Old replays popping up
I just had a replay in my list that was from an old oupost, pre-prestige-ing and upgrading it (so probably sometimes from yesterday), with actual date and time though... dunnow if it helps but here is a screen from that replay (cant report replays from raids on my outpost btw, just my own raids, no idea if thats…
Can i block players from my bases as builder?
Title. Ik that raiders can block builders to not get their outposts anymore, but reading on steam forum people are talking about that it works the other way around as well? How?
Burial site "reset"?
So there is a lot of discussion around that its hard to get a burial site that fits the plan for an outpost you have in mind cause of the random nature of the generation of baserock/genemat/tombs, and a lot of discussion about people not wanting their outposts to "die out of age" cause of the decay/prestige system. Wouldnt…
Beta-wrapup dev-vod?
Hey, im sure (or rather hope) you gonna deliver us a lot of teasers and other stuff in the upcoming weeks till release, but what i would really like to see would be a vid where you talk about YOUR takeaways from the beta(s) and how it will influence the final release. Can even pick up some often given feedback or requested…
Extend the beta please! (till release in best case :D)
Seriously, your game is like... worse than a really bad drug for me, you got me hooked and addicted, you cant take that away from me again lol Well yea, joking to some extend, but really: Ty for this amazing game and the opportunity to play it during this beta. really looking forward to release and will buy/preorder as…
Can someone explain the point of speedrunning in this game to me?
I know, fun is subjective and all, but.. Traps are easily dodged/avoided if you have some reactions and awareness anyways (i see that all the time in my replays, the skilllevel of people clearing a base is actually way higher than that of a speedrunner) They use a cheese item (the shield) for situations where they mess…
Light barriers and/or pressure plates
So thinking about ways to solve the cheese-base vs. w-holders and speedrunners issue discussed in other threads rn i thought about light barriers and pressure plates. Could be a placeable for builders and linked with 1 maybe 2-x traps, or alarms to trigger guards, and could be upgradable. Super expensive capacity wise and…
QOL suggestions and wishlist :)
Hi! First of all: Great game, really enjoying the graphics/UI, atmosphere and gameplay so far. Played quite a bit, more on the building side though probably (i am a tad older and raiding is pretty stressfull for me lol). Enjoying watching the replays a lot though, especially how artistic and fast others can act in my...…
Cannonback-armour too strong?
I started building cannonbacks into some of my outposts, and i realized that their armour seems to be way, way more effective against melee than the armours of enforcers or warmongers for example, or their weak spot too small/hidden. I mean its hilarious to see people slashing them 5-6 times before they blow up, and i see…
Social outposts deactivated
So i set some ouposts to social, and they were shown in the search and had the social sign in the build tab on the command center. Now i loaded into them again to make few cosmetic changes, and just escaped-x-ed my way out again. They seem to have defaultet back to "inactive", and i cant seem to set them to social at all…
Some of my funnier outposts on social for you to raid :)
Edit: put them back into my active rotation, seems here was no interest anyways. Since beta is ending (and i just found out you CAN put outposts social outside of the active outpost limit!) i put some of my funnier/fancier things on social... enjoy! Disclaimer: I might have done one or two things against speedrunners, but…
We need an ingame messaging system
Some people seem to really enjoy my maps and i really enjoy watching the replays of them, i would like to message them and doing that by contacting them over steam is not easy/tedious. Also this would increase and improve interaction and community building. Must not be textmessage necessarily, but if you had the option to…
Another replay-list bug
Only when i filter for succeeded and failed raids i am able to see entries, not when i select "all raids" or "unwatched" Edit: Relogging fixed that
So how does prestige work?
Hi! Maybe someone can shed some insight on what prestige does, what the levels bring, what champion outposts are and how a base becomes one etc.? I just discovered the tab to level my outposts (prematurely) some hours ago and did it with two, but not really sure what that actually means lol.
Discrepancy in deathcount between build-overview and mode
I have 15 deathcounts on an outpost for a while now that are persistent in the build-overview but not displayed when loading the build mode Build-overview before clearing the kills: In build-mode: Build-overview after clering all kills (did minor changes thats why the capacity is lower): Lmk if you need more informations…
Killcount + accolade without raid attempt
See picture, didnt have a replay either
Capacity bug
I build a 3k outpost and filled it to the brim. In the build-overview at the command center it never schowed the filled capacity though but some lower value (See picture 2 which was taken later though). I leveld the prestige of that outpost and got +175, but the total in build-mode suddenly dropped to the lower value shown…
More info about outpost stats/accolades
Would be super cool if the preview of an outpost would display things like prestige, killrate and accolades, might clog the UI though. Also would be cool if a builder could see the accolades he gets at the end of a replay.
Overlapping alert-signals
On the command center, getting that now and then (probably cause i have depleted/inactive outposts?). Super minor, but hey :D
Replay-menue bug (duplication)
Have a lot of replays right now and trying to scroll through them bumps me back to the beginning of the list and duplicates entries in the display. Can make that till one entry fills near whole list (closing and reopening removes the display error but the bug persists and reproduces when i open it again):
Abnormal high competetive points
Raided an outpost where harvey bugged out and couldnt proceed (reported that ingame) and got an insane amount of competetive points for that... see pics (somehow extraction report i got after finishing that outpost was bugged as well?) Yall have to call me master now! :D
Exact start-time of open beta?
Hi, i am a bit confused about when the open beta starts exactly. On steam it says feb 6th and will be kicked off by a one hour life stream at 11am EST - which would be 5 pm in my timezone. Countdown on meetyourmakergame.com runs out at 2 am on feb 7th for me though... which would still be feb 6th, but 8 pm, in EST. Any1…