We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • I think I'll have to give an example from my personal experience. One of them was a match against Deathslinger. The guy was sweating a lot and playing with red addons, tunneling people. I was playing with my duo. Two other guys suicide on hooks (and I don't blame them), there were 3 generators left to fix for the two of us…
  • I also want to add that everything I described in all the comments above has little to do with what you call a "horror game" (I'm talking about Mori abuse). It's just too often used in toxic ways that only relate to bad and unsportsmanlike behavior, but not to the fact that it's a horror game.
  • You probably misunderstood me. I am against the way mori is used. And that mori is a complete deprivation of survivors of the ability to save a dying teammate. As I said, it's all about abuse because someone has gained control over the player. This is what makes the fact of mori too toxic. And I don't see anything wrong…
  • No one forbids you to enjoy mori. But you cannot deny that the problem associated with it exists. And there are people who do not want to be killed in this way. It will not hurt you in any way if a personal offering or ability appears that allows you not to be moried. It is the right to choose.
  • For now this is the most stupid here what I saw. Okay, I'll explain once more and never again, cus its getting really annoying. >This is entitlement incarnate. Sincerely, there is nothing inherently toxic about mori'ing; you the individual believe that. It saves the killer what, 10 seconds of walking you to a hook? If…
  • >first of all, calling moris toxic is on the same level as calling flashlight saves toxic. second, i mean…what exactly is unbalanced about it? Even before, when you were the last survivor alive, what could you do if killer downs you before getting a hatch? Get hooked and instantly get sacrificed, or killer might carry you…
  • >You have to be the last survivor. Not last one standing or not on hook, but last survivor period. Hook stages are irrelevant; you wouldn't even get a chance to 4%. You're dead. Case closed. I don't understand at all why this was said and where is the argument here? I have already repeated a hundred times that it is unfair…
  • The argument is meaningless. We can talk for a long time about "it's not what it seems, it's just you who sees it". Especially when the killer is standing over you, constantly using an attack on you, nodding his head, picking you up, carrying you to the hook, then throwing you on the floor to do a mori. Yeah, dude, you're…
  • I already answered everything in the post itself. The killer gets a free kill. Why? Because mori eliminates the ability to save the survivor by blinding the killer, stun with a palette, sabotaging the hook, etc. What other arguments should I give?
  • >Its not free. The killer hooked you twice Damn maybe u wanna read post huh? Just at first paragraph i wrote "u can be moried even when u was never hooked".
  • I will not answer seriously to some silly trolling like this. You will make discussion with arguments or have fun on ur own.
  • I totally get it. As someone who plays both sides, it's really weird to see the power tilt so much towards the killers (and it's certainly not because the devs are playing as killers). I'm just tired of feeling like a helpless punching bag for the killer's pleasure. I'm a player just like him and I deserve to have fun too,…
  • You actually touched on an important topic that I think should go much further than just talking about one achievement. The culture of getting sweaty 4K should just die in my opinion, it's not a fun gameplay at all and it breeds a lot of toxicity (slugging, tunneling, camping, etc). But for some reason, instead of…
  • Bro its killer-sided game, forgot abt it. They tryhard so much to do game more easier for killers
  • The mori mechanic is disgusting and toxic, and now the developers are even encouraging its use with a bonus to blood points. It is especially toxic to introduce free mori for the last survivor. Oh no, why reward good sportsmanship when the killer lets the last survivor go, let's reward sweaty men who play this game to win!…
  • I don't even read comments from people who have a killer in their avatar so kalm down
    in Trash game Comment by Lentara June 2022
  • And maybe the opinion of the killers in this topic is not entirely objective? Maybe because they are not the ones who are forced to survive against it and therefore see some unbalanced things?
  • What should I be discussing? With people who are not happy with just the fact that I proposed to introduce 1 single change about Dredge coming out of locked cabinets too quickly?
  • Why can't you read what I write? I said Clown OP when he uses addons and it really is. Without addons it's nothing but with addons it's OP. I did not deny that he is a master of tunneling. How does that make it less balanced? You know, I have never seen some streamer killer miner, playing as a pyramid head, finish the…
  • Good video about this btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8gKxjoMFpw
  • I just suggested increasing the release time from a closed box to 5 seconds, so that it would be commensurate with the stun, because after that the lock breaks and you can no longer close the cabinet, but the killer-mainers have already burst into tears that someone does not like imba killers🤡
  • I'll surprise you but many assassins need to press m1 to hit with an attack. Oh, or do you, Mr. killer-mainer, want the survivors to be already lying on the ground from the start of the game? clear👍️
  • He was at PTB. How about finally opening your eyes and facing the facts and arguments that I present? I understand for a killer miner it is difficult to take the position of a survivor, but it's worth a try.
  • Yes, I'm talking about this and trying to say that this killer is simply devoid of cons, it's very stupid. But people who main killers think it's normal, because for them all that survivors deserve is a quick death) and for some reason there are a lot of such people under this post, but few people who main survivors,…
  • I gave an example in Sadako because in my opinion it was stupid to immediately release a new addon with the exact same killer, but much stronger, immediately after the Sadako addon. It just takes away the meaning of Sadako. Definitely Sadako is very weak, I can't argue with that. Yes, I tried to play but not on my account,…
  • I do not take the opinion of people with a killer on their profile picture seriously
  • The opinion of another toxic killer, I would rather just flush it down the toilet, sorry.
  • I don't think the Nurse deserves a nerf. This character is completely dependent on the skill of the player, which cannot be said of the new killer. You know, there are cyber-cutlet survivors for whom any killer is not a problem, but such people are few. In my environment, absolutely everyone says that the new killer is too…
  • Killer miners will never stop complaining about stupid things. in 70% of cases, the killers win and kill at least 3 survivors, for the survivors there are fewer blood points. to win you need to have as many as 4 people who know how to play well, unlike when you play as an assassin and you rely on yourself. and many other…
  • Is complaining bad? I hi enough arguments. I know that 99% of killer miners will never admit that some killer is too strong🤡 After all, yes, a killer who teleports as many times as he likes over long distances, who sees the auras of players 8 meters from the lockers of which there are a lot on the whole map and they are…
  • As you know, Nurse is the weakest and strongest cbian, it all depends on your personal skill and how you got used to this character. The new killer though has a teleportation system but you don't need to have any skill to do -4.
  • I play with friends and they have a lot more time in the game than I do, and even they confirm that the new assassin is too strong and I have given enough reasons why this is so. If we have problems with a completely "own" group, even though we have a discord, can you imagine what random groups do? 1 second (with addon) to…
  • it's all because of the addon, I told
  • I think that the developers are too sympathetic to the killers. They released an OP killer with 2 very good perks and at the same time they made a survivor with 3 completely useless perks
    in Haddie Comment by Lentara June 2022
  • it's insanely bad for the game, it's time consuming when you're just hiding during the night. What does it mean that I have to stay away from the lockers? they are almost always near the generators. I'm not a rat that hides the whole game and does nothing, I still want to win maybe? 1 second is never enough, it shouldn't…
  • I think that you need to nerf her teleportation, or rather the time when she breaks the locker. 1 second is nothing at all, without addons it should be at least 5 seconds which is the size of a stun, because like a pallet it just breaks the lock and it doesn't work anymore
  • Bro i son't care. I'm ukrainian and in my language its female.