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  • Honestly havent thought a lot about that. Didnt do open designs during beta and all my outpost had entry/exit at the "front"-side (pretty close to harvey spawn most of the time as well). While in the game-logic it would probably make sense to only be able to extract from where you enter (thats where your fancy hover bike…
  • Yea there was a big discussion on steam forums and even here some iirc, you are not alone with that for sure :) I personally am ok with those limitations and see their point, but i will play this game mainly to build and want to build a lot anyways, so yea...
  • There was the option to "refill" (and level) outposts if certain conditions are given, but the game didnt really tell you and showed you where (it was pretty hidden in the UI as well). So you can keep an outpost active for around minimum 10 days total if you manage and can afford to level it 10 times.
  • Havent tried that myself, but you can use 2nd wave holo/lava blocks (they act like solid baserock in first wave) to make a path that vanishes/turns into lava when the genemat is taken, so that harvey has to take an alternative path to get out again (which still has to exist). At least that was my understanding of the false…
  • First thanks for not resorting to blatant personal attacks :) (well besides presuming i havent thought about this lol) I did, and i had some success in catching (some) speedrunners with exactly that tactic (as mentioned in another thread), and you are right that its not very intrusive to slow and careful players. An arc…
  • All of it actually xD While i really enjoyed the atmosphere and the overall feeling, the background and the lore was pretty vague to me (would have helped if i would have been able to rewatch the intro sequence probably). I think the the question what we (the custodians) are and why we "fight" against each other would be a…
  • Oh, a new one! Well not even gonna bother with debunking this argumentative harakiri lol (its basically the same as the other two tried to pull anyways) , but you kindly ignored the passages where i mention the conditions under which - and why - i would start doing what i ask for (which i did at several other places in…
  • I am not going to fence the same strawman a third time, and you can keep your ad hominems for yourself... i see that you cant hold up to an argument, so why bother. I just hope people like you dont bring the mods to close this thread before i finally got an answer to my question :)
  • So if you do that and make harvey optional, you would have to mark maps that have no harvey in the regular gamemode so people know what they are getting into (you probably need to make own categories for that). I dont even want to argue against that being difficult to realize ingame, or that that would "split" the…
  • Oh, a poll... First of, there is no "other"-option. Then, the only option that aligns with your proposition - that you got a lot of comments that wouldnt think harvey would be a detriment to "creativity" - even states that there is a limitation, but that it doesnt matter in the context of the necessity of harvey (which is…
  • Well yea, perception is subjective, you were the one insinuating that its a knowledge issue that leads to "ineffectiveness" and needs to be fixed by "learning"... but whatever. "Allmost all of them" left accolades? See, there is one of the problems. Also fyi: you dont get materials from accolades. So speedrunners that cant…
  • While i like that idea, there needs to be some decay over time, otherwise ugly low-effort concrete stuff, that people might not even attempt after seeing the preview pic, will clog up the pool of active bases forever.
  • Sigh. Its NOT the issue that i wouldnt know how to do that (even without "killboxes" or piston stuff). Its the issue that stuff like that has - in my opinion - no place in, say for example a "normal" rated base that is tailored for a newbie experience. And that still would be "plagued" by speedrunners (and was in beta).…
  • I dont think anyone of the "maker has to complete his map"-fraction would be satisfied if you were allowed to do that in the friggin testing mode that the build mode offers... But ok, lets assume we would have to rerun it in regular mode as any raider, but then only if you ad more than 450 blocks. I could just leave an…
  • You are allowed to your opinion, as i am allowed to mine... i had a lot of discussions here (and elsewhere) already though to know that i am not alone with mine (as i know you are not alone with yours). Would be nice if youd respect that as well :) So FYI: The ease of speedrunning cause of certain game mechanics (and lack…
  • Yea i saw something about that in the interface but didnt really understand it (...), and all my outposts got enough points to actualy prestige so i never had to use it. So its like just a refill of the genemat that you pay for without gaining prestigelevel and extra capacity? That opens up a whole lot of new questions and…
  • "I'll try and put a lot of thought into this" Yes you did! Great feedback, and i agree with evertyhing actually. Want to emphasize the follow your builder and sprayer emotes idea, that would be super cool. Also it should really be made easier for raiders to find bases that support their playstyle.
