bad person. Quit looking for sympathy. I hope every killer tunnels and camps you till you give up playing this game. It'll be a net win for the community.

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    Also quit pretending you don't get bothered. It's clear as day and just makes you look worse that you deny it.

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    You messaged me calling me and another survivor "######### idiots" and "#########" for cleansing against a plague. I had never gone against a plague and was new to the game still. The ironic thing is that you messaged me this as I was healing you to get up off the ground. ######### you. Your psn name is Malfunctional- just for proof that I know who you are. You called yourself a smart player while talking ######### to the person who might've saved you and here you are acting all innocent LOL

  • TwistrBlitz
    TwistrBlitz Member Posts: 91

    Even on console 360’s are trash, only works against new killers.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019

    I never acted “Innocent” or looking for ”sympathy” lmao.

    Since got you into a lobby you must been an SWF since you were “NEW” to the game at the time. That annoys me already as I want players that aren’t “NEW” and knows what they are doing :/

    I also literally call any bad survivor including own SWF squad “Idiots” “Bad” “Trash” You aren’t special excluded just because your “NEW” it’s called “trash talk”on the internet. :(

    The only people I don’t talk crap to is good killers and survivors they get the high respect. It’s fair game.

    The people who target me like (6-7 people) aren’t even good at the game which is why I’m not bothered lol 😂. It’s funny, but can get boring over time. I can never be “salty or mad” I got a memory of a toddler I wont even remember you 5 mins later until I see your name again cx. and I deleted messages after I’m done anyway and block them =>

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited October 2019

    Record those matches, send them to the devs, and report them.

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154

    Don’t get me wrong though. There some killers that just specially targeted me for BS reason like simply having a key or having Flashlight, Flashlight saves, or Sabotage hooks to help others or saving myself or Outplayed with no mither.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    mhm... i'm outta here.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2019

    Please tell me your name isn't MissGamer on PSN, cause someone with your exact name has been going on PSN and harassing killers in a swf and dcing for hatch right after first down to screw over killers (happened to me 3 times yesterday). You could be getting confused with those people tho, if you name is really similar

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    1. Hit the psn quick menu button.
    2. Go up to DBD
    3. View the "currently playing with"
    4. Look at psn usernames.
  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,695

    Smack talk often happens, but if anyone feels like being griefed, please use the in game report system.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited October 2019

    To add to the other moderators comment:

    Hey, if this person keeps doing it and you collect enough video evidence over the course of several matches, please report them in-game and contact support under https://support.deadbydaylight.com/ Explain that this user has been doing this continously and doesn't seem to stop.

    If a user does this continously and only singles you out each time, it can be considered griefing and harassment.

    Please make sure to have video evidence from 8+ matches.

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