  • I agree with nearly all of that but didnt really understandd your alternative prestige suggestion... can you explain a bit more? "Allow Players to buy as many Burial Site slots as they want, but only allow 3-5 sites to be Active at any given time." This is already the case (you can have up to 200 burial sites but only 5…
  • Thats why i was thinking of a door you can open only from one side, without doggy door or catflap or what its called - you would still need a path that harvey can pass as well to reach the backside of the door (which would lead through a part of the outpost you have to fight through as raider first). But yea, that would…
  • I was just thinking about that as well. We dont even need doors with keys or switches, and there needs not to be a catflap, it would be enough if the door could only be opened from one side - this way the builders amongst us that want to build some more complex levels (and dont necessarily care for kills/to annoy people)…
  • They could get my other/new bases though. I am thinking about this cause i (probably) dont want to systematically buld up all my ouposts against the speedrunners that dont or barely enagage with traps/guards at all, and they would be bad for my statistics :D If i dont get good tools against that, and dont want to build…
  • I dont think it will be 60$. I expect low(er) price and then additional monetization with cosmetics, but thats an assumption as well ofc.
  • While i like the idea in general, the modifiers would have to be super carefully chosen and balanced, and (at least some of them) should come with a downside for raiders as well when fullfilled probably (which would make the whole thing really interesting imo). With the stuff you suggested you make the outpost basically…
  • If the system works as intended and i understand it right leaving it without accolades and abandoning it should actually work like a "downvote" already anyways. And yea, the skillgap between players is high and what is near an exploit for some might be ingenius in the eyes of others. Still, if the system works the…
  • Since im developing into the forum-clown that posts in near every thread that pops up i thought i might as well introduce myself xD I am a middle aged dude in early retirement (medical reasons) that games his whole life already. I played shooters mostly in my tweens (back then Return to castle wolfenstein and RTCW: Enemy…
  • In the steamforums is a discussion regarding this, and someone suggested to let building blocks just cost capacity if they have a LOS to the harvester path, a guards path, or a trap. That would be a pretty smart solution imo, cause just the "functional hull" would have to be paid for and all the rest would be purely…
  • Yea i dont really think that the shield is the problem, and i dont think there should be stuff thats able to penetrate it. Its just problematic in conjunction with most traps being so slow that you cant get fast moving targets with them - You can set up "semi-spammy" passages that can catch those if they mess up, but ye,…
  • Good idea. Tbh i havent really looked at the social raid thingy so dont really know what is there already, but there definetly should at least be options that let you sort or filter the list for the different accolades and amount of them. Also date of publishing, prestige level and the like. You definetly are right that…
  • The thing that worked pretty well for me in the end was combos of dart traps with hunter on the way out (2nd wave). Basically put dart traps ahead for them to use shield or move out of the way and then have more dart traps covering where they can actually move/have them ahead and behind so they can only deflect one. People…
  • Thank you for clarifying. So speedrunning aka ignoring the content in the game is even the fastes way to progress it seems? Makes sense... not. As said i didnt raid and only build, dont really rememeber but i think i reached chimeralvl 40ish by that, and i played a TON. Didnt feel slow after all though, but if raiding…
  • Agreed that balance will be difficult and take time. And yea, the difficulty system is unreliable at best, also there are people minmaxing deathtraps to still be rated as normal, something has to be done about that for sure. FYI: You were able to abandon outposts to get a new one in that difficulty for that resource.
  • While i agree, thats true for raiding as well though imo: W-holding and/or speedrunning with grapple/shield is low effort and/or spammy. So give builders better tools to counter that as well.
  • I might be wrong (i only raided in the beginning of the beta and then only build actually), but isnt the genemat coming from the objective alone and the traps and guards mostly drop parts and synthite? Also yea, there is a relation between annoying builds and rushing, thats exactly the problem i see...
  • Well, what you call "balance" here leads to the problems discussed a bit more extensive in this thread: If that is what the game is supposed to be, i am not sure it will survive - cause it means…
  • You could abandon outposts on the list to remove them and get a new one for that genemat/advisor, but no function to reroll the whole list. Also if you encountered such outposts you could block the builder, i guess that would have removed them as well?
  • I mean we have the replays and the reports for the outposts, that pretty much is the activity of other players, but yea, more stuff like that would be cool. Leaderboards or just global stats (if only for the player himself) would be cool, and yea i would like to see more abilities to interact between raiders and builders,…
  • That would help letting them die sooner (although tbh i didnt *really* understand the prestige mechanic and its prerequisites) but wouldnt prevent them popping up in the first place. If most people tend to such a "meta" they would still be prevalent. Also people would probably be pissed if their outposts would be dead…
  • I think the edit function ate your comment at some point, i saw it and then it vanished somehow, now its back lol. Anyways, it made me think of a suggestion you mention here, light barrieres and pressure plates.
  • Yes, a hidden trap could be everywhere, and if its not directly at the genemat it will activate even with a longer cooldown till the raider approached. I am just thinking that being able to place deco on traps would make 2nd wave trapspam around the genemat worse... And on the contrary i would really like to be able to…
  • Hmmm.... these are good suggestions, but i dont know if that wouldnt end in a buildup-spiral of people trying to counter that again with low effort/cheese. Especially with single use items, what prevents builders to try and lure them out of a raider with a killbox to then have the same killbox again (although that would be…
  • If they do that, it would have to add longer delay to trap activation upon triggering 2nd wave (for traps placed together with deco). I build pretty minimalistic outposts, focussing more on structure/architecture than decorations, just used some lights here and there to accentuate something or point the way. And it was...…
  • I didnt see a lot of duos abusing a "send one ahead to trigger strategy", also its somewhat easily countered with some strategic placed guards or multi-use-traps (the one that runs ahead usually doesnt engage with them). While its true that solos usually net a lot of kills, i read somewhere (steam forum i think) that as…
  • Removing the grapple is no option imo, its too cool and makes the playstyle of MyM so unique i think (at least if you have a map where you can actually use it really). While watching replays with a friend (that didnt play himself) and talking about speedrunning, he suggested to maybe give it limited charges with a cooldown…
  • Someone else suggested that, but wouldnt some limitation of a certain amount of capacity of traps/guards in any given volume of an outpost counter such builds? I have no idea how you would balance that or if its even feasible programming wise, but that seems like something that would bring people to intelligent placement…
  • Is glas-spam really that bad? I build some glass-palast-outposts basically cause i like the aesthetics and the overall feel of the level then, didnt know thats an issue... (nevermind watched the vid, thats not what i did lol) Otherwise great feedback, cant really relate to the building-experience part though (except the…
  • I agree with you, with two exceptions: The shield is a too strong game mechanic to overcome difficult situations (or maybe just the cooldown is too short). And yea, it is possible to build things that are difficult or deadly to speed through, but that is nothing i really want to have in my base cause it is annoying for the…
  • Yea i suggested that as well, would be super cool if accolades of outposts would be shown in the previews. Maybe even the killrate, although that might scare people away lol (It was also me that suggested accolades should give more prestige/enable to lvl outposts higher/faster than kills btw :D). And yea, i was always…
  • Funny thing is: I would say that like 30% of the raiders i see kill harvey themselves at the start lol. On the replays i watch, if they dont kill harvey themselves, raiders either go that fast that they leave him behind, or are so careful and slow that they lose harvey out of sight. Either way, i still get my kills out of…
  • My hope is that the accolade/prestige system will help weed out the really frustrating/cheese maps. Also there is a report function. People are different, also the skillgap between players is rather large, and what is frustrating for some is a breeze for others. I have some people completing my maps deathless (without…